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One of my oldest OC's I created way back in 1998-99. My family had just moved to Kansas and Dragonball Z was just airing on Toonami. I was obsessed with it. That, and Sailor Moon were my starter animes. I used to sit in my computer class drawing on MS paint and printing out pictures of the characters XD

So the show wasn't even done with the saiyan saga and 14 year old me was like "I want girl fighters in the show." I didn't even have internet so I had yet to discover the entirety of DBZ's world. So I created Agra in my classes. I actually took her name randomly out of one of our history books. Agra, being a city in India known for the Tāj Mahal XD To me, it just stuck out, you know?

She originally was Goku's daughter! I had this old story where she was a year or two younger than Gohan, and during her birthday she got to make a wish to the dragon. And everyone expected her to wish for something a kid would want (toys, candy, etc) and kid Agra blurts out "I wish I was big enough so I can fight like my daddy!" and POOF! she was a grown up. I made her 19 in the story because as a 14 year old that sounded grown up enough XD It's also why Agra19 was my sign in name for many years.

There was no reason why her hair was red originally. When I saw other anime like Slayers, a lot of the female leads were red haired and I thought it was cool. Eventually, I realized it would be a paint to constantly explain why her hair was red when the entire Son family had black hair. So that's when I made up the story of the Four Red Saiyans. I think I'll do a follow up post for that one because its a story all its own C:

Anyway, Agra eventually got a new family because by 2000 I met my friend Dan and we chat RPed the days away as Gohan and Agra which developed into a ship. And I was like "this is REALLY weird since in my own story Gohan was her brother so I better make some changes" 

Before that, I wanted to ship Agra with other characters but I could never settle on an idea. The first choice was Piccolo. That became more like a one sided crush. And later on Vegeta was a candidate XD (or back when I couldnt spell it was VAGEETA) but when I finally got internet access I saw a purple haired hunk named TRUNKS. And kid me was like "HES PERFECT!!!" The daughter of Goku and the son of Vegeta have a tragic romance because he has to go back to the future OH THE FEELS!

It's funny, after 25 years of RP stories and art, I never really settled on a "permanent" story where Agra could fit into canon. I've had some ideas but I never had the energy or time to draw them out and show them off. Plus, I keep changing the ideas around in my head. One day Agra 2023+ might show up!



S.J. Slays

You calling Agra Babygirl gave me all the feels, BECAUSE SHE IS! She is Babygirl! I also always found it an amusing happy accident that you named her Agra because that is on ketchup bottles, which fits the whole "vegetable name" trope. 😂 "HE'S PERFECT" - so relatable 😂😂😂

Maria Ochoa

Omg I never knew about the ketchup thing. Her name not matching the veggie theme used to drive me nuts until I made another pun connection: AGRICULTURE! 😂

Daniel Yarbrough

Agra! Hah nothing can say here you haven't heard me say a million times so just say Agra is the best and it is always great to see you draw her. I mean look at that red head saiyan smile, you can't help but smile at it.