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It turns out, girls really like it when you're very mean to them, who'd have thought?



Can’t wait to try this on my girlfriend and get her to actually like me after 1 year !

Isaac Stevenson

Wow! My ex-wife must have been lesbian because she hated it when I told her how ugly she was


thats a bit gay

Isaac Stevenson

Hey look I love your guys videos, but wtf is up with making fun of lisps? I had one for 10 years of my life, it’s resulted in relentless bullying to the point it destroyed my self esteem. It came about from a tooth deformation I only recently got fixed, it’s no different to making fun of someone for being short. Something they can’t chance and have no control over? Come on boys you’re better than that


You're completely right, it was a lame, ableist joke. We got carried away with our dislike of this pickup artist that we tried to throw everything at him, without considering that we might be punching down. We'll do better in the future.

Isaac Stevenson

I wouldn’t go that far to call it ableist, it’s just a bit tasteless tbh. It’s okay tho I still love you lanky Australian bogans -I’m from the superior English speaking Australasian country with a North and South Island


Gay pickup artist when?

Zorana Gavrilović

I'm disappointed. Saw the email and thought to myself "please be softcore gay porn", but it's not


This may sound like a joke, but I can honestly say we're working on a softcore gay porn video right now.


lmao girls r so simple!!! why don’t all men listen to THIS ONE MAN instead of every woman ever????

Fake History Hunter

On a side note, if someone asked me for my number I wouldn't even be able to tell them. I can give them my parents phone number they had in the 1980s, but my number? No idea.


I put my number in at the end and immediately got a call from my long lost royal relatives in Nigeria


the number thing is so scary when men do, especially since nowadays a lot of them also calls you directly after putting it in to MAKE SURE you didn't give a fake number, which takes it to a whole new level. I always give my number when these type of men harass me because I know all too well what can happen if you refuse to. ONLY thing that might work is to state you already have a man because men respects other mens "property" more than they respect women.


Is the use of "lame" just before "ableist" intentional guys? lol

Ellie Shedden

People need to stop touching/filming random people in public, at least ask for consent first ffs. I don't think people realise how often women "let" men touch them and how hard (and in some cases dangerous) it can be to say no. Even if it seems harmless it is often incredibly uncomfortable, but the last thing you want to do is "make a big deal out of nothing."

Ellie Shedden

EXACTLY!! It's so annoying how normalised this type of harassment is, I mean entire channels dedicated to perfecting and teaching others how to do it. It's insane.

Ansley P.

I feel compelled to give y’all my number now

Ansley P.

My only hope is that some of the girls who did put a number in, put a fake one just to get rid of him


"punching down" as in punching someone shorter than you? Not cool lads SMH


Omg I almost gave you guys my number, but luckily I could resist by being half gay


The banana conversation between the pickup artist and some woman made me cringe so hard I almost had to turn it off. Please keep it coming!


1 (450) 555-6537

Shannon UwU

i really felt that collective jump scare at 9:27, that made my skin crawl


This is so hard to watch because you can see most of the girls trying to come up with an out from these interactions…


“Hey. Transaction? Give me your phone number.” Works every time, fellas.


I think we need to bring back throwing a drink in someone's face... harmless enough but embarrassing

One Full Time Equivalent

Um, you forgot to mention pedophilia in this video I think... What a waste of time!


This guy is making me way too uncomfortable. I'm taking a break for a bit.


Definition of a Glasshole right??? I assume those glasses are his camera.. This guy really sucks... Sooo bad..

Kelsey Cotton

Can we get a Boy Boy-approved pickup line Magic 8 ball when y’all start dropping merch? Alex can make the prototype on the IDAT channel.


I love you and I made us in sims together (we're expecting our second child)


As an American, I can confirm that shoes are required to go into any pool. The dogs must be caged.

Alexandria Voss

Omg the punch actually made me gasp 😅😅 Also my number 1300 6555 06


This!!! Thinking of that clip of a person with autism that gets touched by a random tiktoker in times square and ends up having a severe sensory overload reaction and to top it of then gets ridiculed for it by everyone watching the clip that also got uploaded without consent of the people in it. stop touching, filming, pranking, harassing strangers ffs


Alexa's hand at the end of the video looks like it's coming out of the screen. Kinda funny and scary at the same time.

Indy and bruno

Help I need to learn to read write


I think it also helps to say that gender is a social construct and when people are born female they get bullied into believing things that dont make any sense. Like they have to be worring about your appearance all the time .it sucks:(((


I like how people in Miami are either elderly gambling addicts or instagram/TikTok “people”

Emily Dahmer

Half of those numbers were fake


i truly truly hate this shit. pick up artist shit is the purist form of cringe for me.


you shouldn't punch your bf friend boy

Mazzy Raaymakers

A lot of those women were clearly very drunk and probably just went along with whatever was said to them without thinking. Sucks that women have to remember to keep their guards up even when just having fun with their friends.


Socialists want to take your wives and make you gay!!!! Take that liberals!!!


