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I've always got along well with Sammy, though we were nothing alike. He was decent looking, I wasn't. He was athletic and great at sports, I wasn't. The girls were always swooning around him. Not so much around me. He was dumb as a rock, but I wasn't, so he often came to me for help with homework or other things beyond him. I didn't mind. For one he was a genuinely decent guy, but it also gave me some social protection by being "Sammy's friend". I remember one time a few months into the first year when a bunch of seniors started to harass me on the stairs. Just when the bullying was about to pick up steam Sammy walked by, seemingly oblivious to what was going on, and asked me if I had time after school that day. Somehow my tormentors instantly deciphered the complex social structures of teenage school life, and figured out that if a guy that looked like him was my friend, word of my bullying would pass through the echelons of football players, and before the end of the day the senior football team would stuff them into a locker. Perhaps Sammy did what he did to save me without having to embarrass me or the bully squad, but honestly that would probably be too advanced for him.

"Fuck it! I'm too stupid for this shit," he exclaimed, threw his pencil on the table, and stretched his arms behind him while he slumped down as far as he could on the chair in the study room. The T-shirt lifted enough that I could see the faint outline of his "V". He wasn't built bulky, but had an envious swimmer's body that always seemed to be showing square abs, as if he was genetically lacking subcutaneous fat. "Just focus on the simple stuff that will get you to a passing grade and ignore the fancy stuff. A salt is just a positive and negative ion put together." The pencil had continued to slowly roll across the table and fell off the edge in an event that was far more interesting to Sammy than my pep talk. "Don't you wish you could be someone else? Like swapping bodies or some shit?"

Now I was the one with lost concentration, as I looked at the faint treasure trail showing in the gap between his black T-shirt and the top of his Tommy Hilfiger underwear peaking out from his white sweat pants. I could feel my dick stiffening, and not for the first time when alone with Sammy. I still wasn't sure what it meant. Cathy was definitely the hottest in the class, and I got erections all the time with no explanation. "You want mine?" he asked deadpan. Yes! I wanted to yell. All the advantages he had from looking like he did, and he didn't even know it. "Barely used, and probably peaking. The way this shit is going I'll be collecting fucking trash bins right after graduation," he continued.

"There's no one else I'd rather swap with," I said in what I hoped came off as sincere. "Really?" he lit up. Then he made one quick, swooping dive after the pencil and up again into the chair. "So salt are ions?"

The smell of something burning made me wake up fully in mere seconds. I fumbled trying to find the light switch and quickly gave up as I could see the faint light of embers coming from the other side of the room. As fast as I could I jumped out of bed, rushed across the room, stubbed my toe on something, managed to not yell out, and found the switch to a desk lamp in the glow of the embers. It took a moment to adjust to the light, but I could quickly see the fire was contained. On top of the desk was a large clay plate, the kind you put under big flower pots on the porch, and on it were the smoldering remains of paper and what might have been small twigs or something put in a pentagon or whatever that star shape is called.

I didn't understand why someone would put that in my room. Even the desk wasn't mine. As I looked around the room I realized that everything had been replaced. On the floor I could see a lot of trash thrown around, a sweatshirt, comics, a dumbbell, those kinds of things. I limped out to the bathroom, also moved, to have a better look at my foot. After I'd fumbled with the light switch there as well I saw something I hadn't seen before. The mirror was running some fucking filter or something, because in it I looked exactly like Sammy. I didn't even know you could do that. Sammy moved just like me, and to my delight was shirtless. I'd never seen him shirtless before. He had the same white sweatpants on as before, but peeking out was the waistband of his underwear with some incomprehensible writing on it. The last part said "YMMO", so perhaps Japanese. They say weird shit there.

I tried turning off the filter on the mirror, but the touch was broken, so I grabbed my phone. It too had been replaced, but thankfully the fingerprint reader was the same, because I could unlock it. I couldn't find any way of turning it off there either, and all the apps were jumbled.

I must have been really fucking tired because it took me ages to figure out I was the one with a fucking filter. I looked exactly like Sammy. I realized it when I was about to take a piss before going back to bed and saw it wasn't my dick, or body for that matter. I'm sure it's all just Sammy's prank. I have to call him tomorrow and ask him to fix it, so we don't show up like fucking twins. Before going to sleep again I'll have a fap with his dick though.


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