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- Heey honey.
- Who the fuck are you?! How did you get in?
- Ha, ha. Very funny.
- No, seriously. I've literally never seen you before in my life.
- Woooow... Debrah said it would literally transform me, but this is just silly of you.
- Debrah? Debrah who? Debrah Hale?
- Yeah, your ex came by after you had left and wanted to apologize for last month. I wasn't really keen to have her around for long, and she turned kind of nasty at the end, but before that she gave me this super cute skirt I just couldn't refuse.
- Those are sweatpants. Wait... You're saying you are Sarah?
- Duh, helloo? What does it look like?
- No, you must be like an actor or hypnotized or something.
- Hey, what's wrong? You are acting super weird.
- Where is Sarah?
- I'm standing here. You're scaring me...
- You're not the only one scared.
- Wait, I can prove it. Provance, two years ago, at the winery hotel, our room, behind the right drawer in the desk.
- Sarah! But you... You don't see anything out of the ordinary with your... body?
- Not really, no. You don't like what you see?
- And all she did was hand over a skirt to you? Did she stay long?
- I know how you feel about her. I didn't want her around. She wasn't even in the house. Five minutes tops. If I knew it would be this big of a deal I wouldn't have taken anything from her at all. She was completely normal at the start.
- It's just that... I need to figure out what is going on here. What is real and what isn't. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
- Come here! Give me a hug.
- Eh... Sure...
- There, honey. If she comes back I won't open the door. The things she said about you at the end felt kind of nasty.
- Oh? What did she say?
- She implied that you were cheating on me with gay sex. Said you were about to get a whole lot of big black cock, whatever that meant. Horrible person.


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