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Life flows in different ways. Sometimes, a bubble carries a person across the sea to an island. Sometimes, a broken dingy washes up on shore. Sometimes, a humble man living in a mansion on said island tries to keep away from people. Life flows in different ways, though when these flows intersect, will they change or stay the same?

Perona, the Lolita-fashioned young woman, is currently floating in the air. Her round eyes stare off in the distance at the three-sword-wielding Zoro fighting a group of what looked like monkeys and apes. Beside him is Mihawk, a warlord of the sea, just like her previous captain. She had never expected her life to end up this way. Seeing the island, she thought it abandoned when she first came. It matched her fashion well: dark, dead trees, a rather spooky mansion. A perfect place to build a castle, she figured. However, it was already taken by the stoic Mihawk. For some reason, the man was being kind to both her and the brat who messed with her captain. They got food, water, and even private rooms in the mansion. It had been a few months since they all started living together on the island, but it still made little sense to Perona. "These idiots…" Mumbling under her breath she turns herself over in the air as if lying on a bed and swishes her feet back and forth. "Watching him train so hard… I started to myself, but none of them pay attention to me." Pouting like a child to herself, the young woman holds her hands in the air, and a small ghost pops up between them. "I can float without having to leave my body now…" Sighing to herself, she swats the air, making the ghostly translucent blob vanish. "Hey!" Even more grumpy than before, the woman floats over to the fighting and begins to whine at the men. "Haven't you both been at this long enough? The sun's about to go down!"

Zoro's eyes give Perona a quick glance, but he simply grunts and slashes at the apes wielding weapons. "Don’t you have something better to do?!” Is the only response he gives.

Metal clangs against metal, and Perona is left to sigh. Mihawk, however, actually gives her a nod. “Well now…” Rubbing at his chin the stoic man smirks. “If you’re bored, why not send those ghosts of yours after him?” Perona blinked a few times, not believing what she was hearing. “I mean it.” Mihawk always meant everything he said. “He needs to gain better control of his Haki. You don’t have to, of course. Though it’d help. Regardless.” Mihawk turns on his heel and begins to walk back toward the mansion. “I’m done here. Dinner will be prepared when you get back.

A mix of feelings was the only way Perona could describe it. Somehow, Mihawk always made her feel so childish. “Hmph, I swear… If he’s going to order me around, he should at least let me redecorate the mansion already.” Mumbling to herself once again, Perona stares at Zoro’s back. Her group originally attacked the Straw Hat Crew, so she could not blame Zoro for what happened. Perona felt like she got along with him to an extent; he was very easy to tease. “Haki training… I guess I could mess with him.” Sighing to herself Perona never had to do so much thinking before it was bothersome. Resting a hand on her cheek, she stares at Zoro’s back. “I’ll wait for an opening… this island, though. A palace would be nice. A cute and dark place is supposed to have bright and fluffy pink insides.” Slowly, the young woman’s cheek puffs up. Looking around the island most of it was grey and dark. It would not be a problem since she was used to such scenery on her old ship. The problem was there were no pink and fluffy insides. “How am I supposed to make my palace like this? He should’ve let me decorate if I helped this idiot!”


Zoro grunts, lowering to a knee as another Ape pushes him against the ground. “C-can’t—” Taking a breath, Zoro pushes the ape away and slashes back at the group, making some take a step back. Turning his head, the green-haired swordsman groans at Perona’s words. “Can’t you stop yapping? I’m trying to train!”

“Horo-horo-horo-horo~” Perona lets a giggle escape her lips. Zoro was right about something; mumbling to herself would not do anything. “Fine, you want me to stop? I guess we can make your training a lot more fun! I was gonna wait, buuut…” She smiles widely. “If you get hit, you’ll be a nice teddy bear for me, won’t you?”

Zoro’s eyes twitch, and he quickly dodges a blade coming down at him. “Damn it!” His feet drag back, and he puts his third sword into his mouth. “Just do whatever you’re gonna do, brat!”

Giggling louder on purpose, Perona stands in the air, holding out her palm. “Horo-horo-horo-HORO!” Through her giggles, several translucent white spirits form from the air. From looking at the flowing ghostly forms, one may assume them slow, but they slip through the air quickly trying to hit Zoro in the back. “I’ll just keep these coming till you learn your place as my servant!”

Jumping over ghosts and dodging ape attacks, Zoro does his best to focus his senses. Observation Haki was something he had trouble with, though his senses were normally good. He manages to dodge the three apes who attack him and avoid getting hit by the ghosts coming at him from behind. Though it was starting to wear on his stamina. “Damn it… I can’t argue; this is effective.” Taking a deep breath, he focuses instead on what he is good at. Armament Haki is the ability to harden anything connected to the body through one’s willpower. Focusing on that strength, he hardens his back and tries his best to prepare for anything. “I need to…” Slashing at another ape, Zoro’s eyes glance to his left watching as a ghost flanks around him. “See if I can block crap like that… I won’t always be able to dodge.”

As soon as the ghost hits his back, Zoro feels its head whack against him. Though the ghost hits again and again, and suddenly it flies out his chest. “horo-horo-horo~” Giggling with delight Perona claps her hands with glee. “You got hit! You really did! Hehe, I hope you understand your place now!”

The ghost keeps speeding through the air, hitting each of the apes in front of Zoro. This power is Perona’s Devil Fruit ability, the Horo Horo Devil Fruit. It has the ability to make someone’s spirit negative on its surface. However, the fruit has other powers, like allowing Perona the ability to levitate. “I-I…” Zoro’s knees hit the ground, and he sniffs back, snot about to cry. “I’m worse than the dirt worms poop out.” The negative ability was useful against enemies to make them not hostile like this. Perona was unsure what else her fruit may be able to do.

Perona laughs at the display, and the affected apes also fall to the ground, mimicking a similar action of depression and self-pity. “Finally! You get it, horo-horo-horo~” Floating to Zoro’s side, Perona’s feet tap against the ground, and she pats the side of his shoulder. “Now that you understand, how about you carry me back to the mansion?”

Zoro’s swords go back into their sheathes, and he hoists Perona into his arms with a princess carry. “It’s…” The time for the ghost's negative effect varies, though Perona was making sure to keep Zoro under the effect for a bit longer. “It’s the least I can do for being so worthless…” The green-haired swordsman sighs sullenly and begins to carry off Perona back toward the mansion. Though as they begin to approach the front door, Zoro’s eyes slowly glance down, and he begins to fidget as he walks. “I… This ability of yours is really a piece of crap, you know that?”

