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Laptop died near the end so had to go to backup audio 😭 But this episode........














Laura 🦋

Get into it yuhhh


Studio Peak 2023 G.O.A.T World Champs

Mia Malvik

Wait wtf Carter you can't make jokes about Berserk manga like that. Now you gotta read it


The king is so cool

Mia Malvik

Facts. If there's one thing on this planet that lives up to the hype, it's the berserk manga


Carter spelt backwards is GOAT




"Salmon" - Meruem

Jigga Man



i think palm is way worse than hisoka. at least hisoka you can claim its just a power fetish or something. but palm is blatantly romantically attracted to gon. no if ands or buts.


0:51 Carter don't play with my feelings like that ....


it's time for THAT episode 🤢


Love carter trying to analyze the kings motivation, super complex character and just getting started with him. Keep up the good work!!

Jigga Man

Palms situation is weird because I don't think it's sexual it just comes off like that. She admires Gon as a person, like how Killua sees him as "light" and Palm is a dark/gloomy person so like an opposites attract thing.


like Palm could've been around Gon's age and it would've been at least not this weird


Carter, the King doesn't need to state what he wants. The King is part "Ant" what does an ant do? BUILD AN EMPIRE. Whatever discovery channel you go, that's always going to be there animal intuition. --- To multiply and build ---. You can google "what does an ant do?" Trust me it will tell you that there will always be queen-workers-kingdom. Some animals have DIRECT intuition that they FEEL like they needed to do this, otherwise will be seeing Meruem ordering Starbucks that would be out of nowhere.


Drake Bell should’ve used that defense before he fled to Mexico


hxh is my favorite anime, it's still weird and unnecessary


so happy that I didn't need to wait till midnight to watch this. The kindness keeps growing..

y are you mad

i love how self aware hxh is written. if something wrong is going on someone will react to that etc.


Who knew Gon was such a player?


Gon nonchalantly saying the words "Fanatics" never failed to give me chills everytime. What did they do to my boy?!


Hisoka and Palm are both sus, but I think the reason people are fine with Hisoka is the show doesn’t try to paint him in a wholesome light. He’s an interesting and messed up antagonist, and whenever he does creepy shit everyone is grossed out, and the show doesn’t try to justify it. At worst his creepiness is played for a laugh here and there, but it’s not dangerous in the sense that the series is promoting his behavior. Clearly he’s fked up, but it’s part of what makes him an interesting antagonist (he’s basically a play on the “addicted to fighting” shounen trope taken to the next level). Palm though is supposed to be an ally, and in her date they have sappy and romantic music playing and try to paint it as wholesome that she’s dating a 12 year old. It’s just really odd. Sure the show still paints her as creepy, but then it also seems to say “well this date still is a heartfelt and romantic moment,” when really it’s just grooming and weird. Honestly I think this is just a combination of a cultural disconnect between Japan and the West + before and around the 2000s unfortunately female on male sexual humor was more accepted. I’ve read fantasy books where females forcing themselves on males was played for laughs, whereas today if the same thing was written it would (rightfully so) be looked down upon, at least I hope so. There was a good South Park episode on this too, when a girl is abused by a man everyone riots, when a boy is abused by a woman most just say he’s “lucky.” I think things are getting better in recent times but you still see it in the news, whenever a hot teacher has relations with a student the comments (mostly men) say “wish that was me.”


Calm down, Kitty! That's the point of this show to make the viewers "think" hence what Carter is doing which is perfectly natural.


Gon and Palm's weird date is the only thing I don't like about this arc. It's probably my least favorite part of the show tbh


Brig shitting on One Piece for no reason is getting annoying tbf


Damn took me like an hour to realize the genius there…


Palm is one of my favorite characters of this arc. (Only recently) She’s just hilarious to me because of her odd nature yet she’s so symbolic of the arc’s theme (ants vs humans) like what does it mean to be human if there’s someone as inhumane as her. Her purpose for this season is something I could never predict until I see it. It makes sense she’s not a favorite for most but in the end, I appreciate each character tagashi has to offer. He knows what he’s doing.


He just jokes around, he shits on DN but ranked it quite high, it’s not a big deal lol


why get upset? theyre just messing around lmao... I love OP, but I also recognize it's really easy to make fun of before you fall for it's charm. I laugh when people make fun of it, they kinda have every right to


@Jack they can not like it if they want to…..


