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- Now put this over your face.
- Fuck, no! You serious?
- Dead serious. Get your chin down the heel and put the tongue over your nose.
- My tongue?
- The sneaker tongue.

If I hadn't seen what he could do with his own body, I would have just dismissed it as a prank. He didn't look like he was joking though. With hesitation I took his shoe in my hand. It wasn't disgusting as sneakers go, but it was worn, warm, and damp and smelled as you would expect after a day in school. I looked up at Jake again. He looked like he always did. I'd known him since third grade and never thought much about his looks. He was just like any other boy in class. Fit, but nothing special.

- Why didn't you change your body more? Why just save a buck on magically getting tattoos?
- Oh, I've done more tweaks. I wasn't very good at it when it mattered. With girls and so I mean. Once I got good at it it would be kind of weird if I suddenly became a hot hunk. I mean, it's not like I haven't had a night out incognito, but you don't pick up the right people of you look like a male stripper. And I like being me.
- That's just because you have a choice.
- Well, so do you. Put on the fucking van or not, but make up your mind.

Easy for him to say, looking as he did. I couldn't wait to look like not me.

- Ok, here goes something.

I put my face into the shoe, as deep in as I could manage, and took a deep breath. He chuckled.

- I didn't ask you to do that. You like that, don't you. Pervert!

I was about to throw the show at him and tell him to fuck himself, but he continued.

- Keep it there! Only a few more moments.

Besides some blurry peripheral view I couldn't see much for the shoe in my face, but I could feel my body changing. It was like a tingling sensation. The smell of the shoe kept changing too, like it went from that sour gym shoe smell close to vinegar to almost intoxicatingly sweet. The tingling sensation shot down into my dick and I could feel a boner coming on. It kept building and building. I desperately didn't want to cum my pants in front of him, but at the same time I desperately needed to cum.

- Ok, done! You can have a look.

I dropped the shoe on the floor between us. Just looking at the arm that dropped the shoe I could tell he had done at least some of what I asked for. It was athletic with visible veins, without being thick with muscles.

- Fuck, that was weird. Why was the shoe needed?

My voice had dropped slightly, but not that much. I stood up and noticed the T-shirt left an inch gap, showing the skin just above my shorts. I lifted the front of the shirt and saw the faint outline of washboard abs. The first time I've ever been close to having any.

- It was just for my amusement.
- What?!
- Get to the full mirror and check it all out.

I moved to the wall mirror next to his door. The totality of it made such a difference. I don't think anyone else would be able to pinpoint the changes. Sure, I've grown a few inches, a bit leaner, a bit more muscled, but the vast majority were from my list of 44 small changes I asked him to do. Just really minor things that I had spent all my life post-puberty being annoyed by, or envious of others. While not as freakishly horny as just moments ago I did pitch a tent in my shorts. I pull them down and my dick plops out followed by my balls. Both dick and balls are larger, way larger, than before.

- This wasn't on the list.

I had very consciously decided to not say anything about my dick. I thought it would be greedy. It was fine as it was, not something to put in a porn shoot, by not shockingly small either. Well, now that first option had opened up.

- It's a freebie. Mostly for me.
- For you? You've never told me you like big dicks before. Or any dicks.
- I don't. It just warms my heart to know you'll have to service that massive rod daily, and the only way to cum is for you to huff sweaty gym shoes.
- You fucker!


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