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He had been almost annoyingly insistent all evening, asking my nationality, age, background, work. At first I was evasive, without lying. He was undeterred though, and kept at it. We moved over to Discord. What countries had I been to? When was I there the last time? Prodding and prodding. He was a sloppy writer and I got the feeling that he was quite young, though probably smart. To be honest I enjoyed answering many of his questions. Remembering past work experiences, past vacations, and past friends under his interrogation was almost therapeutic. At times I was away from the computer to eat or do something else in the house, but as soon as he saw me turn active he assaulted me with more questions. They got more intimate as we went along. Was I a twink or a bear? Did I have a big dick? Did I like it in the ass? Could I send a photo? I was two glasses into a bottle of Merlot, so I answered kind of truthful, without getting into details. I sent him my current profile photo, a few years old. I realized that he hadn’t really shared anything about himself, and asked him for one of his.

That’s when he asked to connect on Skype.

I don’t know if I had any expectations really, and yet I felt disappointed and cheated. Instead of trash talking with someone fun or RP with someone hot, or the other way around, I was facing some teenager and his messy room. Good looking, sure, with a mischievous look, but I was old enough to be his father, though barely.

“Hi there, isn’t it past your bedtime?” I blurted out, ruder than I intended. “No, it’s just afternoon here.”, he responded, missing or at least ignoring my condescension. Cute voice, though a bit annoying. “Besides, I don’t think time will matter too much. You’ll stroke my dick over and over. You’ll be fucking amazed how much cum you can squeeze out of it before you fall asleep exhausted.”

I wasn’t about to dirty talk with a kid, even though it sounded like he knew what he was doing. Time to end this, empty the wine and go to bed.
“Hey, look. It’s been a fun few hours, but I think it is time we get real.”
“Yeah, I think so too”.

With no more than that he suddenly turn away, lights an envelope on fire, and place it into a metal bowl. The sudden change in demeanor takes me by surprise. I have no idea what he is up to. Then everything shimmer, like if you are looking through hot air, and suddenly I’m looking at a different computer screen. Inside the Skype window I see myself. I’m smiling.

“What the…” I hear the cute, but annoying voice say. My hands are smaller, my arms are hairless. Am I him? I look down. I am him. And fuck am I horny.

“I left everything I think you need to know in the notebook. If you have any questions you can just shoot a message and I might answer.” and the call disconnects.


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