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What did you think about the reveal/ identity of Savitar? Sound off in the comments below!


Andrew Courtney

I was pretty sure it was Barry, but to actually see it I still enjoyed it. Hopefully we will get backstory about what has turned him into this version of himself that would try to adjust his past so drastically, besides creating himself which seems like a strange paradox that maybe just exist because of flashpoint. Now whose the villain, Flash. Now whose the villain!!


We all saw it coming. But the progression to Barry's realization was satisfying to watch.


We all kind of thought that it would be a future Barry, now I just wonder how he defeats himself. I guess finding out what made the future Barry become Savoyard and making sure that never happens to himself.


I have so many question!! I need answers!! they better explain why would future barry wants to kill Iris


many people guessed it but I liked the way they revealed it. It was the only part of the episode I liked.


It doesn't make sense where are the time wraiths where is black flash. Savitar's own interference with the time line should have caused him to be erased.


I think it's definitely an interesting twist. I'm interested to see how they explain it. I personally think it's not just future Barry, but it's what would've happened if Barry never fixed flashpoint


I don't think its future flash from Barry's timeline either. I think its Flash from another Earth or another timeline

Kevin Bartelen

I did call it as soon as Killer Frost said "You two are more alike than you think"


who wants to hear a theory that links to the comics?


I thought it was Wally for a nice long while but I kept thinking about the "I am the future Flash" bc it would be possible for Savitar not to be addressing Barry but actually saying who he was, which turned out to be right. Currently, I'm thinking this Barry is either a time remnant or the result of whatever happens in that newspaper article Iris was supposed to write. "Flash missing, vanishes in crisis" He could have come back 100% different but I may be thinking too deeply about this. Seems like a storyline for a later season maybe but it's what started this whole thing. Although that would bring in a whole lot more Speed Force ex machina bc plot holes


He started to become his own enemy beginning when Iris died, he broke then and started to spiral into a hate for himself for all the problems and mistakes he made and the people that died because of him and that version of Barry blamed it all on becoming the Flash. If Barry never became the Flash his parents and friends and Iris would be alive. So he decides to destroy it all by killing either Barry or the people around him, which results in Barry becoming Savitar and it repeats. But the thing that changed this time is that Barry found out who Savitar was and maybe his motivations a bit, so if he saves Iris from dying and rescues Katlyn, Savitar will no longer exist. Pretty much future Barry is solidifying his future by breaking past Barry.

Darth Kal-El (Cory Weston)

Loved it. Also to try and help with some of your questions remember Flashpoint. Savitar didn't happened until after Barry created Flashpoint. Savitar and Barry being Savitar is a direct result of Flashpoint. Remember in the Pre-Flashpoint timeline Iris wrote the Flash Missing article in 2024. In the Post-Flashpoint Timeline she didn't because Savitar killed her in 2017. And the reason Savitar kills her is to ensure his own creation. Iris lives = no Savitar. Iris Dies = Savitar's creation.


About that whole paradox thing that Aaron was trying to make sense of, we must remember that most of the show (aside from Eddie killing himself to erase Eobard Thawne) works on multiverse theory. Savitar originated from some older version of Barry, came back to kill Iris and got trapped in the Speed Force in 2020 (that's his original timeline). Then he escaped and appeared earlier than the first time, creating an alternate timeline which is the one we have been watching since Flashpoint ended. It's still pretty mindfuck-ish, but it makes a little more sense.

Darth Kal-El (Cory Weston)

Also Saviar didn't come into being until after Flashpoint. Savitar is a direct result of Flashpoint. Pre-Flashpoint Iris is alive in 2024. No Savitar. Post Flashpoint Iris dies in 2017 Barry becomes Savitar at some point in the future. (Speedsters in the comics can age slower or faster Barry for instance in most continuities has aged slower while Wally has aged faster) so this Savitar Barry could be from the far future. But Savitar didn't exist until after Flashpoint. Barry only becomes Savitar because he loses Iris then Barry as Savitar to ensure his own creation kills Iris.


This is so CONFUSING I NEED answers


I loved the reveal. With Barry putting the pieces together thanks to what joe said to him. The fact that it's a future version of Barry himself will be interesting and to learn why he became savitar and wants to kill iris., it being Barry also probably explains wallys state in the future.


I'm on the fence. I'll need more info.


It fits the theme of barry being his own villain. "NOW WHO'S THE VILLAIN FLASH, NOW WHO'S THE VILLAIN"!