Sticking out her tongue Perona wraps her arms around his neck and nuzzles right into his chest. “What a poor poop you are! Horo-horo-horo, don’t worry; your service makes you worth something!”

Zoro’s cheeks begin to turn a light red, and he simply pushes open the door with his knee and sets Perona down. “Ugh… whatever. Just go do whatever you do. I’m gonna get some booze.”

With that, Zoro walks away, leaving Perona to pout. “He barely paid any attention to me.” Sighing sullenly, the girl summons up another small ghost into her palm. “What’s the point of us three being on this island if we barely talk to each other? Hmph… they really should let me make this place a lot cuter. Mihawk doesn’t even have any cute pillows.” Grumbling and mumbling, Perona once again makes herself float, and she slowly hovers to the dining room. As the days passed, this slowly became the group's new normal. Zoro planned on spending roughly two years on the island, so that meant Perona had to deal with him for two years. Though she did not mind, she appreciated some company. However, she craved more attention. Finishing dinner, she finds herself in her private room. She at least decorated her room. So far, her room consists of; pink fluffy carpets, a large four-post bed with a translucent pink fabric draped over it, a pile of different stuffed animal bears that had stitches all along them, like they went through surgery, as well a variety of pillows with small cute hearts on them. The pillows are placed around a small pink heart-shaped table with cute tea cups. Her room was like throwing a pink bomb into a white room and seeing what happened after. Though that was how she liked it, spooky yet cute and girly at the same time. She even had a mannequin set up which currently has one of her new Lolita-themed dresses draped over it. “What am I gonna do?” Plopping her butt onto her bed, she falls back and sighs, the fluffy bed almost engulfing her. “My room’s already perfect, but this place is so boring beside it. What can I do, though…? I’m nothing like them.” Picking up a parasol at the side of her bed, she quickly jolts to her feet and stabs at the air. “I’m no swordsman! I can only do this, jab, jab, jab!” After three jabs, she stops and sighs. “It’s no fun… I can’t even tease Mihawk. At least that Greeny is an easy target. But still…” Plopping back to her bed, she closes her eyes and rolls herself into the middle of the mattress. “What can I do… try and get stronger?” Focusing her thoughts, Perona could not help but think about reading the newspaper. Her captain, pretty much a father figure to her, was almost killed. The only hope she had of him being alive was what Mihawk said. “I wonder if I’ll see him again?” With so much uncertainty, Perona focuses on the present instead. “I want to make a kingdom for myself… but I can’t even beat the Straw Hat’s loser. I need to change something.” Grabbing one of her many stuffed bears from the pile, she squeezes it into herself and takes a breath.


Perona’s body and spirit split; it slips from her body, and looks down at it, sleeping. “There has to be something else I can do. I figured out how to float… maybe there’s something else. Devil Fruits usually can do a lot.” Floating away from her body, Perona sinks into the wall and pops up on the other side, looking down the mansion's halls. Zoro and Mihawk were nowhere to be found, so she begins to float down the hall. “I’ll find some way to train… then they’ll have to pay more attention to me. Then… I’ll be another step toward my dream.”


Days turn to weeks, and another month passes. After a hard training session, Zoro once again pushes his way into the mansion. “Geez… those guys really do mimic everything.” Wiping sweat from his brow, he adjusted the three swords at his side and closed the door. “Three Thousand Worlds… I know I can make it stronger. Tsk—” Clicking his tongue, Zoro looks down at his blistered palms. “I still need to refine my two sword and one sword styles.” Looking over his shoulder as if expecting something, Zoro suddenly begins to fast walk till he reaches the dining room. “Hello?!” A little sweat begins to form on his brow once again. “This is the right mansion, right? I don’t think there was another one on the island.” Shrugging his shoulders, he walks toward his usual seat and sits down. “Feels like my chair… Maybe they got lost?”


Zoro quickly turns his head, though he sees nothing. “Huh…” Standing back up gingerly, he waves his hand through the air. “I thought I heard someone snorting? Is it that ghost brat?” No one was around to answer him, so Zoro shrugs and walks back to his room. “I don’t know how long I was out, but seems like Mihawk isn’t around. Did he leave the island again?” From what Zoro could tell, Mihawk left often but returned just as often. “Wonder how he manages to get back so quickly… well, I guess he probably has one of those eternal things.” Opening his bedroom door, Zoro stares blankly. “Huh?” In front of him is indeed a bedroom. A bed is in the room, a small table, and even a rug. However, the room looked nothing like how he left it. Heart-shaped pillows are stacked on top of each other on the bed. The carpet is now pink and black instead of the basic red one he had. The desk has a few cloth spider webs on it and several teddy bears with stitch marks all over them. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Squeezing at his temple, Zoro closes his eyes and takes a long, calm breath. “Can I even call this sort of crap my training? That brat just wants attention, right?” Sighing, Zoro had dealt with this sort of childish action on his ship plenty of times. If he overreacted, he would just be playing into Perona’s hands. “These are the times I wish I had Usopp around.” Walking to his bed, Zoro sets his swords down and plops onto the mattress. “Somehow, it feels better than before.” Sinking into the bedding, his sore muscles ease the tension inside. His eyes cannot help but wander the room, trying to spot the ghost girl wherever she may be.

Perona had a variety of plans, and her training was finally completed. She just needed to test her results on a living creature now. Watching Zoro come back into the mansion and spying on him was easy enough in her ghostly form. Now that he is lying in bed, she dispels her ghostly form and sits up from her bed. “Horo-horo-horo~” Snickering and fidgeting with excitement, Perona stands up, her heeled boots clacking against the stone floor. “That loser swordsman is finally going to learn his place.” Putting a finger to her lips Perona takes a few careful steps to her door. “Now… do I just start? Or should I mess with him more? Maybe both?” The door opens, and she steps through. Normally, she would start levitating though she needed all her strength for her plans. “I already spent the time changing his room. Mihawk’s too. I wonder how his face will be.” Taking a slight detour, Perona peeks into Mihawk’s room; just like Zoro’s, his room had a pink wave washed over it with cute accessories applied. “Yes, it looks like they both have proper rooms now. Horo-horo, if they wish to serve their princess, they need proper accommodation after all.”

Zoro’s boot stomps against the ground, making Perona jump in place. “Who are you talking to?” His voice comes out gruff and annoyed as he stands with his arms crossed.

