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Natalie was living the good life. She had oodles of online followers, and her rack was bigger than it had ever been. She had also been clued into this new thing called JustAdmirers. Thus far Natalie had not made any money with her new online hype levels. JustAdmirers allowed her to charge a little somethin somethin for a little extra somethin somethin, content she couldn’t quite post in the public sphere of InstaSnap. She was hesitant at first to start a JustAdmirers account, but one look at the grocery bill for the month and it was looking like a better and better idea.

With cash flowing in from JustAdmirers Natalie felt a bit more freedom on her purse strings. Cute top? She’ll buy it. Fabulous sunglasses? Ring it up. Super supreme sundae bowl? I’ll take two please. Craving a chicken sandwich, even though you already have dinner plans? Better stop at Popeyes!

Natalie was not only throwing her cash around, she was also throwing her weight around. Her determination to continually grow her chest bigger had not slowed down, and because of that she was loading tons of empty calories down her throat constantly. Packing on the pounds would be putting it lightly. Nearing three hundred pounds, Natalie was no longer a light weight.

Everywhere Natalie went she went tits first. They were so big they bellowed far in front of her, jiggling up and down with each step. Not following too far behind though was her growing belly. Now Natalie had not laid eyes on her belly in some time, her knockers were just too big. She felt it’s softness and warmth all the time when fastening her pants or skirts, but truly didn’t know how big it had gotten. Often hanging over the waistband of her pants, or not fully covered by her shirt, Natalie’s belly was almost always at least a little on display. And as Natalie filled her maw even more, it only separated her top from her bottoms even more. Her belly had gone from a little paunch to a full blown belt buster, stretching not only down, but also out and to each side. All those calories had to go somewhere, and a great many of those fat deposits seemed to have piled up here.

This didn’t stop Natalie from strolling into an all you can eat buffet with the confidence of a 10. Stuffing her ass, which for the first time could be called big, into one of their certainly reinforced seats, Natalie prepared to tuck in for an extremely calorie rich meal. Fried chicken, buttery potatoes, meatballs and pasta covered in parm cheese. Natalie started with two plates that were completely full. It didn’t phase her that her thighs were so crammed they touched all the way to her knee, or that her belly needed somewhere to go, so it started to creep into her lap. Natalie only cared about one thing, how much bigger this meal would make her boobs! To make that happen Natalie needed to eat, and eat a lot. It didn’t hurt that all the food she picked was incredibly tasty. Sometimes she even forgot that she was doing all this to make her boob bigger, and just enjoyed the endless delicious flavors that passed through her lips.

One final step, she set up her phone on the table, pointing at herself and hit record, then she could finally tuck in. Someone had tipped her $50 to send them a video of her dining at an all you can eat buffet. To Natalie that was an easy $50 considering she needed to eat, and here she could really load up. Plus video and filming herself had become second nature since it was all she was doing outside her working hours.

One of her plates disappeared quickly. As she finished her waitress brought over a large vanilla milkshake that she had requested. Sipping on it, she looked directly at the camera, letting her cleavage pool on the table in front of her. It felt good to get all that weight off her back. She could take a break for long though, she had another full plate, plus many more trips to the buffet ahead of her.

Eventually Natalie finished her meal, after several jiggly trips back and forth from her table. Her stomach was so full her belly pushed out further than normal. She had gotten the footage she needed though, and the meal she deserved, so all she needed to do now was go home and upload the file.

Natalie thought it was weird that she got a paid request just to watch her eat dinner. When she started her JustAdmirers account she figured she’d get requests for certain boob stuff, jiggling, smashing, etc, but the buffet was only the first of these alternative types of requests, and soon they started to number more than her titty petitions.

At first she thought people just wanted to see a slice of her life, the everyday life of a popular girl with huge boobs, but she started to notice a trend. “$20 to eat an entire cheesecake on stream.” “$50 to order one of each ice cream flavor.” “$100 to get as much take out as possible.” If this was what her audience wanted she was happy to provide the content, especially for how well it paid. Most nights Natalie would get home from work, strip off her overly tight work attire, throw on the skimpy outfit of the evening, and bust out a few requests she received during the day.

Although her personal time had become more and more dominated by her online presence, she still tried to make time for her friends. One of them had even invited her out for a jog (after noticing just how quickly the young woman was piling on pounds). Natalie had not done physical exertion in months. Even before she started posting more on InstaSnap, Natalie was not much for working out. She had easily maintained a trim physique, another blessing from her amazing genetics, plus she had never wanted to risk looking a cup size due to probably tedious and boring workout routine. As much as a jog didn’t excite Natalie, especially now when she’d rather hit the snack shack rather than the race track, Natalie had noticed a certain slowness and laboredness to herself recently. So when her friend offered, she timidly agreed.

Meeting at the outdoor track, Natalie tried her best to look the part. She was surprised to find a sports bra in her size, and completed her ensemble with a sports top and pair of spandex running shorts. Normally this would look fine, but Natalie had gotten so wide and flabby that she looked completely out of place. Her butt and thighs jiggled into one another with each step, her belly sloshed back and forth, testing the hem of her top and slowly riding out of her shorts. Her massive melons were quite the eye catcher as well, but that was the same no matter where she went, her rack was just that stunningly large.

All this didn’t stop Natalie from snapping a pic and posting it online before she lumbered over to her friend. It looked like Natalie needed this exercise now more than ever. The work out stopped just as quickly as it started though. After a few pleasantries, the girls started to jog along the springy track. But after only a dozen or so footfalls Natalie felt like her chest was on fire. She was huffing and puffing and needing a break. Her friend slowed down, surprised Natalie needed to stop so quickly.

“Wow.” *HUFF* “It’s just been awhile since I’ve been…” *WHEEZE* “Out like this.” Natalia told her friend. Natalia grabbed her water bottle and squeezed a high pressure stream of it into her mouth. Her friend noticed that it didn’t look like water in that bottle.

“Is that Gatorade…?" She asked.

"Yeah." Natalie replied plainly. "Electrolytes."

With a sigh her friend continued. "Why don’t I go ahead and you can catch up when you're ready.” She said a bit frustrated.

Natalie nodded in agreement as she continued to catch her breath. She found a bench to go sit on, as her friend took off down the track. Her buns spread out to each side as she sat down, and her belly came to rest in her lap. Natalie continued to squirt the sugary sports drink into her mouth until the large bottle was dry. Her friend passed by her each time she did a lap, but Natalie never felt up for joining her. After a few laps her friend threw in the towel and they parted ways.

Her friend left thinking that Natalie was quickly headed towards morbid obesity. Natalie on the other hand thought about grabbing a snack and maybe taking in a movie.


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