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I've been slow stepping on painting studies and finally decided to get on it today. Took an old brush, turned off color mixing and gave myself an hour to work on this. I decided not to color pick anything directly from the photograph and do my best to match what I saw. I think as always I inevitably gravitate to making things very saturated. Something I'd like to achieve is using color and values to really emphasize the focus of my pieces so I think it's important for me to grasp the delicate song and dance.

Overall I'm happy with how it turned out but I...didn't really learn anything I think lol. Just as a general practice I'm sure there are plenty of unconscious things I picked up but I want to actively be learning something from these studies. Next time I might turn on color mixing and choose 5-7 colors before I start painting and limit myself to them instead of giving myself the entire color wheel to work from. I think it might enable me to pick up more from the study but we'll see. I'll probably also cross examine the photo's values and colors and see how close I was. Should broaden my understanding of color relationships.

UPDATE: After taking a little chicken snack break I examined the painting next to the photo. It's so surprising how I read certain colors from the photo. The little train stop felt so blue to me. Even the clouds in the sky I made much bluer than they are. I'm looking forward to keep figuring out color temperatures and understanding the use of grays.



Pippy Pop

I feel the same way when playing guitar, trying to get better but feeling like i didnt learn anything yet i mysteriously get a little better each day. Its a beautiful piece i can already see somebody having it as a background for a lofi hiphop video... probably without crediting lmao


Yeh general practice can lead to growth. Thanks for the compliment but I'm sure they have AI to make those now. lol