I don’t mind Palm but the “date” did throw me off a little


Rizz?? Thats pedophilia😭😭💀

april 🍏

the date with palm is so weird and random lol


Canon, the Hunters are helping the Queen because they gave their word to Colt when he surrendered. As a result, everyone who stayed back in the nest allowed the Hunters and the medic team access without hostility. It is just common courtesy for the Hunters to keep their end of the bargain. Of course, by the time the team reached, the other soldier ants had already left the nest (fortunately). Also, as @Pitou above pointed out, the King is an ant and follows his natural ant directive, which is finding new territory to build his kingdom. In the previous episodes when they discussed the Chimera Ant hierarchy, it was shown that the Queen births the King, who then takes his Royal Guards to establish a new territory, mate with a female of a different species and birth Queens. So the Queen births multiple Kings, and these Kings in turn birth multiple Queens and hence a population explosion (this was explained in episode 82 or 83 if I remember correctly). As we saw in these episodes, the King has already taken a step in that direction (claiming territory).


In this episode, the king literally just commented on how human power structure is the work of imbeciles, and that they must provide guidance. Carter : Has the King even talked about anything other than eating?!? BRUH.


I think people who know the series also recognize that Hisoka isn't turned on by Gon's age, he's turned on by the potential Gon possesses to become powerful... Hisoka just wants to experience battle with the absolute most powerful beings he can find, and he recognized right away that Gon possessed that incredible potential.


It's a weird scene for sure, and it exposes a pretty big bias people have against young boys being romanticized/sexualized by adult women... Literally nobody would turn the blind eye if the sexes were reversed in that scene.


I cant wait to see Ko.... 🤐



Michael H

That is some serious mental gymnastics to excuse Palm lol. There is nothing to suggest that Palm does not see Gon in a romantic light and everything to suggest that she does.


Are we getting more eps tonight?


Meruem's voice actor is Uchiyama Kouki, same VA as Inumaki from JJK and Rui from Demon Slayer. He's a pretty famous VA and has voiced a lot of characters. I enjoyed his work as Meruem but Shigaraki from MHA is still my favorite, also Tsukishima from Haikyuu!!

Jack McKee

im the type to have a working head and not treat this clearly comedic anime episode like real life


ty for saying this i was going crazy trying to remember where i know his voice from but didnt want to google it and spoil myself lollll


no fr like why couldnt she just be the same age as gon then it couldve been cute </3

Jack McKee

wow ur one of those psychos who make insane allegations over the internet at people they don't know grow the fuck up and take some pills

Gabriel Machuca Wegermann

They had to get in that truck to NGL because they still need to set up the portals in order for them to be used. It's not like Knov can simply imagine a portal anywhere in the world and go there instantly, or else his ability would be beyond OP.

Daniel Schulze

Yo thats not relevant AT ALL. The fact that they are literal children and he is clearly s*xually turned on is revolting and makes the show dark right out the gate. Its even more descriptive in the manga.

Gabriel Machuca Wegermann

Not to get ultra nerdy with the animal stuff, but both Lions and Tigers hunt in the same manner: by ambush, and they usually hunt animals at their weakest (old individuals, females, cubs or injured prey). Lions are actually more prone to hunt bigger pray, but only in packs; even Zebras are risky to hunt alone, one clean kick to the head or a limb and it's over.


You mentioned this only briefly in the beginning but the reason they cannot use Knov's portals to go anywhere they want is because he has to set up the portals; meaning that he cannot use them to go places he has never been before. I hope you guys enjoy this arc, it's very character centric. I hate hyping things up as I think you enjoy things better when you have no expecations BUT it produces some of my favorite character arcs in all of anime


45:42 watch kaguya-sama it's goated


I've always imagined how hard meruem with Erens va would have gone

Masta Jags

More tonight?

William Albert

I got the berserk hardcover manga .. “nuh you didn’t” 🤣


They explain Knov’s power later, but non spoiler info is that he has to have been somewhere first i. order to make the portal. He had never been to the NGL or that area of it at least so he couldnt teleport there🙅‍♂️ Now that hes been there he can go back and fourth easily👍🏻

Jack McKee

@A u right u right i just don't really understand that as a criticism of the show personally


I feel exactly the same! I enjoy and appreciate her role in the arc, and I appreciate every character Togashi sensei has created. His mind is super interesting to me.


Besides, the King was very hungry when he was born and he hadn’t eaten anything yet before going to the castle. He needed to eat first before thinking about anything else.


