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If you missed our discord QandA about us sneaking into a CIA base, you can watch it here, and listen to us spill the beans. We have zero legal training and all of this is horribly incriminating, so please be nice and don't forward it to the cops.



Screw the CIA


It was a great Q&A, you guys were very forthcoming and cooperative. I’m definitely not CIA.

Avishai Shitrit

28:00 as an Israeli: 1. That would be fucking hilarious 2. Alex can get a citizenship but he must show intention of living in the country 3. After Alex gets his, after you 2 marry it will transfer to Aleksa too The problem is that A - showing intentions means living in this fucking shithole for 6 months. B - gay marriage isnt recognized as marriage by the orthodoxy so one of you will have to transition.

Avishai Shitrit

In 1970 it was set to expand to grandchildren and partners of jews. Basically the thought is if you would be effected by the Nuremberg Race Laws you can get a Israeli citizenship

Avishai Shitrit

And Alex with Tephilin would be funny as fuck, i get constantly harassed in like shopping centers and major streets to do so...


That's really interesting to hear! When I was looking it up, I thought we'd have to study for two years and get sponsored by a local rabbi. Maybe he can go back to the guy who put the Tephilin on him and ask if he would do it. But if Alex just needs to live there for 6 months, that might be doable... he'd just need to give up on I Did A Thing for a little while.


Hahaha thanks! If our information leaks, we'll know it's most likely everyone else but you

Avishai Shitrit

Im just reciting what i remember from a civics lesson recently, i may be incorrect. On that note I'm not a legal consultant, and i would recommend not coming here cuz its honestly just fucked lol

reet reddom

You said you are good carnies still you should do one for us on an event

dennis quiad

wonder if you guys will do s video on the terrorist massacre of october 7th where they massacred civilians, kidnapped hundreds of people and raped them, and how over 80% of palestineans supported (celebrated on camera) it and dragged kidnapped israeli girls through the streets and spit on them? just wondering since you guys seem to love the truth and all that

Fergus McFudge

Fiver is kinda wack exploits arbitrage between cost of living in global south and the west. What rate did you pay the artist from fiver, if not the rate of pay in Australia I think you should in the future commit to this. I have no problem with someone outside of Australia being commissioned I do however think as committed socialist/communists you should commit to pay a fair rate based on where you live and where your income comes from not exploit the difference in cost of living to save yourselves $. Other than that very minor qualm. Amazing work. The collapse of American empire cannot come fast enough.

Fergus McFudge

Ps. Re the exmouth base you can get a pass to do a dive at the jetty on the base it is a very well known dive spot. I have a homie that is a keen diver that has done it and there is some sort of paperwork to get access. The old abandoned US barracks at the site in exmouth has an old bowling alley and movie theatre in it but is riddled with asbestos and afp patrols. Lots of locals have been in there. Def worth a video though I reckon. Also learmouth raaf base very close by. Re: cops no comment always, only name and address and provide id nothing more.

dennis quiad

What a surprise that everyone loves socialism until it affects them lmao. Also I love America 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

ranga mullet

hey wattamolla has no internet down on the beach btw if u were thinking of streaming

Mr Grey Screen

Hey you guys are great, love your work. Boyboy gets my critical thinking brain working, and I did a thing gets my monkey brain excited.


These mini streams mage me smile so much, and I can't wait for the next one! You guys are the perfect mix of funny and sincere, and I think that's really neat.


unrelated but that matrix thumbnail you guys made awhile back makes me smile


denis: curious how you pretend to be a capitalist but you are funding communists for their labour.

Big Bill Haywood

"kidnapped hundreds of people and raped them" got a source for that? you are repeating zionist propaganda. They're more likely to do a video on the Genocidal settler state of Israel imo.

dennis quiad

You mean funding them with capital for providing me services lmao? 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

T Gordon Mayhall

American here (Texan), love the content. You’ve got me for a full year now. Excited for what’s to come from you two fellas. And you’re more than welcome in the states…sorry we’re in your country.


can't wait for Hasan to bring stability to Australia

snail consumer

around 46 minutes you talk about who you're trying to convince and who it's important to convince, and mention it maybe being boomers that need the most convincing and i disagree. Sure they need more convincing because they're more dug in, but i think you guys appealing to younger people is important because you're part of a wave of lefty youtubers that has been growing in the past few years who sort of function as an alternative to the right wing pipeline for impressionable young idiots such as myself. People who recognize problems in the world and are mad about it but don't know who to be mad at. You reel em in with the silly shit and introduce them to ideas about what actually causes the problems before (or after) somebody tells them the problem is jews or immigrants

Toy Fleming

Was super invested in the answer about Gaddafi, especially the relationship with Serbia, but then it got cut short!!! Now I have to form my own opinion and I was not ready for that, guys... I wanted Aleksa to tell me exactly what to think :( My image of Gadaffi was that he was just a power-hungry despot who deserved to be overthrown. But then again I grew up in Western Europe, so it would make sense if he was painted as a ghoul while he may have actually done good things for the country as a whole. Maybe even through, dare I say it, socialism? Let's hope Wikipedia has more on this.

Kyle Hagerty

what if you drop the eggs on yacht over international waters?


come to ireland

Marie Alba

I always feel like you two would really enjoy german political satire shows if you were german. They are so beautifully critical about everything in a very funny way. It reminds me of you sometimes honestly🤔


these guys fuck


Just subbed to your Patreon after your pine ridge vid, amazing stuff god damn!


I can help with the Mexico video if it goes ahead.


interested in the comments on id-ing for alcohol bc i was in australia (all either around hobart or w/in a 45min radius of melbourne) for a couple of weeks around xmas and never got asked for id.. i turned 23 like two weeks ago so i was 22 at the time but my brother (21) and sister (18) never got carded either?? it was SO surprising bc in the bay area, california i'm asked for id over 90% of the time. last time i saw id-ing that lax i was in mexico. obviously in aus it was legal but like esp my sister being 18 and never getting asked felt a lil crazy.


the comments of people thinking they're dating is crazy... made me think to look it up to see if there was easily accessible proof and there's an idat tweet that literally says "the good news is i'm not gay" and w the context of what he replied to "gay" very clearly means no same sex or gender attraction. like ur obviously not gonna get ur shit answered in the chat of a qna stream like this anyway???


Hakim just made a video about him, maybe that will change your mind a bit. He was flawed in many ways but he wasa good leader and the west destroyed Libya for their own pockets.

Toy Fleming

Thanks, appreciate it! Very educative stuff. In the process of finding more, I found a channel solely about historic figures of the African continent (African Biographics), which was eye-opening. Maybe you'll enjoy that too.

Avery Lindsey

and boy boy soccer ball is a location on the map


You guys are fucking legends. You are doing important work and making it entertaining/hilarious while you do it. Thank y'all.


y'all need to do that drunk politician video, like tiktok street interview style asking stupid tiktok style questions but also sneaking in some real ones