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Waddling into the work, they all reach the threshold before they had to go their separate ways. “Alright ladies good luck, and we will all meet up again for lunch. Hopefully our well wishes were heard and we will get things back to normal today.” Amanda said as the three of them proceeded to go in different directions towards their departments. 

Each of them hoped beyond hope that their transformation would stop today, but it didn’t take them long to realize no change had occurred. They each could feel their clothing continually getting tighter as the morning went on. Having grown so large so quickly the girls were having a hard time being on their feet for as long as they needed to at work. They noticed each other tiring quickly whenever one of them would wonder by another's department, either showing a customer where something was, or traveling from the back room. Each time their faces were beet red and they were panting, just from the short walk.

Lunch came and went, and they all pigged out at the food court once again. And then it was back to work for the afternoon. Amanda was surrounded by clothing that she would never be able to fit in again. Her body was expanding and the clothing on the rack looked so puny next to her girthy size. Bella continued to feel tired as she continued to grow wider. Her extra large clothes that she thought would last her awhile were looking like they were reaching the end of their useful life fairly quickly. After such a large breakfast and lunch not to mention all the other pounds she gained she was now reaching the edge of what her outfit could handle.

Cassie definitely had it the worst though. Her clothes were extremely ill fitting and growing smaller it seems by the hour. The worst was when she had a run in at one point during the afternoon. Most customers had started to shy away from her due to her intimidating size, making sales extremely hard. One customer though mistook her appearance and rapidly approached her with a glowing face. 

"Oh my God!" The woman gushed with a big smile on her face. "You must be so far along." She said looking at Cassie's growing gut. Reaching out, she went to go give Cassie's belly a rub. It was only once her hands were planted firmly on the girls doughy middle that the customer realized the error of her ways. Expecting a tautness that comes with a baby bump, she was met with extreme soft and squishiness.

It was an awkward encounter but Cassie did her best to play it off cool. "Oh no I'm actually not pregnant. It's just that… I've gotten pretty fat.” The woman recoiled in shock. Part of her felt awful for assuming that Cassie was pregnant the other part of her was distressed that such a fat woman would let her belly be exposed as much as Cassie did. The woman profusely apologized and Cassie told her that it was okay but the experience made Cassie realize just how fat she had gotten. 

After the woman had quickly left the store, Cassie looked down to assess her current situation. The first thing she noticed was of course her huge knockers. The creamy melon sized boobs were clearly overflowing her bright yellow bra, leaving a canyon of cleavage exposed in her low cut crop top. Below that though, she could see her belly and how expansive it had gotten. She literally did look nine months pregnant. What weight hadn’t gone to her chest had certainly mostly found its way here. The big pale ball of fat stuck out squarely in front of her, possibly over taking her chest when it came to depth.

It was a rough afternoon all around and the three girls were pretty down in the dumps by the end of the day. Meeting in the clothing department, like they had the day before, Amanda had some bad news to break. “Ladies, I hate to say it but I don't think any of the stuff here is going to fit us anymore, we've just gotten way too big. There was not one customer I helped today that was larger than me.”

With all of them flirting around 300 lb Amanda was right and none of them were going to be able to pull off an outfit from this store. Amanda's ass was just too big for any of the leggings that they supplied. Bella's belly had gotten so out of control that there were no shirts in this store that could contain it. And Cassie was so top heavy that the bras would do her no justice and the tops here would just be split if she tried them on. 

“What are we going to do?” Bella asked. “Obviously nothing has changed since this morning... except our weight that is.” Bella said as she clutched her soft belly on both sides, letting the extra flesh spill through the openings between her fingers. “We’re still getting fatter.” 

“I think there is a plus size store somewhere in the mall.” Cassie recommended adding the only bit of productivity to the conversation, even if it wasn’t what any of them wanted to hear. 

“Ugh! Isn't that place for women in their '40s after they've put on weight from having a gaggle of kids?” Amanda questioned disjectingly.  

“No. I think they have one of those places too, but I’m talking about somewhere different. I believe it just opened up recently, and is supposed to have some trendier clothes.” Cassie added. 

“Well it's worth a look considering I’m never going to fit into anything here.” Bella stated, taking one last look at a rack full of clothes that would have fit her maybe 50-60 pounds ago. 

So the three of them waddled out of the department store and followed Cassie to the new boutique. The store was about halfway into the mall, a journey that used to seem like no big deal, but was starting to feel like a workout. As they approached the store they noticed that it certainly stood out among the other outlets around it. The store, and it’s merchandise which could be seen through the windows, were all bright neon colors. Eye catching, but very over the top looking. Nervous walking in, they realized the clothing did look pretty trendy, and they could see themselves wearing the styles they had here, especially compared to the other drab plus size stores they had seen in the past. 


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