Looking down slowly, Perona pokes both her index fingers sheepishly together. Her cheeks progressively turn red realizing Zoro had just heard her talk to herself. “W-well, it doesn’t matter who muscle-head!” Jolting back to a straight standing position, Perona puts a hand on her hip and confidently points at him. “None of that matters now; after all, you serve me now! You won’t question your princess, will you?”

Zoro’s eyes narrow, Perona could tell from the look on his face that he thought she was foolish, to put it nicely. “I don’t get you… You’re living in a stranger fantasy than that shitty cook.” Turning around, Zoro begins to walk away. “Look, just put the stuff in my room back. I don’t care if you want attention or whatever. We’re living here because of Mihawk, and I’m sure he doesn’t want you messing with all his junk.”

Running to Zoro’s side, Perona’s boot slides against the stone floor. “Waaaait!” Stopping in place, the ghost girl grins wide and holds up her hand. “You’re always the fussy one horo-horo-horo. But I’ll show you how to understand me better, alright?” A small ghost begins to form in Perona’s palm, and Zoro instinctively jumps back, sliding against the floor himself this time. “Oh, what’s this?” Perona sticks out her tongue teasingly. “Getting jumpy now, aren’t you? Afraid of a girl?”

Zoro’s hand goes to his waist, and he notices right away his swords are not at his side. “Damn it I forgot them in my room.” Taking another small step back his eyes stare at Perona’s hands. The ghosts were something he could see even if they were a bit translucent. He could still avoid them. “I don’t need to train my Haki right now… but your ghost things are pretty annoying. I rather not deal with them at all. It’s got nothing to do with fear.”

Rolling her eyes Perona does not step forward instead she slowly lifts her hand to be level with her eyes. Staring at her own palm she watches as a small pink ghost pops up from her hand. “Well then. Maybe we should put it this way. You could serve me now. Oooor I could hit you with this and you can serve me later.”

Rolling his eyes Zoro shakes his head. “No. I got my own crew I don’t need to serve you.”

Cheek puffing up Perona stomps her foot down childishly. “Yeah, well that’s fine I get it! You can adventure with them first but what happens when you’re done?!” Zoro’s eye twitches, he had no response. “See you didn’t even think about it did you!” Putting her free hand on her bosom, Perona proudly smiles. “I’m offering you plenty. You can still have your friends and crew. That’s your own time. But when not dealing with that you can serve me.”

Rubbing at the back of his neck Zoro sighs. “For some weird whiny brat that’s surprisingly reasonable. Though, hah, I’m not interested in serving anyone. I shove an idiot captain in the right direction. I don’t need more than that.”

Perona’s pout grows larger and two other ghosts begin to float to her side. “Fine then it sounds like we’re gonna have to do this the hard way!”

Rolling his eyes Zoro glances between both the ghosts. “Alright, fine. I’ll deal with you till you’re tired. I guess I forgot to walk you.”

Now slightly annoyed Perona thrusts her hand forward. “Go!” The ghosts both fly toward Zoro and he leaps over the first and rolls on the ground to avoid the second. “Everything was going according to plan. Perona had plotted out Zoro’s resistance, if she hit him with one of her negative ghosts everything would work out. Either that or she reaches him herself. “Horo-horo-horo” Laughing with excitement Perona runs toward Zoro as the two ghosts’ loop back around to strike again. “Come on which way are you going to go now!” They were on the second floor; the ceiling is high because of it being a mansion though the hallways of the manner are narrow.

Snorting through his nose with a huff Zoro pushes his palm against the top of Perona’s head and makes her collapse to the ground while he leaps over her. “I’ll just get past you!”


Perona’s cheeks grow redder, and her hands push against the ground. Slowly but surely even a few tears drop from her eyes. “H-how could you.”

Zoro stops in his tracks and gives a half glance back to Perona. “Ugh… what is it now? I didn’t even do it that hard.”

Sniffling more Perona brings her hand to her face and starts wiping away her tears. “I… I just…” Sniffling back snot the poor girl bites at her lips and tries to get out her shaky words. “I-I just didn’t want to feel so alone. Y-you’re the only person around here that’ll even talk to me. Mihawk just… he just does his dumb little grunts toward me!”

Rubbing at his cheek Zoro closes his eyes and thinks on all the times Mihawk simply grunted at Perona instead of responding to the girl. “Damn it…” Biting at his own lip now Zoro gingerly pivots on his heel and walks back to Perona.

Closer and closer Zoro gets, till he offers his hand to the poor crying girl. Perona could only think that Zoro thought of himself as a white knight. Maybe he had a soft spot for women? “Horo-horo-horo.” Laughing now, Perona could only find it silly. “Even if you’re not as bad as your cook you’re still just a sucker!” Lifting her palm the pink ghost travels with her hand and it pushes right into Zoro’s chest. “There!” Patting that strong chest with a smile Perona now dusts off the back of her skirt and steps back. “Thanks for making it easy for me.”

Zoro felt stunned, unsure of what to say. His chest also now felt hot. “Wh-what did?” A slight pain, more building heat. The feeling was in some ways like when compressed air filled with pain was pushed into his body. Though it was not as uncomfortable. “Wh-what the hell did you do to me? What’s this feeling?”

Trying not to laugh Perona starts to walk around Zoro watching him squirm. “Horo horo… horo-horo.” Shaking her head, she puts a hand on Zoro’s shoulder and leans in close to his ear. “Horo Horo Perona. Simple, right? That’s the name of the attack.” Despite her own laughs and giggles at the scene Perona’s legs wobble a little. Zoro was helping her stay standing. Her body felt far weaker than she thought it would. “I’ll need to work on this more though… using it once and I feel like I can’t do anything else.”

Shrugging Perona off his shoulder Zoro stumbles forward grabbing the wall for support. “D-damn it I don’t need to hear about what the thing did to you! What’s it doing to me?! I don’t feel negative… this, it feels like I have some fever or something, and a stomachache!”

Perona wobbles in place but manages to take a step back to hold onto the opposite wall. “Well, you’re the one whining now, but it should start happening… horo-horo-horo, now.” With a wide smirk on her face Perona watches as Zoro’s green hair begins to shine with a few pink streaks.

Groaning in the corner Zoro tosses off his shirt. “Damn it why’s it so hot?!” His muscles felt oddly tense, and his legs burned like something was pushing against them. Though the pain is uncomfortable it is something he could deal with. “I don’t want to deal with this! Damn it undo this crap!” It did not mean he wanted to.