I kind of have a Love/Hate relationship with this reveal. I just hope they have a VERY good explanation for it. My brain hurts just trying to figure it out myself. Also. Anybody else getting an old Power Rangers villian vibe from Savitars suit XD


It was Ezra Miller Flash that put Savitar in the speedforce


I like it, but the mystery dragged on way longer then it needed too. Imagine if Savitar revealed who he was as soon as he got out of the Speed Force. Barry, Joe, and Iris would all have to deal with the fact that Barry just trapped Wally and was planning to kill Iris. Now if Barry broke up with Iris then because he thought he would kill her it would make more sense than the b.s. excuse they gave us.


I love it, they took the comic book route! <a href="https://speedforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/flash32.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://speedforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/flash32.jpg</a>

Anthony Wickizer

I don't like it, but only because of the way the story was delivered. Flash has used the same exact premise every season. Evil Speedster with a shocking mystery identity. I think Savitar should have been revealed earlier so the mystery was how Barry became this way. Because I love the idea of a future Barry becoming Evil. And while I am sure we will get some of it in the coming eps, it would have been great to see an evil Barry.


Damn it Curtis, oh sorry wrong show. I like it, I originally thought it was a future Barry, but fan theories changed my mind due to the fact only HR called Wally, Wallace. Can't wait to see how they explain it! Definitely think a time remnant is involved though!

Jordan Malloy

They should've made the reveal earlier. The season's almost over. They should've reveal during the midseason finale. It also just seems so convoluted.

Anthony Wickizer

Plus, if Evil Barry revealed himself so easily, why was it secret in the first place? Need to rewatch the episodes, but wouldn't it have been easier to pretend to be a good Barry and manipulate the team to do what he wants so he can "get back to the future" But then they already did that with the previous villains :p


It's cool that it's a future Barry, but they should probably stop with the "who's the bad guy and it being someone we know" it's getting too repetitive in that aspect and it loses its dramatic touch, especially when most people figure it out over half a season before they reveal it.


I've always wanted Barry to eventually be a awesome bad ass villain and I knew eventually CW would be able to fulfill my dream and do it amazing!


I liked it because it gives us a lot of speculating to do and makes you think


I'm sorry savitar did nothing for me he still looks like a tree ornament. Zoom by far was the best deep voiced villain. But Barry's best nemesis is reverse flash. So gotta say hope season 4 has a better villain arc

Fajen Thygia

I'd have enjoyed it eight episodes ago.


It should've happened earlier, but it was still a good reveal, I unfortunately had it spoiled for me because a video in my youtube recommended home page had it in the title


Why Would berry kill Irus? No mater how you feel once you love awoman its for life. Berry knows that! But also life itself is tomuch of a blessing, Berry should know that as wel.

Jude Miller

That was pretty cool! Grant Gustin doesn't have a strong villain voice though :)


I think the plot hole that Savitar appears in ancient history can be solved by the fact that Barry can time travel, and built himself up as a god that way. Just an idea.

Robert Quill

Many people already predicted this several episodes ago. I just don't like the slow build up. Savitar in the comics was Barry's partner who was killing off speedsters and absorbing their powers in secret. The evil version of Barry that came from the future was a dark knight returns version of Barry that was extremely violent after enduring years of tragedy and anguish as the flash. He was travelling through time altering the heroic actions of the flash. Meanwhile the real Barry was trapped in the speed force.


That doesn't tell us how he gets evil,though and why the love of his life has to die. Yes, he wants to hurt his old self, But Wouldn't that just hurt him as well?


For once Barry is the fastest man alive


I think it was really well done. They left hints throughout the season so the reveal felt earned.


I'm a bit ambivalent about this, but I like it more than I hate it. It seems fitting that after so many villains Barry now has to fight himself. How did he become Savitar? Imagine if one day you find out that in the future you turn into a monster, someone who's so different than you imagined your future self to be like. That has to be the biggest mindfuck ever. I'm excited to see how Barry handles this and the effect the reveal will have on not just him but everyone else. Take Iris - she's eventually killed by a version of her fiancée! I bet the next episode will be heavy on the feels! I just had a thought! What if Barry becoming Savitar has something to do with that news headline about 'Flash vanishes in crisis'. That happened a few months after present Barry met emo Barry. So maybe that's when it happened somehow? Maybe the Flash-Barry disappeared for good at that moment only to show back up again as Savitar. What happened to him I can't figure out, but I'm sure we'll get some answers next episode.


Now who's the villian flash - reverse flash told us who savitar was in episode 1 of season 3 xD


i want a "i don't know " choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Like the story, love the reveal, absolutely HATE the build-up.

