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[Patreon Exclusive Video] March 23'

The War On Boys



Matthew O'Neal

Oh boy it's boy boy my boi with the war on the boys.


boy boy ❤️

Griffin Thies

Thanks for the Serotonin!!!

canonically fictional

You have to understand that PragerU videos are aimed at mee-maws and peep-pops who are a minimum of 75 years old. Dubious anecdotes, free association on C.S. Lewis quotes, and charts with axes labeled "gender" are plenty of evidence for Fox News-addled brains.


omfg! I see PragerU and I know it's gonna be good. PragerU is a gold mine for react content


turning 6 minutes of PragerU videos into 14 minutes of content, the boys are real reactubers now 💪

Fake History Hunter

I love how what they say clashes with the idea of there being some bloomin' order & discipline in schools. Let boys read what they want, be noisy, be tolerant of them causing chaos? NO. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT! DO AS YOU ARE TOLD! PragerU is promoting tolerance and disorder! THIS HOW YOU GET HIPPIES!! ;)

Sachin Kuruvilla

boys im sorry to say but i was called out for drawing a violent scene from halo when I was like 6 years old. Nothing really came of it but my parents did speak to my teacher about it at one point and my uncle got in trouble for letting me play. this was at a maryland school :O


Lol I'm Canadian and I slid a chair out of a first floor classroom in elementary school and the principal called the cops on me

Brian Kelleher

This is extremely funny since Sommers is, as of 2014, a registered Democratic Party voter but has such weird hang-ups about feminism and gender that she's constantly embraced by the institutional American right. Edit: The shooting aspect of this video has not aged well considering there are quite a few more school shootings currently than there were a decade ago.


In the UK , its fairly surreal to think that Tag could be banned in the USA , I guess school shootings just aren’t psychologically impactful enough to be banned ? - brilliant logic from the great USA’s education system. Another great video from the boy boys nonetheless , looking forward to seeing your bigger projects soon too! Especially you guys exposing the sweat shops and the shit in LA streets , keep exposing the truth lads !

Beckham Argosino

This has actually happened to me I got in trouble for drawing cartoon characters shooting eachother and got suspended

Mira Uwu

another win for the girls

Colby Hepworth

You guys are fucking brilliant!


I'm totally on your side of this argument. Funnily I had a very very similar conversation with a female friend who also identifies as very left, who argued a very similar thing as PragerU; Boys are inherently violent and need to channel their anger or they will be violent against women.

Warm Zilk

Omg this video brought back so many buried memories. My school banned tag and I got it reinstated by starting a petition and convincing like 10 kids to come with me to demand a meeting with the principal. Hey, if those boys couldn't pull it off at their school when an 8 year old girl could, that's their own fault... Also I didn't realize The Real Story of Little Red Riding Hood was definitely my gateway to being a conspiracy nutjob.

Devon Stemp

Damn this reminds me of all the things that were banned while I was in elementary school, one of them being Beyblades because they we're too "dangerous"


Ah yes, the famous philospher C.S lewis (hes the guy who wrote narnia)

Kat Reynolds

stinky cheese man is a charming book, actually

Kirk Squires

This video feels like a 5th grader payed pragerU on Fiverr to read his script about why school is dumb

Lisa Steel

PragerU’s logo should be the person on the bicycle putting the stick in their wheel.

Ghost Ramen

rapists are so ambitious that many become US politicians!!

Soren Schoepfer

You mean I can deduct 5 dollars from my taxes? What a steal!

Ben R.

This must be an American thing. In Australian schools, they still punch on in the toilets. Also, where the dog eating video at?


It’s so crazy how much effort is put into essentially victim-blaming on an institutional level in the US. Their society is the victim of crooked distribution of wealth and capital, this causes all the known disruptions in societal integrity (inequity, class-discrimination, failing healthcare etc.) but instead of really tackling the problem, they always come up with a new problem that society itself has to try and restore. In the case of school-shootings, it’s broken families that’s the problem (not IRA). In the case of faulting education, it’s a lack of masculinity or something(not underfunding and under-diversification). In the case of terrorism, it’s privacy that’s the problem.. just sad to witness from the sidelines :(


Leftists: toxic masculinity is a bit shit PraugerU: men are illiterate rapists How tf do they see themselves as championing men’s rights when they’re SO much more misandrist?!

Daniel Harber

I was one of the boys feminized by Mean Girls

Keith Larsen

can i deduct my patreon subscription as a donation?

Erica T

Tag muy bien. & still happening in my habitat within the landia known as 'Murica.


