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Sorry it's been so long between chapters. The last part of the year I was a little distracted with some other writings, as you saw that were posted here, but by years end I just wasn't getting energized to write. It happens to me every so often, I sometimes even think that I'll never want to write again, but I always come back ;) 

My goal for 2018 is to be a little more consistent and timely. Hopefully there will be more stories to come and you can expect them in normal intervals. If I can get one chapter of Claire out a month I think I'll finally be able to finish it this year, and then start on the e-book and audiobook that I've wanted to do for a long time now. From what I can remember I started this story over 6 years ago, so it will be nice to finally finish it.  But without further ado I'll let you get to the story.

Claire's Fattening Family Part 13

It was finally the night of the big party, and Claire was filled with both nerves and excitement. These past three years had been fun, but after tonight Claire felt like all this responsibility was going to feel more real, and that was nerve wracking. 

Claire and company arrived to the McShane's 15 minutes early, as Claire's parents wanted her to get the first impression with the young suitor. The all walked up to the door, the wide Claire standing between her parents, holding their hands for support.

Right as they were about to make their grand entrance, a deep loud voice shouted to them. Claire's uncle and her rival cousin had came around the corner, and the thick older man was waving down their little gang. This was the first time any of them had seen Diane since this little contest had started. They were prepared to see her larger than ever before, probably about Claire’s size, but no one predicted she would be as fat as she was. Diane had always been a little chubby, her father had always been a little eager to have his daughter be the pride of the family, but those prior pounds would not count in the end. And the fact that Diane stood a few inches shorter than Claire made her look even more immense with all the weight she had gained.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my younger sister Ashley." Claire's uncle Dylan snarled.

"Dylan, good to see ya." Claire's dad reached out a hand and shook one of his brother in laws.

"So this is tiny little Claire." Dylan went on, peering down on his young niece. "Hi Claire. Looks like someone's gotten a little chubby.” He antagonized as the words seethed from his mouth. “You remember your cousin Diane right? I know you might not recognize her now that she's past 400 pounds, but my little snookums is just the most adorable girl don't you think? How much are you up to Claire? Can't be nearly that much, you don't look much bigger than a barely chubby teen."

"Claire is a generous 350 pounds thank you very much." Ashley defended her little girl. Claire felt it a little weird that her family was discussing her weight, but then again there wasn’t much normal about all of this, so she just went with it. "How about we all be civil and just go inside shall we, we have a party to attend after all." Mrs. Hawks using her motherly tone.

Dylan nodded his head in agreement, and used the silence to maneuver him and his daughter in front of everyone else. As Uncle Dylan tugged his hefty daughter behind him, Diane did all she could just to put one foot in front of the other as her daddy lead her into the house. As Diane passed Claire she gave her a  nasty look that no one else was able to see. Claire just brushed it off and set her eyes back on the prize. She had to keep her composure in front of this nice wealthy family.

Both families filed into the house’s atrium, letting their starring beauties be their shining star in front of the pack. Mr. and Mrs. McShane were there to greet everyone as they entered. Hands were shook and hellos said. Eyes of adornment were placed on upon the two guests of honor. Claire expected to be part of the center of attention, but it didn’t mean she was used to it. “Oh you girls looks so beautiful.” Mrs. McShane cooed as she looked upon the two rotund girls.

Then it was time for the young master of the house to make his entrance. The tall thin handsome man sauntered down the tall regal stairs that flowed right into the house’s atrium. “Hello everybody, so glad you could all be here.” He then approached both of his potential brides to be, stopping with Diane first. Claire’s ego raged inside seeing him pick her first. This was supposed to be her race to win, and she was going to do anything to come out on top. 

“You must be Diane. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He said as he took her soft hand and brought it to his lips. “You are a stunning beauty m’lady. My name is Oliver.”

“That’s right, I’m the biggest girl around, there’s a whole lot of me to love.” Diane said with quite a cocky attitude. She knew Oliver had no choice in the matter between the two heifers, Diane was the biggest and planned on staying the biggest, and she was damn well going to make sure her competition know it. 

“And you must be Claire. It’s a marvelous pleasure.” He again took her hand giving her a kiss on her supple skin, staring deeply into her eyes, almost stealing her heart. 

“M-m-a My P-pleasure as well.” Claire stammered. He was so good looking, Claire was so nervous.

Oliver leaned in and went the extra mile to kiss Claire on the cheek and then whispered in her ear. “From everything I hear, I hope you end up being the winner.” He smiled a big grin as he leaned back to his normal standing position, still looking deep into Claire’s eyes. Claire’s cheek turned the brightest shade of red they had ever been. No one had heard Oliver's comment besides Claire, everyone just thought she was blushing due to the kiss.

