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The first two weeks are the most important, and the first day is crucial. While every new boy is different, I have the process pretty well down by now. The most important thing is to have his mentor at the house already when he arrives. The new arrival is usually a full week before the semester starts, so I have to arrange for the mentor to be a little early as well. The mentor is someone one or two years older that welcomes him and helps him through his first college year. It’s one of the reasons why I get so many interested in renting a room in my house. There are only seven rooms I rent out, although some are big enough to share, but I think privacy is important, at least for the first year or two. That allows for personal, one on one sessions without any interruptions.

The mentor is with the new arrival at all times during the first day. He’s fully indoctrinated by now, but in addition I give him some coaching the day before on how to build trust. Most important is to project a confident, aspirational facade, so the new arrival has someone to look up to, someone they would like to become. Someone they would like to emulate. Someone whose suggestion they would follow. Someone whose opinion matters and information they trust. There is a long list of small gimmicks, like asking to borrow something, repeat words and phrases back to him, and so on. All of them useful later in life to make anyone follow your lead and do what you tell them. But today it is all about getting the new arrival to do one specific thing.

We spend the day setting up the new room, getting to know each other, doing some sightseeing. Lots of situations with liquid in one form or another. “Would you like a soda before you unpack?” and “It’s tea break. Come down to the tea room.” and “This is the best ice cream in town. Let me buy anything you like”. Everything is high in water and low in sodium. It’s soup for dinner, lots of vegetables. High in water and slow to release it. I always insist on having a small wine tasting first evening. “There is so much more to education than what you get from your curriculum. I insist you know something about all the major wine grapes before you graduate”. It’s usually three bottles of red. That way I can pour a little in three different glasses. Then it doesn’t look that much, but still it would be rude of him to not empty it. Not that that has ever been a concern. For some it’s the first time they’ve even had alcohol. Then fruit for dessert.

This is what it has all lead up to. He has a new friend who he looks up to and trust. He’s more hydrated than ever before in his life, not just with straight-up water, but also with water-soluble vegetable fibers, and he is tipsy from the dinner beverages. This is where I ask him to get to his room and get ready.

They go to his room and his mentor tells him the secret, well-rehearsed of course. He talks about how great this place is, what a great support I am, and how every parent is proud to have their child selected. It’s just that I have a small little weird kink, the reason why I run this house to begin with. I don’t have any children so I want to treat the new arrivals as such. It’s just some harmless play.

The new arrival is anxious by this point, wondering what sick perversion I have that he is clearly getting pressured into. The mentor then reveals I want him to put on nappies and read a bedtime story for him. The new arrival sighs of relief. He was worried he would have to call home to his parents and ask them to drive back half a state and pick him up. He’s heard of much worse hazings at frat houses. “Is the bedtime story a euphemism?”, he asks. No, it isn’t. “Do I have to pee and shit the diapers?”. Only if you want to, he answers laughing.

The mentor shows him the items in his bathroom and tells him how to put the nappy on. Once done, and the new arrival is tucked in bed, I show up with a children’s book and a pacifier. I act as if it is the most natural thing in the world to put a pacifier in the mouth of a teenager. I sit down and read a short story while he falls asleep.

The mentor wakes him up the morning after and asked how he slept. There is no way he hasn’t wet his nappy during the night, so the job of the mentor is to dismiss it as inconsequential. Of course he wet himself, he was drunk from all the wine! Some people wet themselves when they are stressed or have anxiety, like moving away from home, entering a new school. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you even had nappies on, so no damage done. Throw it in the trash, take a shower and none is the wiser.

This works as a segue for having a morning swim in the lake a short walk away. I have basic swimming as a requirement for all applications, under the guise that the house is so close to the lake, and I don’t want to have a drowned student. In practice 30 minutes of swimming is how all the boys start their mornings. It’s bonding, it’s cardio, it’s slimming, and most important of all, it is in water. It’s the only exercise they do, save for some light weights in our tiny home gym, but they do it diligently.

I welcome them back with breakfast. Tea, orange juice, oatmeal porridge, watermelon, boiled eggs, avocado. Nutritious, and rich in protein and water-soluble fibers. Then I leave them to explore the city on their own. This is more or less the template for the entire week. They start out with swimming and breakfast. Then I’m hands-off until the evening, letting them visit friends, the campus, shop books and equipment, and whatever else they need to do to prepare for the new school year. Then I serve up dinner. I’m not as extreme as the first day, but I try to keep water content high and sodium low, and showcase a few new types of wine. When it’s bedtime he puts on his nappy, goes to bed. I give him the pacifier and read a little story.

