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"Come play with us, Danny. Forever... and ever... and ever," the other twin repeated.

It must be a hallucination, but they looked so real. In my mind I was running through all options I could think of that could cause something like this. I've taken no drugs, at least not knowingly. Who knows what could be in the frozen food. There's a thought. Perhaps some sort of food poisoning? I felt completely fine otherwise. Head trauma? Too much sun? Again, I was feeling fine. Better than fine, if what was happening in my swim trunks was any indication.

It just was too much of a coincidence. I took the job, if you can call it that, to babysit an otherwise empty summer resort during covid. The owner had decided it wasn't worth keeping it staffed when no one was traveling, and I suspected there was something more going on. Perhaps someone ill or a fatality in the family. Whatever the reason I was in charge of an 84 room resort on a tiny island for two months. It's autumn, so it's not the hot summer nights anymore, but during the day it's more than enough to spend your time in the water.

That's a long-winded way of saying I was living the summer version of The Shining, now complete with madness and ghost twins. Though these ones were all grown up. If this is my brain finally giving up, what a way to go! Forever with these guys. 


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