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He held on to Toms body as all muscles in him relaxed. Slowly and carefully he lowered the body into a sitting position on the concrete, as he continued to softly complete the hypnotic induction.

“…and deeper …and deeper”

He went down on his knees, straddling Tom so they both sat on the ground, face to face mere inches between them. Then he embraced Tom in a lose hug, talking close to his ear.

“You are now as deep as you can go, without falling into the abyss. If you look you can see all the pressure to perform down there. The constant fear to fail when you don’t perform. The fear of being rejected when you fail. The fear of being lonely when you’re rejected. The feelings have always been down here, even if you weren’t aware of them. Not really. But they were always here. To scare you to do what others wanted. To scare you to conform. To scare you into putting up a facade. Putting on a mask over who your really are. You kept it on for so long that you are not even sure who you really are underneath.”

He hugged Tom a little tighter.

“Do you feel that? I’m holding you. Keeping you from falling further down. As long as you are with me there is no danger in going this close to the edge. To see the world for what it really is. I’m a real friend, and friends don’t lie. No one else has shown you this. No one else is here with you.”

He position himself to get much of his hoodie up in Toms face.

“Take a good smell. Can you feel how my arms keep you safe? Can you feel the smell of me being close? Every time you feel this smell you will be reminded of what a good friend I am. You will feel safe. You will trust me, trust what I say, since you know that we can go this deep together, and look at the real you. Every time I hug you and say sleep you will return to this place. Return to this feeling of unease with what you were, but feeling safe that I am with you. Guiding you, like I am now. Raise your arms and hug me, hold on to me.”

Tom gently moved his arms and hugged him back.

“As long as you hold on to me, you will not fall into the abyss. Whenever you feel like something is pushing you closer to the edge, an assignment due, a teacher yelling, a disapproving parent, a stern police officer, you always think of me. A real friend, who is always there to tell you what to do. How to keep away from falling. You want to be as close as possible, as often as possible. To hear what I have to say. To get guidance of what to do. You want to fit in with those around me. Dress like them. Walk like them. Talk like them. Skate like them. Smoke like them. Smell like them. Be like them.”

He took the OBEY beanie off his head and placed it on Tom.

“Since you are a friend I’m giving you something valuable. You’ve seen me wear this hat, so you know I like it very much. But you are such a good friend, I want you to have it. Having your full trust is worth so much more to me. I trust you take good care of my hat. It makes you feel more connected to me. A constant reminder of our friendship. You never want to take it off. If you have to take if off, it falls off, or someone takes it off, you feel like you are betraying our friendship. You are afraid that you are alone again, falling towards the abyss. You want to fight to get it back on as soon as possible.”

He was gently stroking the hat.

“To you the hat isn’t just a hat. It’s a tangible proof that someone really, deeply and profoundly understands you and care about you. It’s a token of our friendship, and you want everyone to see it. There is no place you wouldn’t wear it. There is no one you don’t want to see you in it. Every time you think about the hat you think about our friendship, you think about me, you think about how important it is to do everything within your power for that friendship. You think about what I told you to do. You think about what I told you not to do. You feel happy to have such a good friend giving you such honest guidance.”

“Every time you see yourself in a mirror you see the words OBEY written on the hat. Every time you see the word you let it sink in from the hat into your mind and make the word a true part of yourself. You want to obey me. You know that is what is best for you. You make what I tell you part of you. Not because you have to, but because you want to. You want to obey.”

He looked at Tom’s face, handsome, eyes closed. Such an annoying do-gooder, always eager to please authority. Not a single push back from his programming. He would be completely fucked within a month, easily.

Read my commentary.


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