Next 4 are crazyyy

Mysterious Figure

Im so glad Im finally watching this show so I can actually give an informed opinion. So far I can say it doesn't deliver on most fronts. The story is still as basic as it gets. Only a few characters are likable and non tropey, the world building is jumping from one disjointed colorful place to the next without any cohesion whatsoever between the places, its like a badly stitched patchwork of kindergarten design work. Whale island is like an island from a kids cartoon, but then in the same world you have more realistic looking places like Yorknew and Heavens Arena... and then we jump to Greed Island of all places... which doesnt fit into the world design so far at all... then you get NGL which is just mostly basic forest and empty space and again boring as hell design wise... the whole show doesn't have much character when it comes to leaving an impression with its location design or its world cohesion from a visual standpoint. The same thing bugs me A LOT when it comes to visual design of almost ALL the characters in the show. It especially pushed me over the edge in the chimera ant arc. The whole show suffers tremendously from the "ARC syndrome" which contributes a lot to the whole show feeling so disjointed from itself. Whole arcs feel like they dont matter to each other all that much... we havent seen Kurapika or almost anyone from the Yorknew arc TWO arcs ago? HOW is that proper writing? Its just bad writing to just dump in the garbage dozens of characters completely for dozens of episodes. I am suffering through this stupid chimera arc looking at horrible looking characters - rabbit ant man, lion ant man, snake ant woman, bee ant woman, turtle ant old man, penguin ant smart book guy... like all these characters look like crap... they are so lazily designed. ALL THE FIGHTS since the last good fight between the Zoldycs and Chrollo have been mostly awfully animated... basically close to still pictures and slideshows with flashing backgrounds and flashy swishes to imitate movement... very low budget animation show for quite a number of episodes so far. I havent commented on it since forever ago so that's my take on it so far. Not even a top 100 show for me so far. I wish I could say the story or the characters did much to pick all this up a bit but sadly its just so average in almost every aspect for me. I dont have any nostalgia for this show since I never watched it before.

Jack McKee

there's no way you sat here for 5 mins and typed the worst thing any human will ever read. ur opinion is genuine horseshit.


You pay to watch on their Patreon just to accuse this shit in the comments? You're the only one that needs peace

Mysterious Figure

Yeah, actually so much of the show makes me cringe. Altho, I like Gon, because his attitude towards most situations makes me want to believe that actual humans with hearts and will as pure as that or as close to pure as that ACTUALLY exist, because I have known one person close to being like that but he sadly passed away. So yeah, Gon is one bright moment in this show for me. This is one of the rare reasons I still watch it. We have seen 90+ episodes of this show and 2 main characters still only have like 1 skill/technique they know how to use, but most fanboys of this show keep talking saying how complex the Nen system is, but then the characters never do much with it, and even when they do, its just through walls of text in the format of KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT IN WALLS OF TEXT ON SCREEN, instead of SHOWING IT. Its just so lazy. I guess animation budget. They learn all their "power ups" by boring us with sitting through them talking to other characters while keeping their Nen auras FOR HOURS while sweating or doing some other stupid crap FOR HOURS with usually a "master" that conveniently showed up just at the right place at the right time to teach them, and look they just have just enough time to learn just enough to just barely pass the test or the challenge. Tell me thats not as tropey as it gets!


OP fans like you who can't stand the opinion of others not liking the Simpsons of anime actually provide me more entertainment than that filler ridden, awfully paced, looney toons anime. He's entitled to say whatever he wants about the show


Gon and Killua failed the test though… Anyway sorry for your loss

Jack McKee

its actually hilarious that ur a NARUTO fan bro. Kishimoto studied under togashi and created Sasuke in DIRECT inspiration from Kurapika as a character. Legit every "criticism" you have is god awful. Madhouse budgeted this show to stay consistently polished an well animated for its entire run, unlike naruto which outsourced 95% of episodes to other studios and freelancers to have one or two extremely well animated episodes an arc. Kishimoto wouldn't know a single thing to write down if this masterpiece didn't exist. Like bro actually what are you saying you must be 12

Jack McKee

Like ur "criticism" is just "this thing happens in the show and for some reason that's stupid to me". How do you complain about the main characters slow power development (as it should be) when naruto uses shadow clone jutsu and rasengan for 99 percent of the entire series and that's it. And yea nen is the best power system in anime.


holy fuck ur opinion is horrible (sorry for the language)


It’s still 11 PM in California, there’s a chance.


honestly it's not a bad criticism though

Jigga Man

Not really, if you've watched the rest of the arc you'd understand Palm sees Gon as a friend. The portrayal right now is a bit off though.


