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Your head hurts like seldom before but it's the chill that forces you awake. You squint at the morning sunlight shining in through the bedroom window. The morning light is about the only thing welcoming about the situation you realize. This isn't your bed or your bedroom. The room is bare except for the bed, and it's only a frame with a soiled mattress, no sheets or pillows, with your naked body on top. You would bolt from it fast as you could, if not for the head-splitting headache.

Besides the headache you don't feel anything wrong with your body. Nothing else hurts. Was it a date rape drug? You don't feel any different down there either. Do people feel different if they have been used, you wonder. You are wondering what was the last thing you remember. Nothing that connects to where you are and the state you are in for sure.

The room looks like an abandoned apartment. Not too bad. Not great either. As you slowly swing your legs down to the floor you see an assortment of items. Two disgusting socks, a vile jockstrap, and a pair of used Nike shoes. You don't want to touch any of it.

You shuffle towards the bathroom. None of the light switches do anything but click loudly. The bathroom is dim, almost dark, with its small window facing away from the sun. Perhaps another building is blocking the light as well. The window is frosted, so you don't know why it's so dark in there. Four metal brackets on the wall indicate where the mirror used to be. You suddenly stop, looking for shards on the floor but can't see any. The absence of a mirror makes you wonder if you look different. You feel your hair and your face. Nothing feels out of the ordinary. Your hair might be blue and you might have a dick drawn in your forehead, but nothing horribly disfiguring has happened from what you can tell.

You open the tap and nothing happens. Not a hiss, not a drop. Nothing. You make your way back to the bedroom, having a quick look in the other rooms. The small apartment looks completely empty. You have a look out the window. You're on the third floor in one of the rougher parts of the city. It's a good 45-minute walk home, perhaps an hour.

You look back at the items on the floor. You don't want any of them on you, but how else would you get home? When should you leave? It's early morning now. You'll be waking out into a city that wakes up. Stay here for the day and take your chances in the evening? You still would have to put all the shit on. And could someone walk in through the door at any moment? You haven't even checked the door is locked. What do you do?


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