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Don’t give me that shit! Why would it be dismissed? It’s false advertisement or arbitrary conduct or meathead bullshit or something. You’re the lawyer. You figure it out.

Yes, he did call it “quick body weight program”, but that’s obviously misleading. I thought it would be a fast way to tone the body a little. I specifically told him I didn’t want any machines or bullshit because I didn’t want to look like a fucking roid bull like him.

What? Yes, I called him “roid bull”.

I think I also said his arms looked like veiny dicks.

What do you mean insults? All of it technically true or a personal opinion. Why are you taking his side? I bet you are fucking going to bill me for this call as well.

Refuse to file court documents? What kind of fucking lawyer are you? Did you see the photo I sent? I look like a loser muscle slab. I can’t even move like a normal person. It’s like wearing a meat puffer jacket. I had to cancel all of today’s meetings to just get some new suits. Who is going to pay for that? And how am I going to get back into human size? No fucking way I’m setting my foot in that fucking gym ever again, with those smelly beef jerks. Who the fuck you think you are?



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