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Day 17 didn't have a story prompt but I used it as a chance to redesign an old Spirit OC of mine named Wind. When I was a kid she was my "horsesona" XD but then I made her Rain's sister. She has a coat color that's called a splashed white. They're really cool looking! I got some feedback on instagram and then tried to merge the popular choices together into something I liked. Day 21's Storm was also a chance to design a canon character. There are short novels for Spirit lore about Rain and Spirit's parents and grandparents. Rain has a father named Storm who's described as a black and white pinto horse. Many fans have designed a look for him and I decided to try as well!

Now we go on to the story prompts!

Day 18 and 19: Haunted and Friend

“The  Cimarron Herd went to the forest during the colder months to forage and  for shelter. And growing up, Geist was taught never to go too deep into  the woods. She always assumed it was because it was dangerous to go  alone. It was easy to get lost. But she learned every horse knew some  kind of story about haunts and ghosts. Their mothers and fathers passed  along the stories so they did in turn until it became an unspoken rule  that the deeper parts of the forest were haunted.

She also learned there was no ghost! Or if there was, he was a friend. And his name was Falling Snow."

Day 20 and 21: Frozen and Storm
“Geist  was born late in the season and the cold weather was fast approaching.  Spirit and Rain did everything they could to protect their little foal  from the cold and to help her gain strength each day to survive the  winter. It was quite the gauntlet for a filly, new to the world, to  enter into!

Rain would tell her stories about her own father, how  his name meant 'to weather the storm.' A brave, and gentle warrior who  dwelled among two legged creatures and even saved her own mother.  Stories of her grandsire taught Geist to never fear the storms, and that  she too could weather them.”



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