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Hey all, 

First up, I'm working on a couple big columns. The first should be early next week and it's on the movies Spielberg has actually written and directed, of which there's only three: Close Encounters of the Third Kind, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, and the recently released The Fablemans (which I think is funny and sweet and infinitely more complex that it may seem). Also, the ANDOR finale drops next Wednesday and you KNOW I'm gonna have a big one by Thursday hopefully. Damn, that show is fantastic.

Also also! The other week I asked about where y'all at as twitter keeps turning into a hellfire, and so I had some updates (PS if ya never followed it's here https://twitter.com/FilmCritHULK) and my whole strategy is I'm going to throw myself into these environments and see what is the most fun / least stressful. Especially considering I live a "notification free" lifestyle by necessity.

First up, I started a Tik Tok which is incredibly silly, but I'm kind of having fun with it. It's nice to kinda sit around and try to think of dumb jokes. https://www.tiktok.com/@filmcrithulk 

Second up, I'm back on tumblr, which is kind of refreshing as hell. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/filmcrithulk-blog 

Third up, I joined mastodon! Which seems growing and stuff, but it's also kinda hard so feel free to drop your handle below if you feel like connecting w/ me or any of the folks on here? https://mstdn.social/@filmcrithulk 

Fourth up, I finally joined letterboxd. This is the one I had the most apprehension about because seeing people put up star ratings and arguing about star ratings is, like, my literal nightmare. Especially with people I actually know. So I will mostly be using it to log things and crack dumb jokes and enjoy other funny mini-reviews. https://letterboxd.com/filmcrithulkfr/ 

As I mentioned last time, I'm already on instagram which is mostly me posting and talking about food https://www.instagram.com/filmcrithulk/ 

And lastly, there's youtube, which we're actually pivoting and figure out how to make shorter essays because the giant hour long ones are just so time / cost prohibitive to do on the side if the algorithm doesn't catch them. But I'm so damn proud of those big ass five essays Landon and I did and there will be more stuff coming: https://www.youtube.com/@filmcrithulk1769 

Happy hunting.




well, gonna drop my mastodon handle as well, in case anyone wants the coldest of takes from me: @ruplayinggame@mstdn.social and my massively unupdated letterboxd - https://letterboxd.com/4leafclover/ which I might update from now on!


I am SO excited that you are on Letterboxd. I already have added some new films to my watchlist from your pinned films. Regarding YouTube, I would love to get short mini-takes or discussions about something specific you just saw. For example, the "Never more than 12". Would be fun to hear just a short 5 minute discussion about something like that.


Also, mini shout-out about https://www.serializd.com/ if you are on getting sucked into the world of logging everything :)