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Hey boys! It's your big girl Bethany, back with another update. I really really want to tell you my current weight to start, but I need to tell you a story first. As you know, ever since I met Kurvy Kristie, I've wanted nothing more than to weigh as much as her (if not more!). She's the sexiest fat chick I've ever seen, and if I wanted to be as hot as possible I knew I needed to get on her level.

Well after our first amazing online colab she invited me back anytime, so I thought how fun it would be if I waited until I was close to her size. Kristie was already impressed with how much I had gained just from our buffett trip to when we first colabed, her mind was going to be blown to know we were now similar weights.

So I showed up at her place, and although I watch all of her content, I'm still in awe seeing her in person, it's just a different experience seeing all the rolls and flab in person *Lip Bite*. We hugged, which was different this time. I was no longer enveloped by a larger Kristie. Now our gelatinous bodies intertwined and meshed together like equals.

After some catching up, and some gushing by Kristie regarding my size, I had told her of my plan, which was to do a live weigh in to see how we compare. She loved the idea. We decided to change into bikinis so we could get as accurate a weight as possible (also we're online models, not porn stars after all).

I have to admit, I almost decided to play for the other team when I saw Kristie walk out in that bikini. For those of you who don't follow her, at pretty much 550 pounds, she's got a very flabby hourglass figure. Her boobs are like off the charts, they are so round, oh my god I don't know how she doesn't just play with them all day. Her belly more juts out, rather than mine that just encompasses my entire middle. But her hips and ass are no joke. Her hips stretch out so far I don't know how she even controls them. And her ass is so bulky it's formed its own shelf. I wonder if Lizzie's ass will get so fat it will do that? Either way, Kristie was drop dead sexy, and my lady parts were starting to activate.

But I was a professional, so we turned the camera on, did an intro, played around a bit, and then hopped on the scales.

"My protege, Bountiful Bethany, thinks she's big enough to take on the original in a weigh in. Well let's see who tops the scales."

Kristie weighed in at a lovely 551 lbs. I though...mmh…555 lbs. I am fatter than Kurvey Kristie! *Squeal* I like don't know how to express myself in words about that. So I'll just tell you what happened next.

Kristie was very happy for me, always a stand up gal she is, and I told her how thankful I was for her helping and encouraging me to get this far. But it wouldn't be a very good video if we just left it at that, so we spun the camera around to reveal a massive feast for the two of us. Kristie loves eating sweets, so the table was loaded with cakes, pies, puffs, and more. Her favorite was strawberry, so we made sure to enjoy plenty of strawberry cheesecake, strawberry shortcake, and just everything else.

By the end we were both sticky, stuffed, and a little bit dirty. It got a little wild with us feeding each other… anyways if you want to check it out, it will be available on both of our websites now that this update is out.

So yeah, I'm fatter than Kristie, I'm fatter than anyone I know, like how amazing is this? I'm like well known in the bbw scene now, and I never even imagined getting this fat when I started this whole thing. Like I started off trying to get fat just for fun, but like it's turned into my entire life. It's my career, it's my relationship, and it's every waking moment of everyday, and I couldn't be more excited about it.

I say it everytime, but I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys. Like RLW990, thank you for your comment.  I was as excited about getting to 500lbs as you were. And I often do feel like a balloon with just how large and wide I've gotten. My fat stretches so far now, I almost can't handle it all. *Jiggle*

And thank you to Nigel2400, I appreciate your excitement about my 500lb milestone as well. Full on obesity never looked so good, amirite? The celebration that night I ate so much I was in a haze and barely remembered anything. I do know thanks to that night though I didn't stay 500lbs for long. And as far as Gus goes, he pretty much hit the jackpot with me. His fat fetish knows no bounds, and he's quite the happy little feeder. I'm pretty sure like a rat in a maze, if I’d let him he'd just love on my body until he starved to death. And well it's a good thing he doesn't mind doing all the work in the bedroom, I much prefer just to eat than move around that much.

