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This is the fifth and final part to Kimmy's third story. I hope you all have enjoyed it. Big thanks to Connor for the support at the Custom Creation tier for all these months who made this story happen, would not have happened without him. It's been nice to see Kimmy go from this wide eyed high school grad, to serious and sassy larger than life wife. After this we will be taking a break from Kimmy for awhile, but maybe one day we will see her return, you never know. For now, enjoy.


"I told you there was no way you could beat me, I'm the champ." Steve said more confidently now that he had proven his skill, as the two chummy dad's made their way, slowly this time, back to the table.

"I demand a rematch next time you're in town." Dave laid down the challenge.

"You're on!" Steve answered fiercely. "Honey you ready to go?" He asked Jackie as he turned his attention to her.

"More like are you two able to go?" Dave joked as he looked at the two still highly bloated women.

"Yeah hon, I think it's time we got home." Kimmy assured her husband. "Can you make sure to rangle the kids." She asked, both of them knowing full well she didn't have the physicality right now to chase around three youngsters. 

Dave and Steve played their parts masterfully, knowing they had got their magical moment earlier and now they had to pull their weight. With all five kids gathered, buttoned up, and ready to head home, they all made their way to the entrance. 

They all started to say their goodbyes, the guys hugging it out, already making plans for the next time they got together. No one dared hug either of the still extremely bloated women, as it had almost been a miracle they had made it this far this soon. They each gave each other knowing looks though that signaled they had made a connection tonight. Respect for another lady of size.

They stepped out into the dark night, headed in separate directions. Dave took the kids by hand, while Kimmy was on her own to slowly waddle to the car. She sure wished her had Dave to help her to the car, like in years past when she had over done herself. He was always so helpful in getting her stuffed frame into the comfort of the passenger seat. Now she had to wait for the kiddos to be buckled first. 

It wasn't long though until they were home. Kimmy just enjoyed the relaxation of sitting still during the drive, the kids not causing much of a stir since they had tuckered themselves out horsing around all night. Finally they were home, and Dave tried his best to get his full figured wife out of the car as quickly as possible, so he could center his efforts getting the kids inside and into bed.

Back on her feet, Kimmy slowly lumbered towards their house, and Dave sped by with the kids, Veronica cradled in his arms. Kimmy was still exceptionally full, and now that it had gotten late, tired. Slowly her 500 lb frame made its way inside. Settling into the master bedroom, Dave was right behind her. Knowing she didn’t have the strength, or flexibility, she gave Dave the knowing puppy dog eyes, signaling him that she needed help getting ready for bed. Raising her arms up as high as she could, Dave revealed the extreme mass of pale flesh that lived underneath her shirt. After that, the pants came off and the comfortable and loose sleep attire started to be put on.

With everything done, Kimmy was finally ready to fall into bed. Dave prepared himself now that his queen was all set, and joined her in bed shortly there after. Kimmy had propped herself up, almost sitting. She was tried, but not yet ready for sleep. She was still much too full feeling, and knew it would not be easy to drift off quite yet.

In their younger days, getting home after a night out like this, their night would be far from over. Dave would still be nursing a hard on that would have lasted since their food was served at the restaurant. Back home in the bedroom is where the real fun would start. No so much tonight though. After three kids, and packing on 200 more pounds, Kimmy’s energy level at the end of the day was minimal. But that didn’t stop this loving couple from showing each other how much they appreciated one another.

“Maybe we overdid it at the restaurant, huh?” Dave said apologetically as he rubbed Kimmy’s taught belly gingerly. 

“Ya think?!” Kimmy retorted, knowing full well that Dave was secretly pleased with himself.

“I don’t know what got into you. You were an eating machine.” Dave said while lovingly caressing every inch of his wife's massive middle. “I knew we should have entered you in more eating contests back in the day babe.” Dave said confidently. “That’s all in the past anyway. So, what did you think of Steve and Jackie?”

“They were nice. Thanks for telling me ahead of time that your friend likes fatties just like you.” She said jokingly, give him a slap on the chest for his misdoing. “Actually I really liked Jackie. Took some warming up, because you know how I don’t really get along with women very well,  cuz they are all bitches.” Kimmy said matter of factly. “But after our foolishly thought out steak dinner and eating frenzy, I came to realize we probably have a lot in common, first being that we are two very well fed wives. Hopefully we get a chance to see them again soon.” Kimmy said happily.

“Well Steve was actually telling me that he might have an opportunity to get a promotion at his company that could land him a job out this way.” Dave informed her. “Said it might be a long shot, but who knows, they might end up living down the street in a few months.”

This gave Kimmy pause. She imagined what it would be like to have their new friends living in town, to have another woman her size near by. Kimmy had never explored the bbw world like her husband had when he was young. Everything she knew about being fat and proud she had gotten from her husband. But if Jackie were to become a close friend, who knew what she might learn about the culture she had appropriated. 

At this point Kimmys eyes started to flutter, and within moments she was slinking down to sleep. Tonight had been an adventure, and Kimmy was left wondering when something like this would happen again. It could be sooner than she thought.


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