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 WASHINGTON (Associated Reporting) - Multiple sources within the intelligence community voice concerns about the lack of public response to the ongoing cyber/psyops attack facing the nation. The sharp uptick in incidents over the past two weeks has lead to multiple and independent government leaks. “It’s crazy that no public warning has been issued”, says one source in cyber command, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear for retaliation. No official information has been disclosed on the origin or policy purpose of the attack, but given the technical sophistication, and the upcoming election, Russia or China is believed to be the culprit.

The malware is what is known as a multi stage implant, where the first stage infects the victim’s computer or cellphone and then spreads to all the victim’s devices through a number of different means. Once fully infected the implant starts to replace applications, which in turn affect the victim’s behavior through a combination of modified in and outgoing messages, and a set of subliminal messages in text, video and audio.

In only a matter of days the victim starts to engage in indecent behavior, typically based on fantasies derived from online history and behavior, and always together with strangers. The malware sets up a profile on hookup sites and apps, communicate a scenario, and the victim is essentially placed in a situation where they just have to say yes to have their sexual fantasy fulfilled. “If someone shows up at your door, looking and acting like you have fantasized about, and start demanding you do things you deep down desire, it’s incredibly difficult to say no.” comments former counter intelligence officer Traci McDonnel. While no official number has been released, our reporting suggests the vast majority of victims do go ahead with the encounter. “I always dreamt about it, but I never knew sports equipment could go that far up”, says one victim, who wishes to remain anonymous.

Not everyone feel like a victim though. Matt Ellison, 31, is a truck driver from Austin, Texas, but drives all over the state. His cellphone became infected four weeks ago, and ever since then his life has changed in ways he is nothing but happy about. “At first I thought it sounded gay, but now I’m loving it. It doesn’t  matter where in the state I am. As long as I follow the instructions, usually to arrive sweaty, call them specific names, and always, always be aggressive about it, I can get my dick sucked every day of the week.”

It’s yet unclear if the goal is to collect incriminating material, lower overall morale, or prime the electorate for further subliminal messages, but what is apparent is the enemy is already openly taunting US defense agencies with numerous subtle changes in the victim’s interfaces. Some applications even have their icons or names replaced. “We are getting our asses kicked in psyops, and this administration has tied our hands”, says one government source.

Read my commentary.


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