Perona rolls her eyes and crosses her arms under her chest. “Horo-horo-horo, I think this is the part where I should say. Suffer.” Giggling to herself Perona, though amused, was interested in seeing just what would happen. She tested it on the apes of the island, but the result was always awkward. Though using it on an actual human she was curious what the result would be.

With Zoro’s shirt off the first result is rather obvious. Zoro grabs his chest pressing his back against the wall. Huffing and gasping at air sweat drips from his brow. “U-ugh… w-wait is it starting to go away?” As Zoro ponders the thought his chest pushes forward almost making him topple to the floor. Luckily, he catches himself, but something was off. “When did…” His chest, which was rather tight from muscle was now softer. Placing his hand on it felt smooth to the touch. “Why’s it so smooth… did whatever you use on me make me weaker?!”

Perona tilts her head and slowly nods. “Hmmm… I suppose it will in your case. Though I still think it’s an upgrade so don’t worry.”

Eye twitching Zoro smacks his fist against the wall and yells back. “How the hell I’m I not suppose to worry?! What are you doing to me woman?!”

Zoro had no need to ask as the process answers for him. His chest did not just feel softer, his hand still placed on it begins to push out. His chest was growing. Though not with muscle to show off pectorals, instead it was soft, even a bit bouncy as he pokes at the skin. “Horo-horo-horo, how incident.” Perona smiles and gives her arms a little nudge to accent her own bosom. “Though you seem to be shaping up nicely.”

Realization washing over his face Zoro cups his hands under his nipples. “No way… this. Breasts? It can’t be! What the hell is this?!” As Zoro hollers the breasts begin to grow larger. At first it felt like a bit of fat, but slowly they fill out spilling into his hands and trying to push over them. The chest was not as large as someone like Robin from his crew though he rather have none if possible. “What kind of dumb joke is this?!”

Covering her ears now Perona shouts back at Zoro. “Lalalala, I can’t heeear you! I can only hear the voices of kind servants who obey! Lalalala!”

Zoro wanted to walk up to the girl and start shaking her, though oddly that idea felt wrong. He could think it, but it just felt wrong. “Can I not…” Mumbling under his breath Zoro tries to process the thought but as he ponders his body keeps changing. The pain had mostly vanished so he barely even noticed the subtle changes. Perona, however, watches them closely. The hairs of Zoro’s arm flake off as easy as dead skin. His hair is no longer green, and the new pink hair is even beginning to grow falling to his shoulders. The man’s eyes are also changing, rounder, more clearly defined eyelashes. Perona does her best to stifle her laugh as she stares. Zoro’s muscle is melting away like snow. The bulky square frame is becoming more like an hourglass. Feminine, refined, the body of a princess if Perona had to describe it.

Not hearing anymore yelling, Perona lowers her hands from her ears. “You’re shaping up nicely my sweet sister.” Zoro’s eyes twitch and he stares dumbfounded. “Horo-horo-horo. You may have already guessed, but you’re turning into a woman. This is the power of the Horo Horo Perona!” With a bit of energy back in her legs Perona straightens out and stands proudly with both hands on her hips. “You’re becoming the spitting image of me my dear sister! Any servant of mine should be just as beautiful after all! Horo-horo-horo I bet when your friends see they’ll be jealous, if they ask ni—”

Zoro grabs at Perona’s collar and tugs her forward. “You little—” Stopping mid-sentence Zoro’s words are a higher pitch. “Even my voice?!” In just a few seconds her voice sounds completely like Perona’s. “Why… no. Why do I even have to sound like you?”

Perona’s eyes twitch now, and she shoves Zoro back. “Hmph, now what, you’re complaining about is my lovely voice? Horo-horo-horo, you should be crying tears of joy that you can be serenaded by such a voice at any time of day.”

Zoro’s body shivers and her eyes stare off with realization once again. “I… do I even want to check.”

Giggling louder into her palm Perona nods vigorously. “Horo-horo-horo! What was that shiver? Did it finally change even down there~? You should check! Go on Horo-horo-horo!”

Zoro Sheepishly grabs at her waist band and then looks back at Perona. “I’ll just…” Slowly turning to face the wall she pulls at her waist band and peers in while Perona slowly walks close and peers over the new girl’s shoulder. “It’s gone…”

“It’s gone!” Perona yells out with glee. Hopping back, she claps her hands cheerfully and even makes herself hover in a happy float. “This is just wonderful, it works perfectly!” Grinning confidently, she walks back close to Zoro and waves her hand from her head to the new girls. “Horo-horo-horo, we’re even the same height now… well you’re a bit shorter since you don’t have on boots. But don’t worry I’ll be sure to find you an outfit. With a body like yours there’s plenty of clothes to wear.”

Zoro slowly turns back around, and her hands begin to instinctively cover her exposed nipples. “You seem like you’re having fu—” The pink hair now falls against Zoro’s back brushing against her. Letting a few strands of the pink locks slip through her fingers Zoro’s eyes stare annoyed back at Perona. “You had your fun, change me back already. I feel like this is starting to change even my thoughts or something.”

Perona rolls her eyes and waves her hand over the new girl. “It did change! See for the better. Don’t you feel great now?!”

Zoro’s cheek puffs up into a pout. “Perona. I just feel weird… I wanna shake you but something tells me it’s a bad idea…” Sighing into her palm Zoro shakes her head trying to get rid of the odd feeling. “Just change me back already alright? I won’t get mad about this…”

Perona chuckles and holds up her hand. “Alright, alright Horo-horo-horo” Pausing for a moment Zoro crosses her arms a bit tighter waiting but both just stare in silence. “Um.” Perona mutters softly.

Tilting her head Zoro sighs. “What is it?”

Sucking her lips into her mouth for a moment Perona looks at her hand and then back at Zoro. She thrusts her hand forward, even gives Zoro’s new chest a pat. “Hm. Yes.”

Tilting her head yet again Zoro tries not to sigh this time. “Hm. Yes what?”

Nodding slowly and then slower than that Perona smiles brightly. “I never made a move to change people back. So, I think you may be stuck like this now.”

Zoro stares blankly for what felt like minutes. Slowly her lip’s part, a low murmur and then a loud shout. “WHAT THE HELL?!”

