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Basically I'm bouncing between work and trying to time a column and be honest about when you like to read a Tears Of The Kingdom column in relationship to your own progress (basically I wanna see how far everyone is). 

Thanks for the help!



I was in a rush to beat it until I realized exactly how big of a task that was, and I kept finding pleasant surprises that pulled me away from the storyline quests. I'm taking my time with it now, even though I'm pouring so many hours into it


I’m almost done with the main story, but I’m finishing all the shrines and side quests before I finish. If you write something, I’d just hold off reading it until I’m done.


I haven’t even had time to download it yet


I'll be lucky to finish before FFXVI comes out at the end of next month.


I was one of those crazy people who 100%’d the first game (including all 900 korok seeds). I’ve probably put 50 hours into the game already and haven’t done a single story point yet. Take your time!

Mike St Louis

I need to start BOTW again. I started it a few times but never got hooked.


Considering how much time I spent enjoying myself just meandering in the starter area (I'm currently at Fire Temple), it really doesn't matter when your column shows up. I'll read it anyway.


Don’t own a Switch but just love hearing you talk about stuff. Release it when you feel it’s ready.


Excited to read but no rush as far as i'm concerned. It'll just go on my reading list until i finish the game in like 6 months.


Just finished the rito area…. After 20+ hours and finishing the maps lol, no rush necessary imo, I mean when is the next time a new Zelda will be out? Might as well enjoy it