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As I've said repeatedly a lot of story ideas come to you that you don't really want to pursue for one reason or another. While I have my fair share of political digs and social swipes in the stories, I don't want them to be overly political. I must admit there is a certain allure with the conservative conversion stories, forcing guns, trucks, manual labor and rough bodies on people, and I have made some myself I like. But then there often is a mental component, which I am usually against in general. If you alter the mind to be someone else, there isn't anyone left in the story that matters. No one to feel shame, triumph, love, or despair.

But at the same time it is impossible to not think about such stories with everything that is going on.

- It's a blue wave, baby. He's going to wipe him out. I can't fucking wait.
- What happened?
- 69% in Florida. Let's hope he gets 420 electors total.
- Sigh... Nate Silver again? Don't you have any work to do?
- I can't when it's so close.
- It's not close. Those are all bullshit. They scoop a bucket from the lake, find no fish in it, and goes on to say the lake has no fish in it. We went through this in 2016 already.
- No, but they fixed it.
- They did not.
- Did too! I'm 200% certain.
- Well, A, I wouldn't trust your math, and B, this sounds like bet.
- Against you? That's not fair.
- I may have some advantages, but I can't see the future.
- I guess. What are we betting?
- You get to be the outcome of the Florida election.
- That's... I don't understand what that means.
- If it goes Biden I'll grant you that surfer body you've been begging for. If not, I'll pick something more rural.
- Easy. You're on.
- I'll warn you. The surfer is totally hooked on weed.
- Rather that than meth and fascism.

At this point the story could go in a few different directions. First of all we could stay with him during election night. It could either be that his personality slowly shifts from pro-Biden through apathy to pro-Trump, or he could be getting more and more desperate and vocal as the vote count close in on 50% to immediately snap over into a pro-Trump persona happy about the development. Or it could be entirely physical, with some strong behavioral additions like a dip tobacco addiction and short temper. Best is probably some sort of intact inner personality with reflexive and compulsive behavior added on top. That way he acts out in ways he immediately regrets. But it would probably take too much effort for a story I'm not that interested in writing.


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