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This was based on a story by the tumblr write collegenerdtojock. I don't like memory alterations, as I think that cheapens the impact of a transformation. I decided to write my story post transformation, whereas this one is before.

Original Story

 Coming from a pretty strict and upper-class Jewish family, I just never envision that one day I will experience something like this. I mean, who would’ve thought that they would look completely different with barely any surgery whatsoever?

“Your parents insisted that you have to enter our university despite we constantly said that your score is just not enough, especially noting the fact that you come from quite a privilege background. So somehow, they agreed for you to be tested for our Diversity Program and there you have it, a ‘diversity’ quota to ensure you a spot in our university,”

“That sounded fucked up……and this is done without my consent, I demand for a contact with my parent because I’m pretty sure they don’t know this is the outcome of your diversity program bullshit,”

“Your parents are standing behind that glass, Mr. West, watching every single step we took to incorporate you into that body,”

“That’s not my last name. It’s Cohen,”

“You’re Shaun West from now on, and also still Daniel Cohen. Once you graduate, we are going to give a certificate with Daniel Cohen name to your parents as they will be the one who paid for Shaun West tuition but it also serves as your tuition. But you will stand in the podium, having class projects, falling in love and every single aspect of your university life as Shaun West. You can keep living life as Shaun afterwards, or you can be back to your old look but in order for that second option to exist, you have to actively participating in campus activity and ensuring to bring several accolades with your athletic talent as you might observe from your current state of body, promoting diversity and step away from anything too critical about the campus bureaucracy,”

“That is fucked up. I never life live as a black man, I don’t know their story or the things that this Shaun West ever face in his life, and you want me to lie? That’s not going to happen, I have moral value to uphold,”

“No worries Mr. West, your memory will emerge soon and then from there on, you will not have any problem telling your stories on how you grew up in that bad neighborhood and always trying to make differences, or how you experience systemic racism, or how you prove everyone wrong that you cannot enter a prestigious campus like what you attend now. You will also remember when you sign that confidentiality letter that ensured you full scholarship about this project and we hope you to cooperate well with us,”

And as she pat me in my bare shoulder, I can feel the slight prick of a needle and my body instantly spasmed as Shaun’s muscle memory returned and that’s when another prick felt in my head as everything around me turned dark…..


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