That's pretty much my motto with everything in life nowadays though. As big as I am, it's no easy task getting up, and then once I'm up, what do you expect I'm gonna cook? Clean? No way. I've certainly kept my mobility, not like that's gone away. I still have to rock it for the camera, I'm just too lazy, or tired, to do much more than that.

And why should I? I'm a hot fatty with a feeder who takes care of me. I'm drop dead gorgeous and care more about putting food in my mouth than anything else. Speaking of gorgeous, can we just take a moment to appreciate these rolls? Nigel2400 inspired today's red lace bra and panties, and he's right, my fat rolls almost have them disappearing! Especially these panties. Like my hips and love handles are so big the sides are just lost. And I'm gonna have to fish them out of my ass, because I'm pretty sure they are buried back there. You can kinda still see the bra, but I have to admit it's kinda small, so my boobies are almost bursting out. You can still see the sides I think, even though I can feel them digging into the fat rolls there too. Guys I'm so big, like everywhere on me has at least a few thick inches of soft flesh, like even my sides. And a few places have much more than that. Look how huge my belly has gotten. Just spilling into my lap, and see how it spreads all around me like I was saying? It's gotten so big, and it's so soft and jiggly. I know it's most of you guys' favorite, since I always get a ton of views on my belly videos.

On the topic of videos I just have to say wow. Like I can’t believe how popular I am. I mean I have a ton more followers here than when I started, but my videos, live streams, and galleries are just gaining clicks and views more and more each day. I can’t begin to tell you how lucrative it’s been. Once Gus became my feeder and I could make even more content and stuff my face even more it really took off, just like you said TheResplendency. Push to the max, get even fatter, let the cash roll in, and do it again. No wonder I was able to get to 555 so quickly, I’m like a big fat sexy eating machine, who guys are just lining up to open their wallets for. With the amount of bank roll I’m getting Gus was even able to quit his job and become my full time feeder. It’s been harder and harder to add pounds to my already bursting frame, but with Gus’s around the clock help you can see I’m still gaining well. But TheResplendency, you’re right, I want to hit 600lbs next, I don’t know anyone who's broken that barrier before, and I feel like I’ll just be that much sexier with an extra 45+ pounds.

I’m also ecstatic that Lizzie has decided to join the model world, it was about time. I mean what's the point in being so fat and not getting a little something out of it. Plus I know how much food costs to get a tiny body to over 300 lbs of fat, which I’m sure Lizzie has long past. I almost get a little jealous when she comes over, she’s still like almost at the beginning of her gaining journey, despite what she thinks. She’s always saying she’s going to stop gaining and just maintain her weight, and then she comes over, ass bigger than ever and then bursts out of another pair of leggings after stuffing her face. Even though her ass is massive, she at least still can get around with a fair amount of ease, something I don’t really have the ability to do anymore. Any movements I make have to be pretty calculated, and the thought of ever going up a flight of stairs I have to mentally prepare for. But then I look down and see my massive flabby and sexy gut and remember that it's all been worth it.

Ok it wouldn’t be an update if I didn’t have a cryptic comment from Juragen. This time I’ve gotten a lesson in protein. You mean my diet shouldn’t mostly be made up of cake, ice cream, and gainer shake? Some of you boys lead me astray! *Giggle* Well it resulted in a 555lb blubber babe, so it couldn’t have been all that bad, but let's hear what Juragen has to say. Protein will help me get even bigger and stronger? Well I like the sound of that.

“Gus! Fire up the grill. I feel like having burgers and BBQ chicken tonight!”

Thank you to everyone else who commented on my last update as well. As always your support is the reason I started doing this, and boy has it gone farther than I even thought or intended, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Things have been going so well, I feel like pretty much everything has fallen into place. So with that said, I think my next update will be my last. Send me any last ideas you want me to try, outfits you want me to wear, or topics you want to hear about. Let's go out with a bang! If you do your part, I’ll do mine and see just how much weight I can gain for you all for next time. Let's make it the biggest, fattest update yet. *Kiss*


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