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Do you think Black Lightning has a true addiction to his powers?



No and I thought it was weird that they even brought up that possibility.


I voted no, but maybe he was obsessed with fixing the city, not necessarily his powers, which drove him to having to quit. Also, this show is amazing

Sabino Juarez

I don’t think he’s addicted to his powers so much as he has an extremely powerful drive to pursue evil and that it causes him to push away those close to him


I am wondering if his (ex)wife is actually responsible for giving him his powers. With all the talk of her being a neuro scientist


Also he's addicted but to fixing things not his powers.

I Am Groot

He might be addicted with fighting crime, but I don't his superpower actually addicts him. Either way I think it's very interesting

Ian Vega

Like a lot of people are saying, not to the powers, but to fighting crime. It's kind of in the same way as Batman. And it's interesting to see the surges going on early in this episode. Like they're showing what happens when his body is getting used to using those powers again, after keeping them confined for so long.


No i just think his body is older and its a harder toll on his body so he needs his powers to kinda kill his pain. I think its what the whole can barely get out of bed scene was for.


no i just think he wants to do some good to help peoplr and bring them hope


I thought, in the beginning of the episode, he was using his powers to either nullify the pain or maybe even speed up his cellular regeneration. Healing internal injuries he may have suffered.


I can understand why his neuroscientist ex-wife may think he had developed an addiction, but I don’t think that’s the case based on him giving up the mantle for 9 years with out a problem until the 100 took things too far.


I think the problems he has is brought about by using them. But, I also think his use of said powers is to protect that which he loves. Even if it kills him. My question would be what is pushing her into making him stop using his powers? besides keeping him from going through such pain, could someone have gotten to her, & blackmailed her?


If he can go 9 years without wanting to use his powers, then i dont believe its an addiction. He is returning to help everyone else that he can now.


From what I gather his powers are tied very heavily to his emotions, so they're almost instinctual, I think that his ex-wife is just being kinda selfish personally, however I don't believe Gambi is fully right either, a good balance between his personal life (personified by his ex-wife), and his super hero life (personified by Gambi) would be the best outcome in my opinion.


I think he does. The way the lightning was moving through his veins in that one scene made it look like a drug.

Andrew Courtney

That first scene had me thinking maybe he did. But I couldn’t tell if maybe his back was just killing him and he used his lightning as a TENS Unit. Or if he truly just needed to feel the Lightning corse through his veins.


I don’t think he is addicted to his powers but he is addicted to the feeling he gets from what he is able to accomplish with his powers. Also I don’t think he kills everyone he uses his powers on, but more uses the electricity to control the electrical particles in the air to hold people up or push them down. But as never reading the comics this is just my thoughts on the two episodes I’ve seen.


Also I watched married to the react and watching there reaction is great for the contrast for what the difference is in culture.

Doby Greg

I don't think it is a chemical thing but more of an excessive love and becoming a habit. The more he gets to use his power the more he loves the feeling and can't manage the determination to stop.


Yes ... the flawed hero is a common trope.


Good point on The Bat Man. I remember a comic from somewhere around the 80s where someone invented a device where pleasure caused physical pain. It was used on Batman, and hurting criminals started causing him massive pain because he enjoyed bashing criminals so much. I actually didn't understand it when I read it as a kid; I couldn't figure out why beating on crooks was causing pain.


I kinda think it is like an addiction for him, as we saw with his daughter during the robbery she seemed like she was on a high after using her powers

Jeff Knapp

I thought he was healing himself with the electricity. Also Tobias reminds me of Kingpin in Daredevil.

Seany McBuckets

I think he is addicted to truth, justice, and the American way!!

Seany McBuckets

I'm interested in the fact that they mentioned other cities have their own superheroes. Is he kind of a rogue hero on his own, do these heroes have some sort of league, and does he know any of them?


He quit using his powers for 9 years, plus i think his daughters headaches are a reaction to not using her powers. Maybe they will kill her if she doesnt use them.

Ryan Gordy

I didn't even think about it until my second watch of the pilot, but when Jefferson gets pulled over at the beginning of the episode, the daughter who is doing the narration says "in the rain, with thunder and lightning as witness, Black Lightning was born again." In the comics his daughters are the heroes Thunder and Lightning. So Thunder and Lightning literally and figuratively witnessed the rebirth of Black Lightning.

Ryan Gordy

Also La-La's two underlings looked like Pharrell clones


From a practical standpoint, I don't see how the show could work if the hero was addicted to his powers.

Blackest Hippy

They better not give this black man an addiction problem lol


I voted no but it shouldn't matter if he is addicted, he has a great power and a great responsibility to use that power


i dont think its an addiction, i just think its just him not using it for 9 years.


I think that many people in his position could easily become addicted to their powers. The heavy reliance on something that obviously affects his body and mind in some way is pretty close to the way that people become addicted to prescription pain killers. I would also argue that the producers wanted it to look like a drug coursing through his veins in that first scene to at least plant that seed of information.


I think over time it'll show him become more aggressive and violent due to his volatge consumption rising. (If thats how his powers work, that is)

Jamie Smith

No. He feels the need to use it because he sees it as a gift and wants to help others. I don’t think he is but he’s probs more addictive to saving people than using his powers


I don't think it's an addiction to the powers but to helping people


No, I don't think so, it sounds more like something a jealous scared wife made up.


I think that she made a leap between his use of his powers and his need to help people as an addiction, because no matter how hurt he got he still kept using them to help. Which is similar to an addict and her being a scientist it was probably the most realistic option to her .


No. If so, than it's dumb. HUNTER X HUNTER!