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I think we were all pretty happy with the end result in the end, while at the same time regretting trying to save money. I mean, we all got the physique we wished for and worked out together like a D&D character sheet. We pooled our savings together and entered the data on their site at Mark's house. The days from when we clicked submit until the envelope arrived felt like weeks. John had won the D100 roll and used the swabs from the envelope in his cheeks, sealed them in the plastic bottles, and put them in the return envelope. The weeks after that felt like months. Then it arrived by DHL delivery, a small box with three vials stored together with some frozen bags of chemicals to keep it all at fridge temp. The instructions were clear. Inject one vial per week. We didn't do that. We sat together in John's room and got one injection each at the same time. Well, it worked, though much slower than advertised. After two months we all looked like really hunky versions of John.


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