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The plan was good in theory. Make a body swap in flight. He would of course know what his real body looked like and what seat he sat in, so the skin hopping courier could just wait for him to seek him out and then tell him the terms, under the ever-present enforced calm of the flight crew and air marshals. Meet up outside the airport to swap back. That would be on the other side of customs, and with the contraband still a day or two from having made its way through his guts there was little risk of losing neither the cargo nor the skin hopper. But that was in theory. In practice the courier opted for a hot body to stash the loot in, and then swap with some old dude in business class. He agreed to the demands but was a no-show at the agreed meeting point. When we managed to get access to his accounts after having to physically show up at the bank, he had already cleared them out using his codes.


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