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We tried over and over and over. The exact same steps as the first time, trying to think of every variable that we might have missed. All for naught. Horrified we came to the realization that this was us now. Stuck. The first week was so hard. We didn’t trust anyone would believe us, so we kept it a secret. Constantly sleeping over, always by each others side, in case there was a slip up in need of a rescue. Our mothers of course knew something was up, but couldn’t figure out what. Nick’s mother searched me for drugs.

Eventually things got easier. We slowly learnt the friends, the family, the dos, the don’ts. Now, a year later, with recent memories and events all our own, rarely anything comes up that can’t be deftly managed with amnesia. “You remember aunt Petunia, don’t you?” Sure don’t.

We had kind of the same shitty life before the body swap, so I don’t think anyone is worse off. I don’t even think much about it anymore, to be honest. But it is at moments like this I think maybe I got the longer straw.


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