I bring a freshly coated pacifier every evening. The binding agent looks and feels just like rubber but slowly dissolves during the night, releasing the sedative and psycopharma mixed into it. First night is all about strong sedative, to fall asleep quickly, relax the muscles and not wake up to relieve the bladder. The sedative part is then slowly dialed back to low enough dose to just create an addiction, while more focus is given to the psycopharma and some of the physiological effects. The vibration sensors in the bed can roughly track what part of the sleep cycle the boy is in, so that the right track can start to play in the speaker at the right time.

I want him to feel good and safe, so that is always the first thing he hears. How he is loved by me and his brothers, how good he feels to be here with us, how nice it is to fall asleep in his bed in this house. How this is a safe place, both for him and any secrets he may have. No one will know what he does here, unless he tells them. He can relax, mind, body, and soul. Get that deep rest that lets everything that happened during the day sink in and be part of him. Let his mind relax fully and let go of all worries for the night. All brothers are loyal to each other. Let his body relax fully, let go of all stress and become rested. Listen carefully and remember everything that is being taught to him. Let his bladder relax fully and let go. He is safe and secure, wearing his nappies. No one will know.

The pacifier and nappy is completely normalized within days, and compulsively needed to even fall asleep within two weeks. He doesn’t even notice that it happens, and with all the other boys back for school it all feels normal. He doesn’t have his parents around, no other friends, no classmates yet. It’s just a bunch of well mannered, good looking, A-students that he lives with. And every morning they put on bathrobes and run to the lake, all of them wearing their night nappy. They throw it in the bin by the shore, and swim naked for half an hour.

The rest is easy. Step by step, one more once the previous is fully accepted and incorporated. I have a barber they can go to for free, but only if I chose their hairstyle. They can go somewhere else if they want to, but they all take me up on my offer. It’s free, and they’ll look like the other boys staying here. It’s not even peer pressure, but a longing to belong. I have an esthetician show up once a month helping them with pimples, skincare, and massage, if they wish. No one has ever said no to free massage, especially not if everyone else tells you how amazing it is. She’ll give them all the lotions they need to keep their skin looking prepubescent. They are eager to learn how to take care of their skin. The voices at night have made it so.

It takes them different time, but always well before Christmas break he is unable to control his bladder even awake. It’s an important milestone, and it would be such a hard transition if he didn’t have the support of his brothers. They show him how it’s not a big deal. The day nappies are slim fitting and don’t show under normal clothes. They tell him how he doesn’t have to worry about bathroom breaks. They tell him that while he won’t be partying out, they are here to study after all. They are in this together. They tell him it will all be fine.

Christmas is the real test, and the new ones are concerned about if they should tell their parents, or if they should keep it a secret. They all go for keeping it a secret, if nothing else to be loyal to their brothers. It’s such a great joy when they return, because they both feel accomplished making it through Christmas, but happy they can be themselves again. It creates a mental breaking with the past.

It’s that feeling of belonging that propels them through the final push. They get subtle hints all around to keep their body smooth. It’s what swimmers do, and you’re a swimmer aren’t you? It makes it so much hygienic when wearing nappies. I’ve made it easy for them to make the decision on their own. Just talk to their esthetician. I never raise the question of laser hair removal. It’s like a mini graduation that they have to work up the urge themselves to ask me about it. I happily pay for it, of course.

Once we reach this milestone, usually before the first summer break, but never far after, having lived through a sweaty summer with itchy stubble all over, I make no more changes. Subtle adjustments perhaps, but by large I want them to feel stability, to really make these changes their own. I don’t mean just in the psychological sense, but have their bodies adapt. Lush, youthful skin that stays that way for decades. Lean, nutritious habits that lead to lean, lithe bodies. Constantly keeping a bottle near to always hydrate, and constantly filling their nappy, until the kidneys know nothing else.

The real reward comes later, after they have graduated, whenever I see an alumnus on TV. The leader of a think tank, or the CEO of a traded company, my boys tend to do well. The reward is to see them agitate on TV or give their expert opinion, and know that below that crisp suit is a body smooth as a soap and a cute little nappy.

Read my commentary.


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