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I have a new sketchbook Ive been trying to doodle in but with the gloomy weather it's been hard to do much. A part of me wishes I had the energy to commit to a huge project like a comic or something. I've made a few personal art goals for improving my art so lets see if that comes to fruition as the year progresses!

For now, here are some doodles of my horses from Naruto. I would simply call them Horses of the Sand since in my DEEP LORE they originated from the Country of the Wind which is mostly desert (go figure). These two characters in particular were posted before. Keiji and Haiirokage (meaning Grey Shadow) would wander the lands until they settled in a place called Sunagakure. They befriend some of the canon characters and become a found family ❤️

If I work on comics I think these horses would be a nice start. Back in the mid aughts I gave these guys all kinds of backstories, family dynamics, meaning behind their tattoos, and how they were called on by humans.

I have a few old comics, Ill have to dig them up and post them here 👌 but thanks for looking!



S.J. Slays

Oooo shiny new sketchbook! I can't wait to see the comics-new and old. 🥰