“Well let’s get started!” Mr. McShane interrupted the sweet moment before it turned to awkward silence. “If everyone would adjourn to the dining room.” The head of the household lead the sizeable group over to the large banquet room off to the left of the main foyer. Everyone took a seat around the large dining table where in front of lay elegantly decorated dishes. Claire’s whole party was very impressed by the sophistication of the scene. Silver serving trays lined the inside of the table, all with large lids hiding what type of spread lay beneath. Oliver was sitting at the head on the table, with Claire and Diane on each side of him. Claire also sat next to her confidant Jen at the table, allowing her to be more comfortable in this unusual situation. 

Everyone raised a glass as Oliver gave a toast. “Thank you everyone for being here, I’m honored to have you in my home, and a special thanks to our very lovely guests Claire and Diane, it’s been an honor to finally meet you, and I’m very excited to get to know you both better. So to tradition, friends, family, and best of all, food!” Oliver gave a quick look to Claire after that last one, flashing her a smile. “Let’s dig in!” Everyone clinked their glasses with their neighbors, and smiles could be seen on everyone's happy faces.

The silver lids were removed and the hot steamy dishes underneath were revealed. Tasty looking cooked meats along with steamed veggies in butter sauce piled high on each serving tray. Everyone took their fill and started in on their dinner.

“Claire who is this lovely guest you have with you?” Claire melted as she was transfixed admiring Oliver’s  dashing jaw line and perfectly sculpted hair.

She took a moment to snap out of her trance, before she could answer. “T-this is my best friend Jen.” At least her stuttering was getting better.

“Well Jen it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Oliver responded. “You and Claire must be quite close friends.” Jen blushed at the comment from the highly attractive Oliver, even though she knew she didn’t have a horse in this race.

“Yes Claire and I have gotten pretty close over the past few years. I couldn’t imagine finding a more spectacular friend. She’s always been there for me.” Jen smiled as she thought about her friendship, it really had been the best thing to happen in her life. 

“It’s good to have a close friend like that. Diane, do you have any close friends?” Oliver turned his attention to Diane, who had been digging into the feast from the second the food was available. 

As she gulped down a big bite she responded to her hosts question. “Not really. I spend too much time eating to go out much. My friends all really stopped coming over. They said all I wanted to do was eat, and not share with them. Once I was getting close to 300lbs they pretty much stop talking to me." Diane responded contently.

"Wow that sounds so... lonely." Oliver said compassionately, even though he was getting the vibe that Diane was kinda cold anyway, and no wonder she drove her friends away. "Well maybe this nice cousin reunion can reignite the spark between girls, then at least you'd have Claire to hang out with."

"Bah!" Diane spit a little food out as she was caught of guard as a chuckle was forced out of her. "No way am I sharing my snacking time with a wanna be like her." Diane went back in for another bite, filling her mouth before she could go on.

"It's ok Oliver, Diane and I have never really been close." Claire glanced over in Diane's direction but she had lost all focus in the conversation and just worried about her food. "My uncle never really made an effort when it came to family functions. Plus Jen here is a great eating partner, if you couldn't tell." Claire added on a lighter note and giving out a chuckle.

"Claire!" Jen turning red. All the parents were off in their own conversation, so no one else was listening in or heard Claire's comment.

"Jen it's fine, it's just us, nothing to be embarrassed about." Claire assured her before she turned her attention back to Oliver. "See Jen used to be miss perfect high school body. But as I began to 'develop' Jen was there beside me to help. Along the way she started to… join in the fun, and now look at her! Still think she doesn’t give her physique enough credit though, she is the best looking girl I know." 

"I'd have to agree, but there is one better looking girl right here." Oliver was again locking eyes with Claire, keeping her trapped in his gaze. Jen just went about her meal as the two of them just made googly eyes at each other.

The dinner continued. Most everyone just having one plate, Jen had two, but the real faceoff was with Claire and Diane. After Oliver and Claire had unlocked eyes the eating had really begun. Claire noticed she was far too much behind Diane and for pride's sake she wanted to out match her. Claire was on her third plate, but noticed that Diane had moved on to her fourth. She rushed to finish, but when she started in on plate number four she started to notice just how full she was, but wanted to soldier on. 

As they continued Oliver piped in. "Remember to save room for dessert." Claire's stomach clenched at the thought as she was feeling so stuffed and her resolve was waning. She still had half a platefull left but had to throw in the towel. Diane on the other hand went on to finish every last bite on hers. Claire's ego was bruised, but then again this little spat meant nothing in the end. It was the final weigh in that was all that counted. 

The whole group retired to the study to let things settle, where they talked more and served coffee and tea. Through this Claire learned that Oliver was going to be graduating college this year with a degree in finance, and was already on the short list to join a very reputable firm here locally. Although he was four years older than Claire he still had a younger look to him, which made her feel better about the whole situation.

After some pleasant conversation dessert was to be served. Everyone had just a little taste, but again it was our two blimping beauties that greedily ate their fill of all the treats. This time Claire and Diane were more evenly match. Claire had time digest a little, so she was able to eat quite a nice portion of the sweets being served. 

By the end of the evening both girls were stuffed and ready for bed. Their families took them home and thanked their hosts for a good time. Oliver gave each girl a kiss on the cheek and wished them good luck in the coming year.


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