The events of the day before weigh on Zoro. She was a woman now, with no clear way to change back. Staring at her ceiling her eyes only slightly inched down. She was wearing her shirt from the day before, the front of it pushed up a bit from the new breasts. “Really… this girly voice, these mounds.” Perona’s voice, Perona’s breasts, Zoro really was her twin in every sense of the word. “My head still feels like a mess too… what’s it going to do to me?” Sitting up from her bed Zoro stares at her three swords. “Will I even be able to hold them all? Katanas aren’t that heavy but…” Looking at her arms she seemed not to have any muscle to speak of. Even girls like Nami usually had little muscle from being on a ship. “That spoiled brat probably just floats around everywhere and doesn’t lift anything but her fork.”


Perona’s head peeks up from the floor, her eyes looking at Zoro’s long pink hair. “Mhm…” She hums softly to herself thinking, though also doing it intentionally so Zoro looks her way. “You really are a looker.”


Slamming her foot atop the ghost Zoro cries out as her foot passes through the ghostly head. “Shut it you!” Panting, she takes a short breath and sighs. “Dang it… a-ah… no wonder you looked ready to faint yesterday. Just stomping and I feel like I’m out of breath.”

Perona floats into the room fully and hovers in the air in front of Zoro. “Horo-horo-horo, you know I’m not that weak. You’re just not used to this wonderful body I’ve given you. And by the looks of it—” The ghost girl’s eyes look over the room she had so kindly redecorated. A lovely vanity table for makeup, cute pillows, a nice soft pink rug, it was a girly room just for Zoro. “You’re adjusting to your room well.”

Zoro’s eyes narrow at the ghost. She could not exactly attack; it would simply go through her. Though he still picks up one of the many bear plushies in the room and throws it through the spector. “Hah… The only thing good about it is the beds comfortable. I don’t have any other room to use so I just dealt with it.” That was not true though. She liked it for some reason, part of her wanted to say it was cute though it felt wrong. “Ugh… this is annoying.” Holding the side of her face to think also felt wrong. Wrong was the wrong word though, it was something she was not used to but, it felt right. It feeling right was what was wrong. “What else is this transformation doing to me? I look like you already isn’t that enough why has my head been feeling weird?”

Resting a hand on her ghostly chin, Perona sits cross-legged in the air pondering the words. “Hmmm, my abilities affect personality, and this is giving my personality to someone else.” Her lips creak into a smile as she gives Zoro a once over. “Horo-horo-horo, your personality is simply changing to mirror mine, just like your body has.”

Zoro hears the words, and her expression does not change. “Makes sense.” Reaching for her swords she picks them up one at a time and begins to move them. They were heavier than she remembered. The last time a sword was this heavy Zoro was a child. “And you want me to just accept that? I may as well be dead if my whole personalities going to vanish.”

Perona frowns, the concerns were real and part of her felt a little guilty about not knowing how to change her back. Of course, she would never bluntly admit that. “Horo-horo-horo, oh come on, don’t be such a scaredy cat. If you just turned into me completely even, I’d be creeped out. A twin is one thing, a clone is another. No, no, instead just think of this as way to help you become a proper woman.”

Zoro’s eyes narrow and she starts to walk to the door as her shorts slip down to around her ankles. “Ah…”

Nodding happily to herself Perona laughs loudly. “Horo-horo-horo” It seems we’ll need to start with some fashion. Those kinds of clothes aren’t going to fit a lady like body like mine.”

Zoro groans loudly she wanted to make sure Perona could hear her. “I’m not gonna deal with this. Look I got training to do. With this body…” Zoro sighs once again not even sure where to begin. “I’ll have to start muscle training all over again. Even if I can use my techniques the size of the body, the arm and leg length… I’ll have to readjust to everything. It’s more like I’m starting from square one.” Twisting on his heel he glares at Perona, her shorts still around her ankles. “Now if you aren’t going to change me back, I’ll wear whatever I want, I have enough to do already.”

Perona’s ghost vanishes and Zoro snorts walking out of the room. Meanwhile the real Perona sits up from her bed and yawns into her hand. “He’s… well She’s so cranky.” Grumbling a little to herself Perona stands up and walks over to her new walk-in closet. Though it was just a hole in the wall leading to the room next to hers. She was using it like a walk-in closet. “What outfits could I pick… this one’s pretty cute.” Dresses, skirts, tops, different boots, and shoes. Perona had it all. For whatever reason Mihawk seemed not to mind letting her buy different outfits. So long as she made sure to keep people away from the island. “Hmph… I don’t mind it exactly but he’s treating me a bit like a guard dog, isn’t he? Maybe it’s because that idiot gets lost even on this small island.” Sighing quietly to herself Perona begins draping a few articles of clothing over her arm. “I wonder if it would work on two people at once? Could I do this to Mihawk as well… hm, though that could end up hurting me more than helping.” Rather than dwelling on the thought Perona grabs a pair of boots and floats out of the makeshift closet. “Oh well let’s just get that idiot for now.” Opening her door she floats downstairs. Zoro is currently ripping one of the curtains of the mansion and wrapping it around her waist. “Pffft.” Perona does her best to keep a hand over her mouth to not laugh and slowly floats into the dining room and setting the bundle of clothing down onto a chair. “Hey!”

Still trying to fit the curtain around her waist Zoro sighs. “Damn it this—” She does her Perona’s voice calling to her. Though part of her wanted to ignore it. “Now she wants my attention again… does she really—” Trying to pass things off does nothing Zoro blinks and realizes she had already walked into the dining room. “Hor-ehem damn.” Clearing her throat, she looks at the chair with clothing and then Perona. “You really expect me to get dressed up in that junk? I told you already I’m trying to get back to my training.”

Puffing up her cheek, Perona steps to the ground just to stomp her foot against it. “Forget about that! You need clothes that actually fit. Swing around your swords after you get dressed!”

Sighing Zoro crosses her arms under her chest and pouts back. “But… but come on.” She mumbles a little, but her eyes begin to glance more at the clothing. Perona and her were sharing some of the same feelings. Those clothes were cute. They would look great with her body! “Wh-what…” Holding the side of her head Zoro tries and shakes off the odd feeling. “I… I mean. Well, I guess I can throw something on. I don’t wanna be naked.” As Zoro says the words her cheeks begin to redden, it was like she could not help herself.