Who ordered the Yappymeal? It's like the ramblings of a toddler in text. " Whole arcs feel like they dont matter to each other all that much.." Literally every arc transitions perfectly from one onto the other. Every arc prior built up for York New, you wouldn't have Chimera without Greed Island, and onto the closing election arc, which currently leads to the Succession War / Voyage to a certain continent. You want to talk about being cohesive? This halfassed bibblebabble you call a "critique" perfectly encapsulates the rest of what you have to say, absolute nonsense.


Ur not wrong tho Sasuke is Kurapika and Killua combined. Also every arc of Naruto is a copy paste of HxH arcs. Legit look at them all, they are the same except Greed Island. Its the only one that hasn't been copied by Kishimoto.


Dont worry about Carter! Also the King will get major development as the show continues. He is arguable the most relatable ant out of them all which is crazy to think about, just trust the process my guy.


Love how Netero is excited to be a challenger🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


I guess next two come on Saturday?


I can't wait for all these upcoming episodes


eren solos gon


how you gonna be paying for their patreon and still hating


anime fans when the character writing is done through subtext and not spoonfed to them like little toddlers


This is really random but is it possible for you to react to the opening songs of HxH 1999? Hahaha i was just scrolling on yt and it was on my recommended videos. So much nostalgia ❤️


cmon guys give us a late chirstmas present and upload 6 hxh eps next week or 2eps of one piece




Can watch the most monotonous, dragged out show and come crying when someone talks about it. But can't read lol.


"we havent seen Kurapika or almost anyone from the Yorknew arc TWO arcs ago? HOW is that proper writing?" Honestly that's great writing in my opinion and one of the top reasons why I love this story so much. The author makes some bold MC decisions (especially current manga arc) and I appreciate that a lot.


though I agree with you that the animation quality is for the most part lacking. I'd love so see it remade with today's top studios and stronger direction


Imagine paying to come on the Patreon of 5 other human beings and just saying stuff this blatantly rude. They’re just 5 friends on a sofa, what do you think your comment is gonna do? The other guys gonna turn around like "Hey Brigg, stop having fun with us all because this one guy online doesn’t like how you talk?" Hell no! This is their space and Brigg has every right to be himself without randoms online making him feel bad or insecure about the way he interacts. Please try and remember the people in these videos are real, and read these comments??


forget about them reacting to the big 3 ,they ain’t finishing hxh til 2025💀


They should react to Chrollo v Zoldyck in 1999, that shit was insane


"imagine paying...." we are not paying for brig himself, we are paying for everyone here lol, it's not like we hate on him, it just gets annoying from time to time

Maximum Homerdrive

well I have faith that we'll get a kai version of the big three one day. they are huge cash cows. Studio wit is already gonna be redoing one piece


They’ll be able to finish HxH and OP before The Winds of Winter ever comes out

Michael Corleone

Can't decide if Hunter x Hunter or Mushoku Tensei is my favorite anime 🤔


wait wait wait, did you actually get the berserk manga or were you trolling?


y’all had him quiet for most of hxh videos bc y’all don’t like him and now when he’s back being cheerful y’all started again with the bullshit u don’t like don’t f pay


Yeah Mushoku tensei, especially the later stuff that will be animated from the light novel is peak. I don’t think I’d recommend it to studio gek tho (I know u probably weren’t saying that, I just wanted to say it). They might kinda like some of the writing but I don’t think they would get past the shi in the show 😂😂

Christian R Lewis-Batista

They arrived in the truck because Knov can’t make portals out of thin air. He has to be at the location to create a portal. As they never went to NGL before, they arrived by car.


Netero etc. had to use the truck to get into the NGL because they had never been there before, so Knov had no Portals within the country. They'll explain more about Knov's ability later.

Michael H

Sure, by that time in the arc. But at this point in time, this date is 100% romantic on her end. It’s made abundantly clear the very next episode.

Michael Corleone

Just finished reading Volume 25, waiting on Volume 26 to come out (March). :D But yeah, I wouldn't recommend it to them lol.

Brittany Mitchell

Man, Killua might be one of my favourite characters in any media ever. And I'm still saying this years after watching HxH for the first time and seeing countless shows since. Such great character writing in this show <3