Come on, only 3 or 4 mass shootings in the USA this year have been school shootings. But there were MORE mass shootings in the USA this year than there have been DAYS this year, so.... :D


My friend in elementary brought a (deactivated) pistol to school. He got into really minimal trouble (central Europe). We had boy scout-equivalent whose members on the days of their thingies would come to school in uniforms, which included a Puuko-style knife. Fixed blade, sharp. Nothing ever happened, because each of them knew that if they ever pull it out in any "bad" way, they're kicked out of the formation, and they can no longer cut their apples xD


video was mid let me see you eat some dog in china thats what i signed up for

daniel schmitt

PragerU is what would happen if Paul Verhoeven made a movie today and wanted a cartoonish caricature of fascist propaganda in it.

daniel schmitt

The "poptart kid" was actually constantly being a total shit in class, causing trouble, the parents had been informed multiple times and did nothing like most parents. When he was suspended he was punching other kids, throwing chairs, being a shit. Pointing a gun shaped poptart at other kids and going "bang" was probably not the thing that actually got him suspended, just something that he was also doing that day. But I guess that wouldn't feed PropogandaU's narrative. Every single time you look up a "story" from PropogandaU it turns out to either be a wholesales fabrication, or the reality is so far from what they said it has no resemblance. But they know their audience of right wing christians are brainwashed to have no ability to distinguish fact from fantasy and will never fact check anything.


I had a friend who actally posted this PragerU-crap on his FB page and cried about the war on boys. I asked him if he agreed with the other stuff PragerU farts out on the internet, like smoking/second hand smoking not causing cancer, that atheists are pretty much Hitler, etc. He had no idea what PragerU actually was and responded "well, in this case they are right!". He later blocked me after I called him out one time too many about - among other things - him spreading desinformation about the Netherlands wanting to put the entire population into Judge Dredd-like cities and how a far right political party can't hurt anyone, atleast try letting them rule. Maby you'll like it. If your white, atleast. I'd also like to recomend Rationality Rules, who does awesome videos about Dennis Prager and his "University" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV559kEi-mk


"good = less bad" PragerU doing gods work by dropping knowledge bombs like this for free on youtube. bless them!


I miss the days when accessing the Internet demanded you have atleast two braincells working together

James Smith

Imagine being this guy ^ paying for content that mocks what he glorifies and missing the clear points the Boy Boys make


love it


LOL imagine being the 3 people who paid 5 dollars for boyboy just to complain in the comments

Saylor Hazy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 05:21:38 Can’t wait for the next vid fellas <3
2023-04-23 15:50:13 Can’t wait for the next vid fellas <3

Can’t wait for the next vid fellas <3

Treasure Brown

my best friend was the ONLY surgeon at the Hospital closest to the strip on Oct 1. When the mass murder happened. She was 32. She saved more lives than she could count. She and the. staff at Sunrise hospital just rolled all their awesomeness out! They were real heroes that horrible night. Do you know what the cops did that. night???? NOTHING! They did nothing!!!! They watched people die. So? If the. cops are. useless, corrupt and basically a state sanctioned white nationalist gang? how do we fix it? where do we even start?

Eric Lajoie

Holy shit....you sound like a writer for The Babylon Bee. Pretty sure the cops killed then shooter lmao. Also the hospital would call in surgeons...wtf you made that up just like the people at PragerU


It’s kinda funny to me because the video is like “dodgeball is good for boys because it gets out their energy!!!” But in my phy Ed class, whenever dodgeball is played, the more popular kids always used it as an excuse to bully and pummel the one autistic kid in the class (I’ve had to change this comment like 40 times cuz this is the first time I’ve used patreon 😭)

RickAstley Gaming

Poor men, getting so oppressed, they need to bring back tag, or us men won't be able to read :(


Wow... This is so confusing. How did you find this nonsense?!


I have to hear more about the snake story. That’s so funny to me. Just picking up a dangerous ass snake and being like “yeah I’ll just grab that and take it inside. Makes sense” 🤣 I adore snakes but I’d never touch a wild one, even if it’s not venomous. But then again I’m a girl, and only strong boys would ever grab a wild snake. Women could never 🤭


This is terrifying its like the guy yelling "they make the frogs gay"

Henry Santos

the third news story about school shootings in Maryland is about my school, crazy


oh so this isn’t exclusive:/


wasn't this on youtube?

Jesse Tupaea

I don't understand why you guys are making fun of this type of content. I pointed finger guns at my fellow classmates while saying "December 5th" and for some reason I was suspended! the war on boys is very real.