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2024? That doesnt sound like a real number!

Hello all my lovely patrons, I hope the holidays have been good to everyone. I hope work has been kind to you, and that your days off have been restful <3

I've been thinking about what to write in this post because the last few days I've also been thinking on where I want to go art wise; here on patreon and other social media platforms. There's a few personal art goals I wanna accomplish throughout the year, such as drawing specific things I wanna do, avoiding toxic circles, post more, etc. I'm also going to take down my website and find a different host because the one I'm on isn't great.

But I keep telling myself I want to do something MORE with my patreon. Something to impress new people to join, or find ways to engage with everyone here. I keep drawing a blank though. I hope this doesn't come off sounding weird but like, I want to make sure everyone who is supporting my patreon is getting their moneys worth.

It's a fine line of wanting to draw things I enjoy, and pushing past boundaries in the hope my work becomes some big success. But even if you push yourself to the point of burn out there's no guarantee your work will be successful.

This year I'm going to try and follow Brian David Gilbert's words: "No matter how small, niche, and insignificant something might seem, the very act of researching, or spending time with, or caring for it imbues it with meaning. To you and the people you share it with."

To everyone here, thanks for sticking around for 2023 and I look forward to sharing what I can this year. Here is to a good one, that's kind and prosperous to all of us!


S.J. Slays

If you're enjoying the act of what you are creating, then my money has been more than well spent 💖 Happy New Year Chica