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This story has its roots in the story Cursed written by MagicStore (though he keeps going through names). It's about some sort of demonic gym without exit, and I always though it kind of lacked a good ending. Like, what was the purpose of the gym. Perhaps you were spat out on the same street again, as if time had stood still, once you were completely unrecognizable? So of course when I wrote something similar I ended up with the same lack of closure.


There are several places on Earth that are not marked on any map. These places are quite ordinary: houses, hospitals, cafeterias, parks and even entire cities, but there is one difference from thousands of other such places. All these special places are cursed. Some of them lure people to their homes to punish them, some make innocent people suffer. These places, like predators, waiting for their prey and devour their curse. On that fateful day, you had to meet one of these places.

It was a very ordinary Monday, except that it rained heavily in the morning. Traffic on the streets just paralyzed and you were forced to go under an umbrella bypass route. Around you there were crowds of passers-by with umbrellas and raincoats, and you were immersed in your thoughts and did not even notice how a strong gust of wind pulled your umbrella. The umbrella handle slipped out of your hands and your umbrella flew away in a stream of water somewhere on the other side of the Avenue. Immediately the rain began to pour on your head and your back and you looked in populace to find a place to hide. The building closest to you was only two steps away, the door was warmly opened, and a sign “Open” hung on the glass. You, without thinking, jumped into the door, which immediately slammed shut behind you, a gust of wind. Goosebumps ran through your skin, even though you didn’t understand why…

The room was quite spacious and bright, it Looked like a reception room in a sports club. On the walls hung posters with appeals to lose weight and build muscles, near the walls were comfortable sofas, and behind the counter stood a young tall in shape brown hair and you were smiling in all 32 teeth. 

“Hello, sir. You can hang your coat on that hanger over there by the heater to dry it. Can I offer you one of the passes to our sports club?” You have never been delighted with the sport and all its manifestations. But the coat still hung on a hanger 

“No, thank you. I just want to wait out the rain” You said politely. 

“Certainly. Settle.” The guy pointed at you on the couch and smiled. 

For a second, you thought his eyes were red and glowing. But after a second they were ordinary brown. Guy, meanwhile, gathered some papers and went into a glass door somewhere in the corridor. You sat on the couch for about 10 minutes, leafing through sports magazines and inspecting the room. You just wanted to wait until dry coat and the rain is over. Suddenly you smelled smoke. At the same time behind the counter of the admission that something broke and the fire began to spread. In a panic, you tried to open the front door, but it was locked. You had no choice but to run through the glass door. You ran out in corridor, glass the door has been closed. You looked back to look at the fire, and you were surprised to find that the waiting room looked completely normal. 

“What the hell?” You thought. The glass door was also locked… You decided to find a guy to ask him to let you out. You went deep into the sports club.
The corridor ended with an open door. You walked into it and found yourself in the locker room. 

“It is unlikely that this guy went this way” Thought you. You turned around to leave the locker room, but you hit a wall. The door disappeared. “What the hell?! What’s going on here?!” You screamed in panic. 

“Not afraid. It happened to everyone…” You abruptly turned around and found a muscular guy. He had shaggy blonde hair and was wearing a black and yellow singlet. The guy sat on the floor and untied his shoelaces.

"What are you talking about?“ You asked. "How long have you been here?"The guy asked, ignoring your question. "About 30 minutes.”. “Well. Then the transformation will not take long. Good luck."The guy turned around and went into the room, where he heard the sound of water. He probably went to take a shower.

At that moment, you felt a strange numbness in your limbs and a sharp nausea. You leaned against the metal cabinets and slowly slid to the floor. Numbness was replaced by tingling, and then by pain and heat. Your body felt like it was on fire. You saw how your limbs began to stretch in length and large masses of muscles began to form on them. Your hands were covered in dark hairs and you could see your muscles bulging under your clothes. Your shirt tightened when your pecs started to swell and pull it forward. Beautiful abs became more and more distinct. You couldn’t see it, but your face started to change, becoming nothing like your old face. Nakone your clothes began to change. Shoes became more dull, until they lost color and became white. Their texture was replaced by fabric and the style became more sporty. You had white sneakers on your feet now. Your pants shortened and began to resemble grey sweat pants. The shirt took on a light green color and tightly wrapped around your new muscular torso. Finally the blue cap came out of the air on your head. After that, you fainted from the pain and shock.

You woke up when the guy in the singlet pulled you over your shoulders. "Dude, Wake up. Welcome to the sports club”

 "What happens? What happened to me?!“You asked questions almost intuitively and suddenly realized that your voice has also changed, becoming deeper. 

"No worries bro. It’s too late to do anything now. Your destiny is to be in this damn club now. In this creature of the devil. This place turns you into a non-you and feeds on your energy from the impenetrable life. I used to be a regular guy, too. But I’ve been here almost 30 years. One plus: this place at least makes you forever young handsome. I’m sorry, man, but your old life is over and your next eternal life in this place has begun. Let’s go, I’ll show you the gym ” Only now you realize the hopelessness of his position. You had to follow the guy and accept your fate.

You started with a warm-up and ended with an eternity…


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