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I had prepared and bought the 24/7 gym membership well in advance. I was sitting too much, both at work and at home, and I’ve been feeling ever worse all throughout the autumn. I started to have imprints in my legs after removing my socks at night. The lower button holes on my shirts were being stretched, making a button open occasionally when I sat down. I could feel my chest puffing out in my arm pits. I knew even before Christmas that I had to make weight loss a priority in the new year. I guess I could have started there and then, but I was going to spend Christmas with my parents, so I decided to not complicate things. Make it a new years resolution, like every one else.

New Year’s eve didn’t become what I had hoped or planned for though. My friend, who was going to host a small thing, cancelled at the last minute due to vomiting. I didn’t have the energy to find something else, so I went to bed like 10 minutes after midnight. Woke up at 5, fully rested. I wanted to make the most of this unexpected series of events, so I jumped out of bed, got my stuff, and went to the gym.

I guess newly decided weight losers and briefly health obsessed people opted for a slow start, because the place was deserted. Some girl was spinning on a training bike at the far end, but otherwise no one in sight. I started to fumble my way through a program I’d written down from a recent issue of Men’s Health that I bought. That’s when he happened.

He looked like he could beat the shit out of anyone, and determined to do so if anyone stopped him in his tracks. White and bright orange adidas sneakers, black adidas shorts and a blue Under Armour tank top, all shiny. What wasn’t covered, and it was a lot, was smooth, lean muscles. He was clean shaven, and had probably just buzzed his head as well. He looked determined. I was sitting on some sort of leg press machine I had no idea how to operate properly, and he was walking straight towards me when I noticed him. I looked around and saw one more identical, unoccupied machine, and mentally readied myself to move there if he wanted me to.

“Do you need any help with that?”, he demanded. It felt like a threat. It hadn’t really sounded like one, but he looked at me accusingly. “I’m fine. It can’t be that hard to figure out, can it?” He looked a little less sure about what to do next. I was thinking I should probably have gone with a straight yes or no. “Do you want any help with that?” he asked. “Yes. It would be great to have someone who knows this stuff show me how it’s done.” He looked relived, as if he had achieved something. I just felt happy I hadn’t been MMA:ed into a bruise.

He wasn’t just helpful with that machine, but to my surprise he proceeded to help me through my entire list of exercises. He was the least chatty person I’ve ever met. I told him I was in the gym as part of my new years resolution, and he responded “Me too”. I asked him if this wasn’t a bother, if he wouldn’t rather do his exercises instead of correcting mine, to which he responded “No”. The first question he asked me, that wasn’t related to the exercises, came as I had just finished my list.

“Are you gay?”

I was sure I was, but I hadn’t really told anyone. I’m pretty sure my parents knew, though I hadn’t said anything one way or the other. No one at the office needed to know. We all got along well, but we didn’t talk much family there, nor socialized outside of office hours. Why should I out myself to a gymrat I’ve never seen before?

“Yes, I am.”
“Wanna hook up?”
“Like, now?”
“Yeah. I live nearby.”

This was moving way too fast. At the same time it might be the only shot I have, ever, to be intimate with someone of his physique. I’ve been with girls before, but who would I rather have to take my gay virginity? My dick certainly approved, and if he looked, he would be able to tell.

“I’d love to.”

I didn’t even pick up my clothes from the locker room on the way out. It’s a 24/7 gym and he lived across the street, half a block south. Outside of the gym he didn’t say a word, nor did I. I was nervous as hell about all of it. Perhaps he was too. A shiver ran down my spine as I realized I’d left the gym, probably without any witness, to have sex with a man I didn’t even know the name of. How did that happen?

“I’m Sebastian”
“Lucas. This is it.”

He motioned towards the entrance. I froze a few steps from the door. He unlocked it with an RFID tag at the end of a bright green, nylon lanyard he fished out of a shorts pocket. This was too fast, too reckless. The thought just made my dick even stiffer. Lucas turned towards me, looking concerned all of a sudden. The first emotion he’d shown so far.

“You alright, man?”
“I’m… I think you look amazing, but…”

That’s as far as I managed before he swooped in and planted a forceful kiss on my mouth. We were both speechless for seconds, looking at each other. Then he looked away.

“I’m shy… Like real fucking shy. My resolution was to stop making excuses, and go for it the next time I see someone I really like. I just didn’t expect it would be only like 6 hours later.”

That was almost more words out of him than the entire time inside the gym. He looked relieved, as he looked back at me. I could feel myself blushing. This stunning, thuggish, sexy, muscular hunk basically told me he’d fallen in love. With me! I remained speechless.

“Your resolution was to get in shape, right?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“I’ll promise you this then. I’ll do whatever I can to get you into the best shape possible. No PT would ever get close to what I’ll do with you, if you let me.”
“I’d like that.”
“Listen, I’m sorry. I came on too strong. I was nervous and…”

I interrupted him with a kiss of my own. This one lasted for minutes, it felt like. Once we broke apart, getting air, he again motioned towards the door.

“Want breakfast? Let’s start you on fruits and fibers.”
“I’m still horny as fuck. Let’s start me on that.”


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