Perona on the other hand smiles widely. ‘Good then~” Smirking from ear to ear she begins to float again and grabs at Zoro’s shirt ripping it off. “There, nothing, naked, your body really does mirror mine now.” Floating around Zoro in a circle Perona gives another inspection of her handy work: the voice, the hair length, the size of her bust and length of her legs. Everything was correct down to the smallest detail. “Horo-horo-horo… Also… you’re starting to feel a bit more like me too, aren’t you?” Zoro turns his head away, but Perona teasingly rests a finger on the girl’s chin and turns it back. “Come on now, you want to wear those cute clothes, don’t you? Hehe, you could have argued for me to find some pants or something boring like that after all.”

Zoro groans not wanting to utter more incriminating words. “Just hurry it up already!” Covering her breasts shyly she pouts back at Perona more. “It’s getting cold standing here like this!”

Perona shakes her head and with a soft smile she lifts a bra above her head. “Then let’s get you dressed my sweet sister! Horo-horo-horo~!” Perona was enjoying herself, and she wanted to make sure that was clear. Regardless, she now had to help Zoro get dressed. It was exciting, like getting to dress up a doll. The doll just happened to look adorable. “Now then just try and stand still. I’ll take care of dressing you. I wouldn’t want you to rip these clothes.”

Zoro rolls her eyes, but with a soft sigh she holds her arms out and gives a nod. “Fine, let’s just get it over with. Do what you must… tell me to move if I need to.”

Perona starts by letting the soft white bra hoist up Zoro’s breasts. She hooks and loops it in place at the back and gives the front a few tugs to make sure it stays in place. “This bra has no straps, it’ll be helpful. We’re giving you a dress with no straps too. That means you can show off your collar bones easier.”

Groaning right away Zoro failed to see why exactly she would need to expose more of her skin. “I may as well not be wearing anything then, right?”

With a frown Perona grabs out a pair of simple white panties with a small bear on the butt. “Nonsense. You always should look your best on and off the battlefield.” Lifting one leg and then the other Perona gets the panties around Zoro’s ankles and then pulls them up around her new much shapelier butt.” You need a sense of style. Like now, this underwear is modest and cute. Just like me.” Perona gives Zoro a wink and the twin groans back loudly. “The dress though can be a bit sexy, and a little daring but still accent that cuteness. While still showing under it all there is someone adorable!”

Zoro had not expected to be given a lecture on why Perona dressed how she did. Though despite groaning she does listen. Her eyes once again looked to the dress and cute shoes. “Ugh… why does my head have to be like this?”

Smirking Perona stifles her laugh and brings out the dress in question. “It’s good that you’re interested! Horo-horo-horo, it’s only natural for a girl as cute as you to like just as cute outfits!”

Sighing to herself, Zoro lifts her arms up. “Just keep dressing me alright. You said it doesn’t have straps… so what overhead, legs?”

With the arms already lifted Perona brings the dress over Zoro’s head and tugs at the hem as it falls to just above the girl’s knee. “Perfect.” The dress is divided into three parts. The top cups around Zoro’s breasts, also a white color to match with the underwear. Floating to the front Perona makes sure to tie the black laces in front to keep Zoro’s breasts from bouncing too much. The second part is a corset section in order to accent the waist. Perona’s waist was shapely enough, so Zoro’s was as well, though this midsection looked like a corset simply for style. It has a dark purple color to it with two chains at its front making it appear like what is keeping the corset bound together though they were just for style. The third part of the dress is a tulle skirt like bottom though it only has three layers. It’s also a dark purple color though slightly darker than the corset. It flares out about two inches. Beside this the dress also has a light pinkish purple ribbon at its butt going around to the front of the corsets bottom. The pastel-colored ribbon Perona ties up in back to give Zoro’s butt a large bow. “Horo-horo-horo” Snickering to herself Perona floats a little back and looks at her work. “I haven’t even added the accessories, but this dress really does suit you doesn’t it? I should know.”

Zoro was not sure how she should feel. Just moving her hip a little she can feel the skirt of the dress brush against her thigh. “Th-this…” Her cheeks turn a little red and she feels her heart thump. What was there even to be embarrassed about? “Ugh… just keep it going. I need shoes too, right? I don’t think I really need anything else, do I?”

Perona rolls her eyes and crosses her arms under her chest. “What are you talking about? The shoes will come but did you forget the accessories?!” Grabbing two pieces of fabric from the pile Perona pulls them up Zoro’s arms. One for each leaving them in the middle of her upper arms. They looked like part of a sleeve but were tight to stay in place on her arm and a bit ruffled. They barely cover her arm, but they match the breast section of the dress. “See you need to know the proper accessories for your outfits. Hopefully you’re remembering all of this. I won’t dress you every day after all.”

Flicking the side of one of what Zoro would call arm bands she sighs. “I don’t really see how these help my outfit though?”

Shaking her head in agreement Perona now brings out a large black choker. “Of course, because we’re not done yet! Now stay still!” Clasping the choker around Zoro’s neck several black chains drape against the girl’s torso. A sizable purple gem also shines at the front of the choker. Perona gives it a light tug at the back to make sure it stays in place and lets Zoro’s long pink hair cover up the back. “Horo-horo-horo, we’re almost done now.”

Zoro sighs a low sigh but her cheeks stay a tad red. “I mean… this isn’t it? How much is left?”

Grabbing one of Zoro’s hands Perona takes out a small case with nail polish and begins to float on her stomach letting her legs swish back and forth. “Time to paint those dull nails.” A master at this process Perona applies a dark red nail polish to Zoro’s fingers and even adds some subtle tips to make her nails appear a little longer. One hand and then the next. “This kind is pretty fast drying.” Lifting Zoro’s left hand then Perona holds it tenderly and takes out a ring with a fake red rose on it. Slipping it on the girls ring finger she smiles confidently. “Now then.” Zoro almost wanted to groan since there was still more, but Perona keeps moving along. Taking one leg and the next she pulls a pair of stockings up Zoro’s legs. They have a soft transparent pink color to them with a darker purple transparent color acting as the seams made into mini triangles for style. Then finally she slips on a pair of her usual calf length heeled boots. The color of these is a softer pink to match with Zoro’s hair. “There… we could do hair accessories as well though.” Perona hums to herself happily eyeing her doll up and down. “I suppose this will do for now! Hehe, after all, you want to train, a ponytail may be better.” Nodding to herself she now floats behind Zoro and pulls up the girl’s hair into a hair ponytail with a soft pink flowered hair tie to blend into the girls hair. “That’ll do.”

Feeling somehow exhausted from the process Zoro lets a deep exhale leave her lips. Taking a few steps back in the heeled boots they are surprisingly easy for her to walk in. “Weird… it feels like I’ve worn these my whole life… don’t tell me it makes me remember your skills?”

