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This is another story that originated from jd07201990 from tumblr. He dropped a bunch of unfinished/unpublished scripts on a Discord channel, and this was the one that I was most interested in. I thought the original had some silly elements to it, and decided to play them up a lot and give some hallucinogenic medication as reason for the silliness.

This is the original:

Sitting here, staring down at my large palmed clammy hands, feeling the burning warmth of new hormones rushing through me, I knew I was screwed. “What’s Ma gonna think…” I thought to myself, shuffling my large, sweaty sneakered feet. I kept having flashes from the indoctrination process popping in and out of my head. They said it’d take a few days for me to settle in, that the change is always rough on girls who sneak into the boy’s camp. “I should’a just stayed home…” was my last thought before a skull-splitting migraine had me fall onto the stiff cot, passed out.

I’d been incredibly curious as to why my older brothers got to go to camp every summer, and I had to stay home, or enlist in summer gymnastics classes. They always came back at the end of summer, excited to tell of all the fun they’d had, all the cool activities, new friends. It sounded amazing! I had to sit there at dinner times, listening to them rub it in, and having only small accomplishments to talk about myself when it was my turn. I was tired of it, so, at the end of the school year, when it was time to sign my brother’s up, I waited for Mom to fill out their forms, and made a copy for myself, changing my name from Kari, to Kaeden. Apparently, it was an all-boys camp, which I’d later find, they meant it literally.

I hid in the back of the truck, underneath my brother’s bags and gear, for the entire ride. It was awful, but I knew it’d be worth it when I got to see what the camp was all about. We arrived after the 4hr drive, and while they got their papers handed in and sorted, I snuck out of the truck and into the grounds, finding a side door open along the main building. Once the parents left, it’d be too late for them to send me home, I figured, so I waited till all the cars left, and the sun started to set, marched up to the offices where the paperwork was handles, and put mine down on the desk. The man sitting behind it looked shocked, stuttered a bit, then sighed, picking up my paperwork and reading it over.

“Kaedan Atherton,




Blonde, Green Eyes,

No known allergies.”

He read though all of the false information I’d added, interests, past activates.

“Miss, Atherton. I assume you’re Heath and Daniel’s sister. Yes? Are you aware this is a boy’s summer camp?”
I tried to speak, but he cut me off.
“Alright, we have protocols for this kind of thing. I’m going to have to escort you to the Infirmary, for your initial, uh, “physical” – his emphasis on the word physical made me shudder slightly. “Then we can find you a bunk, and you can join the camp. I assure you, this’ll be a life changing experience.

He took my arm in a tight grip, and nearly dragged me across the camp, using a side path that went through the trees. I had a feeling he didn’t want anyone to see me. When we got to the large, barn style building, we went to the back, he pushed a button on an intercom on the wall, and announced sternly, “Code 91. Immediate response required”

He looked down at me, let go of my arm as the door buzzed, and opened. 2 large men dressed in white scrubs came out, grabbed me by the shoulders and rushed me through. We went down a staircase as the door above slammed shut, and entered a room full of what looked like Frankenstein’s lab equipment. I panicked, pulling myself away from the men, but only made it a few feet before they grabbed me again, pulling me to a chair and sat me down. Holding my down. Another man came out of a side door, pulling on a pair of gloves, and spoke in a hardcore, heavy German accent.

“Ah, Code 91. Haven’t had one of these since, oh it must’ve been a decade! Welcome!”
I tried to scream, but the orderly to my left clapped his hand over my mouth.

“No need to fuss, it’ll only take a bit. I’ve gotten quite good at this particular physical! Now, Franz, Dozer, please take… Hmm” the German man headed to a computer and pulled up my file. “Please take Kaedan, to the chamber.

With my mouth still firmly covered, I fought and yelped as the two men carried me to a table, with what looked like a giant human shaped cake pan. They forced me into the mold, strapping my legs, torso, arms, and head down into the groove, and adjusted things until I was firmly stuck. I couldn’t move a muscle. I started screaming threats, until Dozer stuffed a gag into my mouth, with a hose attached to the ceiling. I was left in the cold metal mold while the Doctor set things up on a computer panel. I could hear him mumbling.

“Hm, Kaeden Atherton. Ah, yes, the Atherton boys! Good kids those two, talented, handsome. Hm, I think I know what to do here. Kaeden, says 6’1”, so shall it be! 129lbs, check! Eyes and hair, no problem there. Now, details… details… I guess I’ve got free reign here. Best make sure you’re a match to your strapping brothers eh?” 

The doctor started typing things, using s 3D mouse I’d seen in my graphic design class to move something on the screen. He kept rambling off little details as the top half of the human mold came down from above me, sealing with a harsh HISSSS and a cloud of gasses.

“Size…. Oh, I’d say, 16? Yes, that ratio of fitting… but, no, lets go 18 to be sure. 

Now, skeletal and muscular systems… tall, thin, strong boned, muscle density upped a bit, the brothers are quite fit, might as well match…. 

Hmmm, just a little more in the shoulders… that’s it, nice proportions, good shape. 

Now, for the secondary features. Would’ve been easier had you been younger, but I can fix this. I think, second to highest levels, ah, definitely, just like Heath, no, more so! May as well go full out. Highest levels. 

Hormone levels, highest, ooh, right, must match the physical bits. Alright, looks like you’ll be a lucky lad then! 8” to be proportional to the height… no, lets go 10… yes, yes, and hmm, low hang, yes, heavy, sure why not… egg sized, perfect! A well build young man. 

Now, I think we’re set! Alright, Alright, here we go! Miss Atherton, Welcome to Great Meadows Boy’s Camp!”

With that, he pushed one last button on the control panel, and I felt the mental mold heat up and start to vibrate. I tried screaming, tears welling up in my eyes as pain shot through my body 


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