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Sorry for the story title, but I couldn't come up with anything better. It was "Gifted Wrap" until a minute before publishing.

I wanted to make some sort of uplifting Christmas story as well. Despite not being a big fan of body suits, I basically made a body suite story, but without the climbing inside part. Who knows how that works for this tech. I was trying out some different names for the tech. I think it basically was released as Synthetic Shells under a brand name, and then it became SynthShells, and that was to tricky to say, and became Synshell.

The ginger ale and whiskey was happening in my family. My father gave us children ginger ale, and the boozed up version for the adults. I don't think my grandmother ever figured out it was alcohol in it.

Anyway, here is powering it up. I was thinking of a lot of other small stuff to throw in at the end, like perhaps the Synshell doesn't have a food allergy that he has, or something like that. Or him saying "I'll be a virgin again" before realizing he said it out loud to his father. But I prefer snappy.


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