Tilting her head slowly Perona sits back in her float as if sitting on an invisible chair. “Well, it’s possible. You don’t have a devil fruit though, so beside being able to walk in heels I’m not sure how much that would help you.”

Zoro sighs louder this time and hangs her head low. “That doesn’t help me at all…” Grabbing at the sides of the dresses skirt she wanted to sigh again but her cheeks cannot help but blush. Perona could already tell what the simple-minded girl was thinking. The outfit is cute, the outfit is adorable and so is she. “Horo—” Zoro clears her throat trying to not laugh like Perona. “Somehow this junk does feel more comfortable when I move around… but… how am I supposed to use my swords in this getup?”

Nodding slowly Perona straightens herself out and tries her best Mihawk impression. “If you can’t manage to be strong like this. Then were you ever strong in the first place?”

Zoro glares and gathers up her swords. “Fine. Whatever. I’ll manage somehow. Horo-horo-horo~”

Several Weeks Later

Mihawk had been gone for some time though he finally was able to return to his home. “Hmm…” The swordsmen’s eyes gaze over the island as he steps off his small boat. “Something feels different. I wonder how both of them are doing.” Shutting his eyes, he breathes in and slowly breathes out. The salty air from the sea behind him hits him first, then the dead trees on the island. “The apes seem to be on the other side of the island.”


Popping her head up from the ground Perona’s eyes peek at Mihawk. She could tell she was spotted as soon as she appeared. It was normal for Mihawk to be able to see those kinds of details. Though Perona had several objectives and part of that started with assessing the situation. “Horo-horo-horo. It seems he’s just came back.” She says the words softly. Though she is speaking to Zoro who was currently beside her real body. “He doesn’t seem to be tired. He already saw me but he’s just walking back to the mansion.”

The plan had started as soon as Mihawk had stepped on land. Perona now sinks back into the ground and begins to guide several spirits with her. Meanwhile Zoro now gets up from her seat and walks downstairs to the mansion’s front door. Her swords at her side she breathes in and then out. “Horo-horo-horo, It’s finally time.” Giggling softly, she makes sure to whisper to herself. “It’s about time another joins us.” The pink haired girl presses her palms to the door and pushes it open. Mihawk stands in front of her. He did not exactly have problems with directions so reaching the mansion only took him a minute or two.

“What are you doing with his swords?” The man, blunt as usual says the words but his eyes squint while saying them. Both Perona and Zoro figured he would be able to figure things out quickly, meaning they only had one shot at their mission.

Luckily Zoro had planned this out with her twin so taking a short breath she smiles softly. “Horo-horo-horo. Don’t you know? That idiot ran out to fight without them. He said if he didn’t come back in two hours to bring him his swords.”

Sighing Mihawk shakes his head dismissively. “Fine. Just make sure he doesn’t get lost out there again.”

Walking past Mihawk, the man appeared to not notice anything strange. “Horo-horo-horo.” Which meant it was not time for Perona to enter. She stands in front of Mihawk after coming from her room.  Both the girls now between him in the foyer of the mansion. “Getting ready to sit down?”

Mihawk raises an eyebrow and squints slowly walking up to Perona. “Hm? Have you been training…? This form seems solid as well?”

With a wink Perona lifts her hands up quickly. “Horo-horo trap!”

Mihawk grabs at his sword, but Zoro quickly hits Mihawk’s hand with his sheathed blade making the man recoil. “What’s this?!” Mihawk was startled just as planned, but the ghosts under the mansion now rise up. The plan was simple, but it relied on the fact that Mihawk did not expect either of them to play dirty. With just a tap of one ghost to Mihawk’s boot he suddenly groans looking down. “What’s the point… no one like Red Hair will ever exist again…”

Both the girls held back a laugh hearing the words. Mihawk had not readied his Haki, all defenses were down. “Horo-horo-horo, this is perfect. Now then.” Putting a hand on her hip Perona smiles confidently to herself. Once again, she raises her palm and a small pinkish ghost begins to form. “Horo-horo, PERONA!” Pulling back her palm she slams it quickly into Mihawk’s back making the man arch back with a gasp. “Complete. Good work sister.”

Both girls wink at one another and Mihawk’s eyes slowly look between them both very confused. “What has…” Mumbling out his words the affects begin to take hold right away. Perona and Zoro could both tell it was happening faster than before. Perona had been training after all. “What is all of this?! Explain!” Mihawk yells out the words, but they come out as a whining childish woman. His voice was changing, it sounded just like Perona. Once again, the ghost was doing its work changing the man from the inside out. “Impossible… why isn’t—” Mihawk’s eyes wince and her hand goes right to her crotch. It was so quick she barely noticed she had already become a woman. The transformation had discomfort but as it progresses Mihawk can only look between the two women confused. Breasts push into her shirt, her hips get wider, her muscles slowly leave while her skin smoothed out. Just like Zoro Mihawk’s hair even begins to streak with pink and slowly trails off the new girl’s shoulder in long pink strands. From the softer cheeks to the rounder eyes, to the cuter feminine voice. Mihawk had become another one of Perona’s twins. “Guh… this body… it’s just like yours?” She tries her best to shake things off and shakily stands up. Her clothes did not fit well and her sword even clattered to the floor because the weight was now too much for her. “To think you had an ability like this…”

Placing her hands on her hips proudly, Perona slings an arm over Zoro’s shoulder and pats at her first twin’s chest. “We had the ability! Horo-horo-horo after all this wouldn’t have worked if not for my twin Zora. I suppose we’re triplets now though, aren’t we? Horo-horo-horo!”

With Perona laughing so loud Mihawk can only look at the so-called Zora in dismay. “Ho—” Squeezing her eyes shut briefly Mihawk stifles her laugh. “It’s really you then? I can’t believe this. Though—” Mihawk bites at her lip, something was wrong with her thoughts. “That dress you have is adorable. Horo-ho—” Covering her mouth quickly she blinks trying to see if what she just said was real.

Zora giggles back and brushes off the hem of her dress. “Horo-horo-horo~” Unlike Mihawk, Zora was no longer hiding her laugh. Even her hand gestures seemed to mimic Perona as she speaks. “Why thank you. We’ve got plenty of nice clothes for you too. We even redecorated a bit.”

