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Hey all!

Sorry I'm notifying mid-week when normally I like to do Monday, but schedule's been nuts and was hard to figure out the day I could pull this off! But it's absolutely time for the HALLOWEEN HORROR MOVIE TWITCH MARATHON!!! YAY!!!!!

The marathon will start this Friday 10/20 at 1050am pacific time and as always will be at https://www.twitch.tv/filmcrithulk

Onto the lineup!!!


1050am - Brief Pre-Show!

1100 - The Innocents (1961) - Let's star things off with one of the rad actually scary classic films! The less you know the better!

1245pm - Sisters (1972) - Can't do Halloween without a De Palma entry! This is one of his earliest films and still one of my favorites, the thing that absolutely cements his reputation as the new "Hippie Hitchcock." Can't wait to watch with a crowd.

220pm - The Faculty (1998) - A perfect late 90's artifact that I love watching more as a time capsule. You will not believe how many random people are in this movie. Also some great bad haircuts.

405pm - Ravenous (1999) - I'm so excited because this nasty little movie is so underseen and it ruuuuuuuuuuuules. Guy Pearce is a soldier in the 1800's who ends up at Fort Spencer... things do not go according to plan. Hilarity ensues. If you've never seen definitely try to make it a prirority!

550pm - Jennifer's Body (2009) - One of those movies that got swept up in a shit load of weirdly sexist against Megan Fox takes and I feel like my generation of critics instantly was like NO THIS IS A CLASSIC and fought for it's cult status from the get go. Which it more than deserves. Karyn Kusama's film is funny, sad, aggressive, and incredibly thoughtful on a thematic level.

735pm - Suspiria (1977) - Time to put another stone cold classic into the prime time slot. We watched Deep Red last year and what else can we do but put in the original Suspiria? The film has everything. The most gorgeous cinematography, haunting imagery, one of the greatest scores of all time, and the great Jessica Harper in the lead. All out perfection.

915pm - 28 Days Later (2002) - We can only follow it up with one of my favorite movies ever, let alone Horror films. It gave the world fast zombies, but really it gave the world a straight up classic. You also have to understand that the zombie movie was DEAD when this came out and it, ya know, arose it. There's a reason it was so damn influential.

1105pm - Possession (1981) - Welp, time for the messed up movie that actually scares me! Which means it's time to finally show this incredibly messed up, heartbreaking, hypnotic, slow burn masterpiece from the 80s that just... well... CW across the board, but not like in a pulpy way I just...  yeah, we're really doing this!

110am - Secret Screening #1 - Let's lighten the mood!

3am - Secret Screening #2 - Let's shoot the mood into the sun





Secrets were GREMLINS 2 and DEAD ALIVE (BREAINDEAD) had to lighten the mood after Possession haha


Glad I got to be there for The Innocents and Sisters, and to lurk for Suspiria and 28 Days Later! In the future, would it be possible to have subtitles on more of the English-language movies, for accessibility? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had difficulty.