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I've had some writer's block recently despite having some more structured ideas about how to present content. At one point I remember getting a prompt or idea from someone that was pretty simple, "A mom fattens up her daughter." There might have been more to the idea back then but that was the only memory I had to go off of. For those who might follow me over on writing.com might know that I've been adding to the interactive story Claire indulge's with Mom for years (or at least it feels like years). So the idea of mom's fattening daughters is cliché, but speaks to me. So I asked myself to find a good reason (or I guess somewhat believable reason) this scenario would happen. 

What I've got so far is pretty rough draft of the beginning. I wrote this all with talk to text translate and only went over it with a little polish to try and find any words it got wrong. If you've never tried writing a story this way it's very interesting. It's hard to string things together like I normally would when just flat out writing. If this becomes a more finished work I'll for sure come back to this and fix all the paragraphs. But for what came out I was pretty happy so far. I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think. My Daughter Crystal(I'm also not sold on the name Crystal. I feel like I might go with the more sexy Krystal. Also I used parentheses way more in this post than intended. Thanks for sticking with me.)


We always tried to be good providing parents. We scrimped and saved and did the best we could. I always wanted multiple kids but after Crystal was born we were happy to have just one. Now I love my daughter with all my heart but something happened one morning when she came down for breakfast. It was the beginning of her senior year in high school and Crystal had been a great student all her life. But there was something that I noticed about her that morning that shook me to my very core. I had tried to instill the very best morals in my young daughter but a parent can only do so much. I realize that my daughter had become someone I never wanted her to be. When my husband and I were growing up we were never in the popular crowd. We were both the kind of people who flew under the radar and the wallflowers at the few parties we attended. Crystal on the other hand I was now noticing was dressed like one of the popular girls. She had a natural beauty to her that with some extra effort made her all that more impressive. She dressed in pristine fashions from some of the best stores in town. As I mentioned we always tried to provide Crystal with the things she wanted if we could afford them. Not being an idiot I knew what the kind of things girls Crystal age do. Especially the girls in that social circle. Not that I didn't want my daughter to be happy but I wanted her to surround herself with well-intentioned people. I feared that with the way she looked and held herself that she might be running with the wrong crowd. As Crystal went to school that day I brainstormed a way to work out this predicament. It wasn't long before an ingenious idea came to me. I remember in high-school the typical groups of people that ran together. The heavier-set girls usually stuck together and always seemed to be enjoying themselves. Being sort of a loner I remember getting along well with those girls. And they certainly weren't promiscuous like the uppity cheerleaders with their short skirts. Maybe if Crystal put on a few pounds she might fall out of favor with all the skinny bitches and jocks. So that day when I went to the grocery store I picked up a couple extra goodies to put my plan into motion. It all started the next day when Crystal came down for breakfast. “Breakfast is on the table hunny. Eat up so you can get to school on time.” Now I knew I couldn't get away with anything drastic so her breakfast was the typical fair but I had picked up a package of donuts at the grocery store the day prior and put those out on the table as well. Crystal helped herself to one as she ate her eggs and bacon. Before she left for school I enacted the next phase of the plan. “Crystal hunny, I know how expensive those school lunches are so your dad and I wanted to give you a little extra in case there's anything else you need to get yourself during lunch.” I knew they served french fries and cookies as extras at the school lunch so with the extra money I was confident that her tray would have some extra indulgences on it. “Cool thanks mom.” Crystal said as she grabbed her book bag for the day and took off. I knew it wasn't going to be much but it was a start. All I wanted her to do was go up a few sizes to dissuade her classmates from approaching her with any ill intentions. That night for dinner I made a calorie-rich meal for the family in which I assured Crystal ate her fair share. “Mom this is a new meal for you. What's the occasion?” My husband had retired to the study and Crystal was helping me clear the table. “Oh your father got me a new cookbook called All American Cooking. I thought I would try making a few of the recipes.” Daniel had not gotten me such a book but I had taken some of the day to look up some things I thought might speed up my plan. Pasta with rich sauces and meats with higher fat count might do the trick. As I continued to lead my daughter into indulgent practices, I started to sprinkle other opportunities throughout the house. The pantry started to have more junk food stocked in it for after school and on the weekends. The breakfast table was converted until more and more there were no healthy choices left. And after a nice rich dinner Crystal could not get away from having my latest dessert creation. My plan seemed to be going well as no one in the household was stirring up any turmoil about the changes. After a few weeks I could start to notice the changes and that my plan was being successful. I noticed Crystal's clothes getting quite a bit tighter due to the added thickness all over. A little bit more and she was going to need a new wardrobe. I even found myself not having to guide Crystal throughout the day. She was snacking and ingesting extra calories all on her own. She even surprised me one morning before school. “Hey Mom they just raised the price of lunch at school. Could I get an extra dollar fifty each day?” Now I know they wouldn't up the price of lunch without notifying the parents so I knew she was just looking to buy extra snacks at school. “Sure thing hunny, let me just go grab my purse.” It felt like before I knew it we had to go to the mall to get some new clothes for Crystal. I took her on a Saturday so we could pick out some new outfits that fit her a little better. In the changing room we had picked out several outfits for her to try on. I had not clued Crystal in that they were a size up from what she normally has in her closet. I stood on the other side of the heavy wooden door as I heard her wrestle with the clothing and the hangers. *Ugh* I heard her grunt in frustration. “Something the matter hunny?” I asked“Yeah mom there's… uh, not enough room in this top for... you know.” There was a slight pause, and then she said much softer. “My boobs.” I was a little shocked but immediately jumped to action to remedy the situation. “All right sweetie no worries let me go grab something else that will fit a little better.” At the time I didn't think anything of it but I should have realized that this was a red flag for things to come. I got Crystal the new top and it fit much better, so we bought the outfits and hit the food court for a little treat. Crystal loaded up on some fast-food tacos and after that we went back home. Another month passed and now it was blatantly obvious that Crystal was putting on some weight. She had gone from a very slim girl to one who was now pretty thick. but the easiest thing to see where the melons developing on her chest. Out of everything else they had grown the most...


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