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"Is that it?" Elijah asked as he entered the kitchen.
"Yes. You can pull it apart if you like," Mark answered from the hallway, still removing his shoes. Positioned at the center of the kitchen table was a metallic, fairly heavy-duty chastity device resembling a bent metal tube combined with a small shackle.
"It looks so normal. Sturdy, oppressive, and high end, but those are all expected from something you would buy for him." Mark joined him in the kitchen.
"He's coming in on Friday to have it fitted. It's a full play date, so he'll spend the night. I thought it was best to give him the entire weekend to adjust."

"How does it work?" Elijah still hadn't touched it. Mark grabbed it and started to pull the device apart.
"Well, this is the shackle that goes around the base of the cock and sack. It's what locks it in place really. This little bent peg hooks the sack and keeps the balls in place and separated." He put the part down and continued. "This bent tube is mostly for show. Covers everything up and make it look like a standard chastity." He tipped out a few pieces from within the tube. "These are the magic parts. The tip of this sound thing goes into the urethra about an inch to place this cap on top of the head, and locked in place with the shackle like everything else. Makes it impossible for the dick to expand even within the tube."
"And the foreskin thing you talked about? How does that work?"
"Yeah, so this rubber ring is held in place by the sound and pushes out and stretches the foreskin. There's like 20 different sizes in the box, so I'll just swap to bigger and bigger when possible."

"And he's cool with it?"
"He has no idea what I'll do to him, but that's what we agreed. He is as turned on by having his dick transformed as I am doing it to him. So I have six months to make the most of it."
"Wow, he agreed to six months mystery transformation?"
"Well, we talked about no-go areas. He didn't want any mutilation or be neutered. I don't know what he's expecting really. A prince Albert and a tattoo perhaps. I have to ask him."
"So what is the plan then? Six months isn't that long if you are just pulling his foreskin."
"I think you are underestimating me. I'll have him in twice a week, on the bench. You've seen the bench right?"
"In your play room? Dude, I've been on the bench."
"Oh, right. I forgot about that party. But then I think most who attended did."
"The bench."
"Yes, I have him fixed and then unlock him, clean him and all that. I think I'll have him cum each time using the prostate vibrator to keep the volume going. He won't be able to see what I do, so all he knows is he is locked and occasionally milked."
"And that you are pulling his foreskin."

"I don't really know what it'll feel like, but he doesn't know what it's supposed to feel like either, so I don't think he'll suspect anything. Anyway, every session I'll rub his dick with that bruise salve I mentioned last week, whatever its name was. Constricts blood vessels. Andrew said it worked wonders on his project."
"Andrew the DJ?"
"Yeah. His sub's dick shrank so much in a quarter that he couldn't jerk off anymore. Too short. Had to use a vibrator. Anyway, I'll do that on the fleshy part and cortisone on the foreskin. That's what they use to treat tight foreskin."

"You said something about a finale. What was that about?"
"Oh, yeah, that's the best part. It's already booked. So imagine half a year from now. If everything works out his dick is a fraction of what it used to be, and doesn't really want to play anymore with what's happened to the blood supply. At the same time he has foreskin 25-50% longer than today."
"I can imagine it, kind of."
"I've booked a session with a cosmetic surgeon who was interested in doing this. He'll inject the foreskin with filler, like you do if you want silly big lips. It's not that expensive either, since there isn't that much to it. Stick a needle a few times and make the dick thick."

"Wait a minute here. How would that work out? So he has a tiny dick, but a big dick?"
"Exactly! A small little dicklet that can't really get erect inside of a massive cock that is always thick and flops around. And it acts as a protective flesh sleeve around his dick, so jerking off will do nothing."
"Remember how I said I would use the prostate vibrator every time."
"You... Oh my God. Wow!"
"Exactly. He'll be such a slutty fucker."

Read my commentary.


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