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So I got a comment on the story, on how was it possible to not notice you're a "giant black guy" (though I don't think he is that huge). I would think if you can change the whole body within hours, putting in some mental disorders shouldn't be a problem. I guess the question is more what it looks like from her point of view. I imagine she is completely unaware of what she looks like at this point in the story, obviously. I think she behaves "strategically" like a girl would, but "tactically" like what she has become. If she wants to get ready in the morning she would trim her beard and spray on some deo, without thinking about it as unusual. If asked what she did this morning she would through her normal morning routine as she used to as a girl. Perhaps this disconnect with reality is chipped away at over time, and she gets more and more aware that she actually acts like a boy, but it just slowly gets integrated into her reality as normal.

But this distortion of reality could just as well come from the other side. Perhaps she wasn't physically transformed, but it was the protagonist that was affected.

- Heey honey.
- Who the fuck are you?! How did you get in?
- Ha, ha. Very funny.
- No, seriously. I’ve literally never seen you before in my life.
- Are you alright?
- Stay back! I'm calling the police.
- John, you're scaring me. What's going on?
- You know me?
- I'm Sarah! Do you have a fever? Can you lift both arms? Did you eat anything while you were out? Did you hit your head in any way?
- Sarah?
- I can prove it. Provance, two years ago, at the winery hotel, our room, behind the right drawer in the desk.
- I... You don't...
- Here, sit down. Tell me what's wrong.
- You don't... look right. At all.
- You look like... Oh, fuck! How did she do this?
- Who did what why and how? Talk to me, John.
- I ran into Debrah, Debrah Hale, while dropping off the envelope. It was just normal how-have-you-been and such. It sounded like she had moved one. And then, just as I was about to leave, she grabbed my arm and said...
- Said what, John?
- Damn. It makes sense now... I must check something.
- Said what? What's going on? Are you taking a photo of me?
- Oh God... Ooooh Goood. You look perfectly normal. See!
- Yeah, it's a photo of me. What did you expect?
- I'd rather not say. Not now...


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