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This is from a discord discussion around a photo that might be too explicit for Patreon.

I imagine something like a gay couple, let's say fuck buddies to make it a bit more shallow. The guy in the photo always has a great time with the other guy, but finds him a bit too much of a moron to take it to something serious. They meet for some sort of anniversary. Perhaps a birthday or one year since they met or something, and the other guy has a surprise for him.

He tells him to strip, after which he holds up handcuffs and speedos, one in each hand. The protagonist is intrigued and decides to play along with the surprise.  He's told to first put on the speedos. Then his buddy shackles his hands behind his back. He can feel it's really turning him on. But as he is standing there he can see his dick slowly but visibly growing and growing. His friend is beaming of happy pride for finding such a great gift. The main dude is confused at first. The schmuck explains it is penis enlarging shorts. "How large will it be?" he asks. Until you take them off, is the answer. Main dude is starting to be concerned, and starts telling the other guy to take them off. "Shit!" he answers. "I forgot the keys in the truck" and rushes out. Main guy shouts after him to ignore the fucking key, just take the speedos off him, but his friend is already out the door. He desperately tries to move the elastic speedos off his butt with his hands, but the ever growing dick is making the elastic fabric taut. He starts running around the apartment looking for something to hook them in to pull them off.



No, I only lurk on other's servers. Most of the discord stories are either in the GaySpiralStories.com nsfw-caption-corner channel or in private chats.

Tipo Roo

Oh okay, just wondering cause I love your stories.