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Well this really sucks. Sorry for pump faking you all, it really felt like we were going to be able to get the video files back, but it looks like we actually arent going to be able to get either of our files back. We had some empty promises from people that said they were confident they could get them back, but the bad news came in. We are still going to re-record the finale and give our thoughts, and we are still excited to watch it again. After that we are going to release our video giving our review on season 1 as a whole as well as reactions to No Regrets OVAs (incredible btw).

This kind of stuff really sucks as it was completely unforseen, and then to be told theres nothing we can do. Thank you all for all your support. All the other content will still be steadily releasing tonight, tomorrow and sunday, so be on the lookout for that!



It’s okay :’) please just make sure you let the youtube audience know it’s a re-watch too

Sean Carroll

Who ever made them false promises.... Your moms a hoe

Jake the Movie Geek

For future episodes please don’t forget to keep in the before and after conversations. Getting your guys thoughts on the episodes and predictions is my favorite part


It ees wot it ees fellas. Dont stress about it bros! At the end of the day, what matters is yall watching and enjoying the show!


You guys have been so, soooo amazing to watch . I’m super sorry about the file corruptions but know we’re all here for it all! ❤️


Thank you so much everyone for all the amazing supportive comments!!


Shit happens guys, it’s all g, keep up the amazing work, it’s easy to tell y’all are putting a lot of effort into this!


Don’t stress guys, it happens to everyone! Looking forward to your future videos anyways! :)


shit happens, and i really blows, but dw this sort of thing happens, looking forward to continuing the journey!


I enjoy listening to the post discussions. Been noticing it's being cut short in the most recent uncut ones.

David Herrera

I'm so sad those first reactions are gone, but there's still a long road ahead to look up to. Maybe when you catch up I'll be missing that content we didn't have the chance to see. Also, thanks for doing a re-watch for the finale, I think that one will feel different but I'm excited to see what you have to say! :D

Christine E

Hey guys! I just joined your patreon today. I hated to hear about this news, but you're all doing awesome and I love all of the content you've posted on YouTube so far! Looking forward to catching up on the uncut footage here! :)

Gabriel Alexander

Aww man that sucks :( ... May I suggest some kind of backup, like a phone recording at the same time, which isn't the best quality but it would be something to fall back to in case something like this happens again.