Mihawk slowly turns around, he had not gotten the chance to see the inside of the mansion. The stairs of the foyer have pink carpet now. Stuffed animals’ line most of the tables. Turning her head toward the dining room, the main table has pink and black polka dots for a tablecloth. There were some spider webs as well, but they appeared to be made from lace for style. “Horo-horo—” Mihawk holds the side of her head doing her best to fight off the personality quirks bubbling in her. “That’s… you really changed everything.”

Perona spins on her heel and lifts a large pink paint bucket. “Now then! Since you’re finally back we can all work on the outside! The princess needs a proper castle after all. Horo-horo-horo.”


The painting took several months. Though it served to help Mimi and Zora gain some muscle once again. At least a enough to hold their swords. The outside of the island still looked decaying and dull. Though the manner itself now looks like a pink castle with a flag at the top, the flag with a symbol of a stitched-up bear on it.

“Horo-horo-horo~” Mimi laughs into her palm looking between both her dear sisters. “It’s almost been two years. Zora will be heading back soon.” Mimi the girl that used to be known as Mihawk. All the girls retained some sense of self but were altered when mixed with Perona’s personality. Mimi was the more mature of the three. Sitting there in a long form fitted dark purple dress with a pink jacket over her arms she stares off blissfully. “I’m glad I was still able to teach you something. Horo-horo-horo, but no one was able to teach you how to not get lost.”

Zora on the other hand was more of an absent-minded version of Perona. It was better for someone to give her instructions or else she would just nap most of the day. Yawning into her hand sleepily she giggles softly. “Horo-horo-horo, I’ve missed my old bed on the ship. I wonder how it’ll be.”

The real Perona of course had all these sides about herself. Though she tended to do whatever she wished. “Zora.” Sighing, she floats up from her seat and places both her hands on the absent-minded girls shoulders. “Don’t sleep in the boy’s bunk room! Ask those other women in your crew for a bed!”

Zora’s cheek puffs up in a pout and she shakes her head. “But I like my bunk! I wanna sleep there!” Like a spoiled child Zora whines and kicks her heel on the ground. “Hmph, they should all just sleep somewhere else then. That’ll work.”

Perona pauses and let’s go leaning back in the air. “Hmm.” She nods with a giggle. “Horo-horo-horo, yes that’s right. After all any of my sisters should be treated like princesses too.”

Sipping at some wine Mimi sighs softly looking between both the girls. “Now, are you both going to keep acting like children?” A smirk crosses the mature woman’s lips, and she brushes her long hair over the side of her shoulder. “A princess needs to know how to get what she wants. Simply complaining about it won’t always work. Haven’t I taught you anything?”

Zora stands up from her seat and nods. “Of course, sister!” Smiling back she could not help but giggle. “Horo-horo-horo, I’ll use all the skills I’ve learned here well! Then when I return, we can make this kingdom of ours even bigger!”

Perona covers her mouth trying to not laugh. She could barely believe what she was seeing. It was hilarious every time. Both the girls had changed slowly with time. Now Zora seemed to take Mimi’s lessons as laws and did so with excitement. It was about the only thing the lazy girl had excitement for. While Mimi acted sort of like a mother, cooking meals, getting fancy clothes for the girls, and using her cutting glare to get some items for free. They had traits from their original selves, and even memories. Though they acted almost completely different. “Horo-horo-horo, you two really.” Floating back to her seat Perona sits back and points at Zora. “I’ll be taking you to the island! So, make sure you’ve packed everything.

Zora groans and yawns into her palm. “I’ll have one of the servants get to it.”

Shaking her head Perona nods. “Fine, but don’t whine if one of your dresses are left behind.” The comment sounded responsible as Mimi nods to it, but Perona continues. “You should have another servant check that everything’s there just in case.”

Sighing, Mimi squeezes the bridge of her nose and looks between both the girls. “I told you to not use the servants for everything. What will Zora do when she has no servants on her ship?”

Groaning like a scolded child, Zora stands back up again and stomps her foot. “No! I’ll always have a servant. Horo-horo-horo, that shitty cook will do whatever I need.”

Perona nods in agreement. “Horo-horo-horo, you’re right, he seems the type. Should I give you an extra bear costume?”

Mimi looks between the two girls now chattering about servants and she sighs once again. “Well at least she didn’t ask to bring one along. They’re all my servants.”

Stopping their chat Perona’s eyes shift over to Mimi, a pout now forming with her cheek. “What was that, Mimi? Hmph, all of you are my servants don’t forget that.” The table goes a bit silent, but they all continue to eat till finally the day of Zora’s departure comes.

Sometime later

Zora had finally made it back to Sabaody, a cluster of small islands. Though she had a bit of time adjusting to her new body, she still carried her swords. Stepping down on land she looks at Perona who stands beside her. “Are you sure we should just about leave Mimi back at the castle?”

Laughing into her hand Perona floats forward twirling the parasol she has. “Horo-horo-horo. It’s fine. We’ve been together for two years in total now. Both of you I know I can trust to do what you need to. Horo-horo… I said you’d travel with your crew, so you will. I just wish you didn’t still get lost.”

Puffing up her cheek in a pout, Zora shakes her head and keeps walking forward. “It’s fine, you said it yourself we still retain ourselves… just a little different.”

“Wait!” Perona floats faster to levitate in front of Zora. “Stop it… you’re already going the wrong way. I’m right next to you! How do you even do that!?”

Brushing her pink hair back behind her ear Zora shrugs. Like before she had a dress, boots, and high ponytail. Though this time she has a sword belt for her swords, one with a cute bear as the buckle. “It’s fine. Just show me where the ship is. They should all be gathering by now.” Grabbing at the large bag with wheels behind herself she begins to walk forward again.

Rolling her eyes Perona brushes the side of her blackish purple dress and adjusts her hat. “Fine. But after this stay in one spot unless you have someone with you.”

Zora’s cheek begins to inflate into a bigger pout than before. “Do you think I’m a child or something!?” Perona lets that question pause and simply keeps floating with a dejected look. “H-hey!” Waving her hand to try and grab onto Perona she simply keeps floating forward. “Hey wait, say something! You don’t actually think that do you!?”

Zora mumbles and shouts but The Straw Hat Crew’s ship slowly comes into sight. Sunny Go stands untouched by time as the waves lap against it. A familiar face sits there waiting and watching, Zora simply gives a smug smile seeing a few of her other crew members had already gathered outside. Perona then floats behind Zora and gives her a soft push on the back. “Alright. Go start a new adventure.”


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