Marquez Mayes

I loved the reveal but kinda wish it didn't happen at the end

Anthia Grant

I loved Savitar's reveal, I just wish the writers didn't take so damn long to show us it's actually Barry. Now my question is (aside from the obvious being why Barry did what he did to start killing people), what would Iris think when she finds out it's her future husband's version of himself that comes back and kills her. Would that change how she feels about present Barry? That's a very awkward situation to be in


Pretty sure you're confusing comic storylines. The villain who was Barry's partner and killing speedsters was called 'Godspeed'. Savitar in the comics was an Unnamed Cold War Test Pilot for a Third World country who gained Super Speed after a Super Sonic Jet he was piloting was struck by lightning.


I!... knewit. lets hope that future future evil barry can pull of a villain without the suit. im looking forward to it but if he talks like he did as savitar in the suit but with his normal voice, than that can quicky become very cheese/cringy ^^ (think of a line from savitar in this season and imagine barry telling that to cisco or else - just like with hunter zolomon last season)


What's interesting about the past two flash villains is that they merge characters together from the comics, such as black flash/zoom and savitar/future Barry from new 52

Red Claw

There was no reveal that could have lived up to the Hype they created for that reveal. Otherwise I like that Savitar is Barry Allen.


i like it because it makes the reverse flash right. "Now whose the villain flash! Now whose the villain!"


I liked it because what greater mind fuck than finding out the reason y your love of your life dies... Is because of yourself

Toast Knight

The explanation will make or break this revelation, in my opinion, But I remain cautiously optimistic.


Honestly, I like it but only because I was tired of the whole "omg who is savitar" thing. It could literally have been me under the mask and I would still just be glad it's finally over. I think the HOW is way more important than the WHO this season anyway

Tina L

I liked it. Even though it was an obvious reveal, I like seeing actors expand their acting chops and play different versions of their characters. I am interested to see how Team Flash handles beating someone who knows them so well.

Depressed Duck Daddy

I quite liked it, partially because I'm glad it's not yet another new speedster (in that it's one we know of just from a different time). Also maybe just me but the way the episode handled Barry realising who Savitar was really reminded me of the KOTOR realisation about the PC's real identity.


I did not see that coming, I thought it was going to be Joe! Loved it!


While somw theories are sound, the only logical explanation is Barry. Wally would've had no idea who either Ronnie or Eddie was. Joe doesn't have powers, and how would Ronnie switch powers?

Teddy S

Ah man so nice to be right for once. I made up my mind Barry being Savitar when they were talking to him through Julian. It's kind of poetic together with the Flashpoint. So sweet.


I was hoping it wasn't the obvious going into this episode. Would've preferred it to be someone we may have not known but was still someone that could've been important. Like maybe a family member of someone we haven't known about or something like that.


Question for the beginning of next week's video: What do you guys think of the physical Savitar suit so far? Do you prefer it to the CGI look they went with for the first half of the season?


Obviously I need more info to fully appreciate it. But so far I like it, it wasn't shocking to me as a viewer, but I think it will be appropriately shocking for all the characters and I'm excited to see how they react to evil Barry.


I really loved the reveal and while I can see why people wish it was revealed earlier I think that would have taken away from the reveal at least to me personally. I feel like it will be explained in a good way but I think it's just a case of a bootstrap paradox in which Savitar appears to exist from nowhere possibly because of an event that was created by Flashpoint and this paradox was then created. I actually really like this paradox so if it was the case I would be really happy. Awesome reaction. :-) &lt;3


I didn't mind the reveal but it was pretty obvious that Savitar was Barry. I think it would've been more interesting if it was Wally instead.


Still wish it was the Grodd of speed.

Mimi M

Barry being savjtar is more interesting than Eddie or Julien. The reveal was not shocking. It just left me with more questions about the timeline. AM SO CONFUSED.


Even though I think it was the "obvious" choice, the way it was revealed was very cool and I want to know how it happened and why he looks the way he does!!

Kali Mbata

Now this is just my 11th hour tin foil theory, but what if Savitar ISN'T Future Barry, but a temporal entity that just THINKS it's Barry? It reminds me alot of a DC villain called the Time Trapper who's taken the identities of several DC heroes and villains


Cool way to reveal and I hope they provide sufficient reasoning for why he kills Iris. I don't currently see what would turn him that bad.


Makes perfect sense now.. I feel stupid :D


I think it was a prefect twist it brings up more questions than it answer which is a hood reveal


If it wasn't dragged out the whole season I wouldn't have minded.

Red Claw

There's one way all this can make it worthwhile. If Thawn made himself into Reverse Flash and killed Barrys Mom, because he saw it as the only way he could stop all the evil Savitar had done, it would make Reverse Flash the Hero in the End. Even in Doomworld he was the nicest of the three by stopping global warming and such.


I thought it was a bad idea


Really good episode loved it