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“Hey” someone, who called themselves Jaxon, sent out of the blue as a private discord message. I was a bit hesitant to answer such unsolicited approaches, but had not much else going on, so I answered with a curt “hi” after a few minutes.

“Yo whts up”
“Not much. I’m deciding between watching something or go straight to bed.”
“U wanna go under”
“Falling asleep? Or do you mean hypnosis?”

Still a bit unclear about what he wanted, but I was intrigued. I’ve never done hypnosis before. I’ve tried a few downloaded audio files, but it felt more like a kind of audiobook than hypnosis. Hot, but just someone describing their fantasies for you.


Only seconds later I got a private call from this Jaxon.

“Hey man, you alright?”
“Yeah, I guess.”

He sounded young.

“Where are you now? Sitting?”
“I’m sitting in bed, sort of.”
“Fully clothed or?”

“Ok, I want you to close your eyes and relax. Feel how the bed is supporting you, every limb. It is safe to relax here. You feel a wave of relaxation slowly moving through your body, starting in your toes. Feet. Shins. Knees. Thighs. Pelvis. Lower back. Chest. Shoulders. Down your arms. Elbows. Hands. Your head. I am going to count from ten down to zero. For every number you are going to be a bit more relaxed than the number before. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0...”

I did my best to follow his instructions. How do you relax harder? Someone opened and closed a door on the other side of the call. I could imagine a wave from a teenager waving away a sibling or a parent.

“Do you feel completely relaxed?”
“Yeah...” I figured you should use as few words as possible if you were relaxed.

“When I count to three you are going to open your eyes. You will see that you don’t have any clothes on anymore, and instead of your normal body it will be the body of a buff jock. 1... 2... 3... Open your eyes.”

“Oh, wow.” I said, looking down at my T-shirt.
“What do you see?”
“I’m a frickin’ jock.” I played along.
“What would be your dream body?” he asked.
“Taller, thinner. Still muscled, but more like a... I don’t know. Athlete...”
“Ok, close your eyes again. I’ll count down from...”

It was dead silent. Not even the filler noise the software puts in when the audio packets drop. I kept my eyes closed and still felt really relaxed, but something felt different. After a minute or so I figured I had lost him, and opened my eyes. I was blinded by the laptop light, as if I had slept for a while. I was squinting and looking at the screen. The first thing I could notice was no ongoing calls, so I was right there, but the clock on the screen said 03:52. I had clearly been out for many hours. Perhaps I managed to relax harder after all.

As I moved my arm I accidentally touched my abs. I wasn’t wearing a T-shirt anymore. I tilted the screen so it didn’t blind me but illuminated my body. A clean-shaven, tanned, muscled, lithe, athletic body. The kind of body I had dreamt I had.


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