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I write this on my website, but I want to write here too.

Well, everyone on Tumblr is migrating to Twitter because Tumblr has recently modified its rules and now does not allow porn uploads.

Why, where does this come from?

Well, recently (around November 20, 2018) the Tumblr App in the App Store was removed. According to Apple, they had found child pornography on Tumblr. I guess this must have hurt Tumblr a lot, so he decided to cut to the chase and eliminate all porn.

It’s a shame, I like Tumblr, it’s a good place to post art. The interface is fast, you can write a lot of text and upload many images (although the comment system could improve). I like it more than Twitter. The blue bird is, in general … a place to vomit complaints.

Tumblr vs Twitter

However Tumblr was more … “deep”. Its format allows it to be denser and wider than Twitter. I think the key is the word “gallery“. In Tumblr you can walk through the profile of an artist and see all his drawings (as in a gallery). But, Twitter … does not give those facilities (you can swim in the “multimedia”, but it’s pain in the ass).

I think Twitter stimulate the “shit-posting”. I do not like to get to the timeline and see that it is occupied by thousands of tweets from the same person and by thousands of retweets of things that do not interest me. That makes the content I want to see, get lost in time. I know that tumblr you can be reblog, but I think that Twitter encourages more to retweet. (Or maybe the problem is mine and I have to acclimatize).

On the other hand, I’m surprised that on Twitter you can upload porn. Twitter is one of the primary social media. It is popular, full of normies, celebrities, mass media, influencers… and children. Tumblr has always been more… “dark”, so there should not be children.

So, do not be surprised that Twitter also modifies the rules of use in the future.

The death of a Website?

This sudden change of policy on Tumblr is a reminder that all websites can die at any time, taking away all those followers that have cost you so much to gather.

It is not the first time it happens, nor will it be the last.

Deviantart was bought by Wix months ago because it was dying (now they are doing a good job with Eclipse) and the powerful CGHub died overnight.

That’s why I made my website. I know that I hardly receives visitors, but it is a safe bastion of my art, a place where I can upload absolutely anything I want, without censorship and without sudden changes of policy.

If you really like my art, I recommend you subscribe to my newsletter. When I upload a drawing, you will receive an email.

In summary:

  1. I like Tumblr because it allows you to look at an artist’s past.
  2. Twitter does not do it, it is made to look at the present.
  3. Do not put all your trust in social media, they can die suddenly and take away all yours followers (yes, it can also happen to Twitter and Instagram).



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