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He had always been polite, friendly even, but never enthusiastic about having me as a client. It was very obvious that it was all a professional arrangement he had been assigned by the gym. I showed up once a week, and he pointed out all the ways I had failed to keep up with my diet, my exercise schedule, and that I was still not doing the movements correctly. But it was what I paid him to do. My weekly session with my personal trainer at least forced me into the gym once a week. Often more than that, as his gentle disapproval of my almost total lack of meaningful progress made me feel guilty. It wasn't like I was terribly out of shape, but my job always took priority. It was what afforded me to come here and not take exercising seriously. That's probably what he disapproved of the most. That fitness was just a hobby to me.

But today was different. His energy levels were through the roof when he met me in the gym lobby, chatting about nothing, and acting jittery like he was on drugs. "Let's run some miles. Hard!" he said as we walked through the gym. I was about to protest, saying "I already know how to run", but decided against it. I could complain after I'd seen all that he had planned for the session. To my surprise he stepped onto the treadmill next to mine "Race you a mile", and started without warning. I might not be disciplined with my exercise, but I am competitive, and pushed my start button as well and tried to up the speed faster than he did.

This was crazy fast.  He was going all out, it looked like. Despite that he kept giving me these odd glances. I know it is his job to check on me, but this was different, somehow. "You can do faster! Come on! I believe in you!" It was so far from his usual curt "good job", but It felt like it did a difference. So this was how good he could be at coaching. He still finished ahead of me, shortly after 4 minutes, but I wasn't far behind.  I was instantly exhausted from that unexpected cardio.

He didn't leave any time to catch my breath, but just patted my shoulder and said "follow me". He walked towards one of the private rooms. I know most of them are for things like massage or private yoga. This one I hadn't seen before, and it was like a mini gym within the gym. Some sort of VIP gym, I assumed, with a nice view. He threw a towel on the inclined bench and told me to take a seat. While I did that, still panting deeply from the run, he fetched two light weights from the rack and handed them to me.

"Start doing incline dumbbell triceps extensions." I had to dig a bit in my memory to remember what that was. I held the weights straight up behind my head and slowly lowered them. "Like this?" He nodded "Yes, keep doing it."

It felt like the weights were way too light, but perhaps this was some sort of endurance test. Sooner or later they would start to feel heavy, no matter how light. What was that look he kept giving me? It was like he wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, but rather was looking at me. "How many?" He took a step forward, standing just next to me, almost looking straight down in my face. "Just continue like that."

Then he stepped over me, one foot on each side, straddling my hips. Only I was too big and seated too high for him to not make contact, almost sitting in my lap. I know that some spotting positions are a bit intimate, but there was no reason here. I could probably drop any of the weights on me and not hurt myself in any way. Perhaps he was about to mix up the exercise, creating a counterbalance or something. But his look was something different. He looked nothing like the dispassionate, professional PT I've had for months. Instead he looked at me as a ribeye steak he wanted to devour.

He scooted up into my lap. I could feel his junk touching mine. He slowly lowered himself towards me, keeping eye contact all the way. Shit, he was going to make out with me. I was almost certain of that. He was young, handsome, cute even, clearly fit. If you were into guys you could find far worse to make out with, I guess, but I'm not into guys. I've never kissed a guy, or even had one in my lap before that I can think of. However there is no girl waiting at home. I'm still waiting to find a good time for the second date with Sarah, but that isn't exactly a commitment. I should be free to do as I please. Would this please? I didn't have to do anything, and it would just happen. 

Try everything once, I thought as his lips connected with mine. His tongue found his way into my mouth in a way I had never experienced before. I kept moving the weights up and down, up and down. It was like he was able to lick anywhere in my mouth, and really far back. Weights up. Weights down. It's like the tongue was going down my throat, but I didn't feel any discomfort. If it was really happening there would be a gag reflex, wouldn't there? Up and down. I was feeling light-headed. My vision was blurry and darkened by his face just in front of mine, and I could see nothing more than his closed eyes out of focus.

Just as I thought I was about to black out I heard the tumble of weights dropped on the floor. My eyes darted to the empty hands and then back down to my face. It looked like I was asleep, eyes closed. I lost grip of the bench, glid off the body, and planted one foot on the floor. The other one was still flung over the thigh of the body. My body. It slowly lowered its arms and opened its eyes. It looked at me and said, with my voice "You're ok there, buddy?"

I looked at my hands. Black gloves and strong, veiny arms. I could see the sides of a strong, well-toned body sticking out from a side-less T-shirt. This wasn't me. This was him and he was me.

"That one wasn't good. Started to itch almost immediately. This is so much better." the body said.
"What did... How..." I felt like a slug doing multivariable algebra.
"Don't worry about it. Stick to what you are good at." He shook off my leg from his body and stood up. His body?!
"What..." This must be dream or something. I felt so confused.
"What you're good at? Judging from your apartment, dildos and dumbbells."
He started to leave the room. "It's at Scenic drive 580. Nice place. Lots of fiber bars."


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