Wait can I ask a question?? Why is everyone suddenly hating on your Ukraine video and saying it aged badly?? I don’t get it I’m so confused. What did you say then that wasn’t true now? Do they not understand that you made that video around the time of the invasion?? And what really pisses me off is that people hating on the video literally refute your statements but then have nothing to refute or counter them with. You literally presented very much needed facts, historical context and nuance and all they can do is repeat western talking points? What? Now suddenly everyone is an expert on Eastern European history? People who literally couldn’t point out Ukraine on a map before this? I also hate how NATO is now seen as some kind of beacon of freedom and democracy. Wtf? Did everyone suddenly forget the disastrous exit of Afghanistan literally a couple months before the invasion?? Did everyone forget about Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc etc?? The harm NATO inflicted on those countries doesn’t matter or?? It gets me so mad because the defence of NATO is such a Eurocentric argument. It ignores NATO’s actions in imperial periphery counties and only focuses on Europe (excluding the Balkans ofc). It literally paints out that black and brown lives don’t matter. NATO has inflicted unspeakable damage to so many countries and that’s irrelevant. And NATO has also done literally nothing to ease or help the conflict and now all of a sudden they’re a liberal darling organisation again? And I promise last point, but why are people literally rewriting Ukrainian and Soviet history??😂 like to say Ukraine doesn’t have Nazis and never did is a mental thing to say. The proof is in the Canadian parliament literally giving a standing ovation to a literal Nazi. You can’t make this stuff up. Westerners really shouldn’t talk about Eastern Europe (or the east in general) because they literally have no idea what they’re talking about. It is also so convenient that the Soviet Union is being further tarnished with western news outlets saying that Putin ‘wants to bring back the Soviet Union’ (which is complete nonsense) trying to equate Putin and the Russian Federation to the Soviet Union. I’d get hated on for wearing a hammer and sickle when the hammer and sickle literally helped liberate my continent? Not only mine, but in Asia and Latin America also. And my point is we are the bad guys for pointing all of this out? And we’re the bad guys because we wanted diplomacy and not dead bodies?? Mental.

Cassandra M

Many, many years ago I was walking through a club with my friend when a guy grabbed her vulva as he was passing her and she threw a drink in his face. The asshole threw his back at her and she just slapped his face and he went to hit her but some guys grabbed him and security threw him out. I’m still behind your suggestion 100%. Girls just having fun with their friends celebrating getting married and a jerk like this trying to ruin it.

Cassandra M

Oh with jerks like this fake numbers all the time. Or they’ll never leave. I can’t imagine the nerve not talking to someone and they just hand you their phone. Says so much about them right there.

Cassandra M

If someone touches me I just move away from them. If they try again I’ll say don’t touch me please. Don’t let it happen. They’ll think you like them. If they get angry get your group to move to a different area. If he follows get security. And I tell every guy I talk to if a girl touches you first that’s a sign it’s ok. But don’t touch them without that nonverbal agreement. The first thing by moving away from their touch gives a message but doesn’t embarrass them. Same advice to the men if they don’t want to be touched.


you know shit is gonna get awful when you hear this astronaut song


Fuck this was hard to watch


Mann I struggled to watch this.


Physically repulsed, like gosh darn. How do you help these blokes?

Tortellini Fettuccine

Dude hasan made a video when the Ukraine stuff just started happening where he literally just said the usa played a part in this. That's all it took for him to be completely canceled. Americans are Americans, they're nationalistic puritanical consumers, that's it. Dosent matter their political views, they will always be nationalistic puritanical cogs, the historical propaganda is far beyond any level of retribution. Boy boy made the video and it was a hit, but less so now that more have seen it mostly being Americans, and them responding to any criticism of America with aggression like the propaganda in their heads trains them to do. They're like dogs except even more well trained because unlike a dog, if you die they won't eat you. That's a metaphor but what I mean is Americans will literally rather starve with their family than say steal some food from a multi billion dollar corporation. That's how brainwashed Americans are, and that's why people are hating on boy boy's video on Ukraine. Gravel institute made a video on Ukraine explaining the complexities, and it got so much hate from Americans and facists alike (adam something) they literally took it down.


this is so painful how is no one telling him to go fuck himself?


Does Aleksa only have 1 shirt?

Tristan Walter

Poor girls. Imagine being insecure and then this random dude walks up to you and tells you you’re ugly. Doesn’t matter what happens later I think - damage done. What an asshole. This whole genre sucks ass and most of it likely fake (I hope).

Dying Phoenix

Gosh damn this is so fucking hard to watch. it gives me such a visceral reaction.


I wish filming strangers wasn’t allowed except for self-defense.

Avery Lindsey

As an American it’s so refreshing to hear American culture get picked apart

Ryleigh Millar

love that only one of you could be in focus at any given point in the video 💕 consistency is key


As an American I do in fact get my hair wet, and I don't wear shoes into a pool. I don't know how long I can hold off the progression of he infection. Their are very few of us normal people left.