In all honesty, I do not know what are you comparing this show with to draw these conclusions. As for the criticisms you raised, here are a few counterpoints - (i) I don't think the arcs are disjointed at all, the Phantom Troupe is introduced in the first arc, Greed Island is introduced after Heavens Arena; so up to the current arc, the arcs have followed a proper progression and followed each other logically. The current arc may seem out of the blue as Gon and Killua are thrust into it unexpectedly, but they too form certain personal goals to push them along the way (like rescuing Kite at the moment); (ii) As to your comment about character and location designs, all I can say is that it is the author's creativity and if you do not like it, so be it, it comes down to individual preferences. The author does like to experiment with unconventional character designs (for example, Melody as a female character), but if it is not your cup of tea, then so be it (I remember addressing this when this arc started and you stated that the ant characters look weird and replying that you should look beyond their character design if you want to enjoy this arc); (iii) I disagree with world building, the story has built world building as required and all throughout the show. The first arc just shows us how different this world is in its flora and fauna, and once Nen is introduced, it also incorporates it into the world building. While Yorknew arc explored the underworld side, we explore the political set up in this arc, like dictatorships such as East Gorteau Republic to nature-loving dictatorship like NGL, heck they also show us something resembling the UN which gives the Hunter Association the directive to exterminate the ants. There are so many other biological aspects of the world explored, so I am not quite sure what world-building is missing according to you; (iv) character utilization - I think it is incredibly smart of Togashi to use characters as he seems necessary, and to introduce new characters when necessary. Kurapika and Leorio would look completely out of place here, given their own personal goals are so different! Why do you want the characters to tag along like a school picnic when they each have clearly defined goals and aspirations, is something beyond me. In fact, Togashi is very efficient in his character utilization, he introduced the Zoldycks in Zoldyck family arc, but we actually see them in action in the Yorknew arc. You could say that Gon and Killua were incredibly lucky to find Wing and Bisky as their masters, but then they were also lucky to find each other and Kurapika and Leorio as well; (v) animation - I think this is one of the best animated shows out there, given the year it was animated, the length of the show and the consistency in animation. Heck, even AoT has wonky animation in so many parts and it is shorter in length than HxH. For a 148-episode show, the animation is consistently good, and if you compare the first arc with the current arc, you can notice a shift in the tone as the show gets darker and more serious, and also as more sophisticated Nen techniques are used. Several longer running shows have problems in maintaining the consistency in the animation quality, however, this is the only show I have witnessed where the quality actually improves as the show moves along. I think you are suffering from expectation bias, as based on all your posts regarding this show, you are clearly watching this show with lots of preformed expectations, and as a result are disappointed when those expectations are not met. Just because the author does not conform to your expectations, does not mean the author has failed to excel in his task of story-telling. I do not know what your baseline comparison show is against which you are constantly comparing HxH, but it seems to me that you began with a clear bias towards disliking this show. Of course, you are free to form your own opinions, and if you think after nearly 100 episodes you still do not like it, I do not see how or why you would want to continue this show...I really do not know what do you want?


To add to this point, the only time we see Knov travel in a truck is at the very beginning! After that, it is Knuckle and Shoot that travel by truck to NGL, understandable as Knov and Morel are busy setting up the meeting with Colt and Netero!!

Eren Jeager

I got a hard cover berserk for Christmas

Fauget Remedy

wow, you guys are so far ahead from YouTube than I though. (recently subscribe)

Edgy Flame

Geneally so excited. For yall to see the king and gon man

Elisa Kallai

Tbh, I like HxH a lot more than I thought I would, thanks to you guys! (Don't think I would have watched HxH otherwise). The first 20-30 episodes were super hard to watch for me cause I found them boring, but everything changed for me after Heaven's Arena arc. But if I had to say one that I don't really like about this show is the odd kind of power creep that there is..? (I didn't know how else to put it). Basically, they introduce you to some characters that the show makes you feel like they're super strong, like main villain/hero type of strong, but then they introduce other characters that are like ten times stronger and you don't know how to feel about this whole strength scale anymore. Like for me, I really thought Chrollo and his team would end up being the main villains, characters that are all extremely hard to beat, but in the end they ended up being.....not that much? Compared to other characters that got introduced after too. Like I was also shocked when they said Netero would barely be able to put a finger on the King?? Like I thought Netero was one of the best Hunters in the world, and yet that King is that much stronger? If not Netero then who's gonna be able to beat the King, lol..?? And that's how it felt for me many times during the show. But other than that, before watching the show I thought it would feel a lot more childish and cliché with that weird typical anime humor, but it ended up not being that way for me at all, despite the two main characters being kids, so it's a very nice surprise! It ended up being more complex than I thought too (I think it's a lot because Killua is very well-written for me lol). And I also do enjoy the humor in the show, it doesn't feel like too much, unlike some other anime.

Jack McKee

Incredibly ironically from a comment he left on a different video, his “comparison show” seems to be Naruto. Which is actually so funny to me.


"No you won't, cuz you're gonna be 6 feet under" damn Carter is a menace


Carter was giving the bombastic side eye when Palm was creeping on Gon.