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So there's a quote going around that should make your blood boil...

The thing is that my blood has been boiling since day one.

I didn’t post anything early on during the strike, not out of lack of desire. I thought about doing some stuff, some interviews and the like, but morale is an important thing and I was worried about just being a doom and gloomer. I just knew how ugly everything was going to get. Partially because I remember a lot about last time. I had been out here a few years and was working in marketing at a cable company and I remember the stone cold nature that the finance people at the tippy-top were like “no, this is good” because ultimately it allowed them to throw out a bunch of bad contracts and what they saved on those was ultimately more than whatever they gave up (this is a simplification, but most of what was fought for they found ways around anyway). They just didn't care. It was all a mild annoyance to them. Because there’s a nexus of brutality to it all. Especially because I watched as the WGA leadership made such a huge error because they were obsessed with “real TV” being “put online” and getting a cut of that and failed to see how they’d all be “online writers” within a matter of years anyway. They didn’t see what Netflix was about to do. They didn’t see the big play. But it was hard to press those things because it all got very, very ugly and the networks already found the “solve” in reality TV, etc. And it’s basically the problem of combatting a system that is there to break you down. Because here’s the whole thing about that quote.

They don’t care if you call them evil. They don’t care if you call them hypocrites, cruel, or unfair. In fact, it is THEIR JOB to say things like this because it’s all about proving to their respective boards that they will do everything in their power to hurt the labor force, make those deeply unfair contracts, and keep the labor groveling, all to maximize profit. This is the goal. And it's why labor fights are so ugly. But there are so many things that need to be fought for in that “online” space. Residuals. Health plans. Protections. Guild Contributions. Set time. ZERO A.I. Literally, no toe even in the door with that shit (for so many reasons, but yes, it's their new big play),. I could say a million more things, but I also second guess a lot of my thoughts with this stuff, too. Especially when there’s people who are so much smarter about this stuff than me and on the front lines of the communication. All I can say is that as a viewer, remember that “they’re coming for every second of your time.” And they want to pay the people who make the things zero dollars and want to take every dime, debt, and doubt you have in your head about whether or not they should. And now they’re getting the feds involved with SAG-AFTRA so they can let the writers languish longer.

Fuck em.

C’mon SAG-AFTRA, don’t back down tonight.





the "necessary cruelty" goes hand in hand with the business interests. this is all a big power trip. the executives want to push the creatives out of this creative industry because they are incapable of sharing absolutely anything. they don't know or care about creating because they have only known taking, taking, taking. if you think about it long enough, your blood stops boiling and you just feel profound sadness.


I really wish people would see how closely this situation mirrors the situation in the rest of this sick country and join in solidarity. The owner class loathes all of us and strikes are basically the only way (or at least the best way) to check their power. Voting for mediocre Democrats every 4 years isn't near enough (though don't get me wrong, we have to keep doing that while pushing for better ones to choose from). I hope these unions stay strong and show everyone else the path.


Fuck. Them.


Please go off on this more, Hulk!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 This is clearly an intimidation tactic by the AMPTP.


Aside from spreading the message, what’s the best thing consumers can do? Cancel all streaming services with a note that we’ll resubscribe if they play nice with their creators? Is there a writer’s rent fund with the WGA or something to help them help their members through?


Unionize your workplaces. Make it as standard a thinking as possible everywhere all the time always.

Tim 🦆

Fuck those guys.. But also I do not understand the anti-AI crusade. To my possibly naíve ears it seems questionable to try to fully preclude the use of new tools. Especially when critics often misunderstand what it is. I don't get why that's become such a big part of this

Jon Blain

Part of it is AI is nowhere near the capability to actually write, and won’t be for years, but also there’s the very real danger of studios using it to essentially go around guilds


It's not a tool in any way shape or form. It's the death knell. All talk of it as "a tool" is such a fundamental misunderstanding of what writing is, where it comes from, and why people connect to it. I apologize for being strident, but it gets to the essential heart of why each word is given in a piece of writing and what those choices mean. This doesn't even begin to cover the fact that all AI has massive inherent copyright issues given what it is fed in learning. But most of all, as Jon points out, it is literally going to be implemented in the interest of going around guilds. Marvel hiring AI art for the titles of SECRET INVASION is just the start of something very, very ugly. The whole goal is the elimination of the writer and then owning "an original idea" that is not that in any way shape or form and having writers "clean it up." I cannot help but scream without how much I am against it in every way.

Jon Blain

The way I like phrasing it is using AI would break an already broken system further.


Plainly calling a cruel and unnecessary evil "a cruel BUT NECESSARY evil" is such a... such... what the fuck? What fucking clowns.


Solidarity brother


Let writers have what's due to them. I ain't even mad that the industry is shutting down. My entertainment backlog (movies, TV, games) is big enough already. Could take years to get through all of it.


Remember thar there are STRIKE FUNDS and they need sharing! https://secure2.convio.net/afa/site/Donation2?df_id=2857&2857.donation=form1&mfc_pref=T&NONCE_TOKEN=00CE753DCDE9DBA56943CC16B90BDB00&fbclid=PAAaZ2Ud82K-wCLtKxktLYBVYyKvr3HJ52GSzfnxjY_33Q60WlKm0nyICluV8


It absolutely can be used for writing, the same way Bowie or some beat poets would cut up newspapers and rearrange them, or the same way you might use Tarot or another divination or randomization tool. The thing is… you still need a writer. What AI will never be able to do is produce minimally interesting writing, partly because we have no context within which to understand why the result exists and why it would have value. I fully understand why the strike wants what it wants, but I think negating it as a tool is just ignorant.


The difference is in newspaper / tarot you are making real, active, tactile choices with a clear, sourcible object whereas AI is a stealing approximation of things in the ether and what you're lifting as "randomized influence" may actually 100% be something specific, and the lack of knowledge of what that is IS a problem.

Jon Blain

And as someone with no self control, I’m just making mine bigger. Like I have two long lists of my backlog for TV and started neither.

Jon Blain

Like there was that case of a lawyer using ChatGPT and it making up cases because it did what the lawyer put into the algorithm and made stuff up.


I believe the preference is to have a strong agreement in favor of labor, but in the mean time I would love to crowdfund any passion projects that artists might have (which could maybe also pressure the industry?)