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I got a discord message about a "would you rather" game where you would present three cursed objects and the other person has to choose one. There are almost too many axes of freedom. The objects themselves can be anything from socks to piercings to carved jade dragons to cock rings. The effects themselves are of course a freedom, that can either be tied to the object (I recall someone having a fantasy about a fleshlight connected to his ass, so he would feel whatever was done to it). Then the rules around the curse is another axis of freedom. Can the object be passed on, and under what rules.

Here's a story I made as a response.

Product Testing

The fire burning behind me made his eyes look like smoldering coal and dancing embers. It made him look even more unsettling than he already was with his jet black hair and sharp cheekbones. A warlock's price is a steal before the trade and a robbery after, the saying goes, but I was out of options. I was almost about to give up looking for one when fate brought us together in this inn. He had listened to my plight, but instead of giving me a straight answer he started to carefully place metal rings in front of me, touching them only with a linen handkerchief. "My price isn't gold or work or favors, but of a very different sort. I will help you, but in return you must choose to wear one of these." he motioned to the rings on the table. "Sure! Just any one of them?" I said, already halfway to pick one up, when he blocked my hand. "Careful. You should know your fate before you touch any of them. They are all cursed, in different ways, transferring to the first flesh they touch. This first one" he pointed at a smooth, dull iron ring "makes you lose your hair. It will grow out if you remove it, but it will itch so much you wish it never did." He moved his finger to the bronze ring. "This second one will make you leak lubrication as long as you wear it, soiling you loincloth, but make you crave to use it should you ever remove the ring. Finally this third ring" he said, pointing at a blackened steel ring, "will make you sweat like an oarsman, but that is nothing compared to the unquenchable thirst you get if you remove it." I look at the trio of rings, suddenly much less eager.

It is before my time to bald, but it wouldn't be a shame in it. I'm sure I would be smooth as a beach stone as well, trickster as he is. Come to think of it my eyebrows will probably fall out as well, looking like Sick-Pete over at the mill. No, the second ring sounds more favorable. Drooling pre-cum while wearing the ring and craving the use it when not. It's not that far from every day as an adventurer in my age anyway. It certainly sounds better than switching between sweating and thirsting.

"The middle one"

There is not a hint of expression in his face. Slowly and carefully he picks up the other two with his linen cloth and places them back into the leather pouch. "Then we have a deal. As soon as you put it on I will start the tracking spell."

I hesitate for a moment, considering what I'm about to do. Perhaps losing one's hair would be safer, but this no one would need to know. I pick up the ring, and get a tiny electric shock as I touch it. Even before I put it on I feel a tingle down my dick, and make an involuntary muscle contraction down there. There is no doubt that whatever fate I've chosen is sealed now, even if I put the ring back on the table. I very deliberately place the ring on my left ring finger, and watch how the flame dance in the polished metal. All three rings were plain, but this one was the best craftsmanship and most precious metal of the lot. I just realize I just made myself a mark for thieves and robbers with a ring on my hand I can't remove. Just as I contemplate this new complication I can feel the first bead of pre-cum rolling on my skin, out of my ass.


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