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On the sea with so many mysteries, it truly is never clear what will happen. The Straw Hat Crew knows this better than most. Sailing into trouble, sailing away from it, or simply stumbling into it on the deck of their ship. One of the members of the crew has found themselves in one of these mystery situations. One causing them all matters of trouble and forcing them into a position to adapt, though will Zoro the swordsman of the crew be able to accept it?

Zoro was unsure how long she had been waiting. Standing in the girl’s room all she could do was wait. There were of course reasons for this. One; Robin had hands coming out of the floor holding her ankles in place. The other one was she did not exactly want to go back out and see the crew currently. Zoro lifts her hand slowly and looks at her shiny nails and soft pale skin. A few locks of her orange hair brush against her bare shoulder with a subtle movement. She was very different from how she normally would be that much was certain. Right now, Zoro looks like an exact copy of Nami. Minus the tattoo and scar, it was a one-to-one image. Though Robin and Nami both took to calling Zoro a twin of course. The body that the once proud swordsman was in felt so odd, not just because it was female. She felt like it had urges coming with it. Trafalgar Law was the one who had made these changes happen so she could only assume it was another one of his pranks if it could even be called that. “I can’t believe I agreed to be dressed up like some doll…” Her voice sounds like Nami, she looks like Nami, the only thing different was how she acted in comparison. Though Nami seemed to enjoy calling the new girl Zoey. With a long sigh, Zoro can only think about rejecting such things. It was the Devil Fruit making her have odd thoughts. It was not like she wanted to get dressed up. Nami was being weird too because of the fruit, and Robin was a weirdo already. “Well…” Lamenting to herself she at least tries to see the positive side. “This is still better than having to deal with that negative girl.

“Here we are!” Excitedly Nami holds up a flowery yellow v-neck top in front of Zoro. “Hm, yeah this would look good I bet, I haven’t worn it in a while anyway.” Without further words, Nami simply pulls the shirt over Zoro’s head. The fabric of the shirt was softer than what Zoro is used to. Feeling the material brush against her bare breasts makes her flinch. “Oh stop being a baby we got a lot more to try on after this.” Zoro’s body flinches again though this time with some worry. How long did she plan on dressing her up exactly? “Hm, it’s a little short since my chest got better, but that’s fine.” Tugging the yellow shirt it only goes over Zoro’s breasts and exposes her midriff. Nami then pulls up a pair of simple light grey shorts and sips a thin brown belt in place to hold the shorts. Taking a step back Nami eyes her twin up and down. “We’ll need to have you try on different shoes too! It’s not right without the whole picture...” Mumbling under her breath the girl quickly gets out a pair of strapped heeled sandals and gets them fitted in place on Zoro’s feet. “There, whatcha think?”

Zoro about to speak up is cut off by the grinning Robin. “I think it’s lovely. This outfit… it’s one you wore before in Sabaondy isn’t it?”

Nami nods confidently and pats her chest with pride. “Exactly, I’ve had plenty of clothes lying around the past few years. Having a sister to share them with will save costs, heh, I’m sure my Zoey doesn’t mind anyway.”

Eye twitching Zoro finally hoists her foot away from Robin’s clenched hands and takes a few steps back. “Wh-why you!” Her cheeks blush just from hearing the sound of her heels hitting the floor. “I said I’d dress up, but I didn’t mean I’d wear a bunch of different outfits. I just needed something to wear, and I got it! This is good enough. I don’t need the shoes or anything else!”

Turning to the door a hand pops from the wall and pushes into Zoro’s now soft chest. Her eyes slowly peer back at Robin and the more mature woman simply sighs and speaks plainly. “Zoro, please. Right now, you’re acting like a little girl. If you need to use Haki right now to stay in your male form, you’ll waste far too much energy. You’ve seen it already when Luffy used his transformation.”

Rubbing at her cheek Nami tries her best not to giggle. “Eh, ehem. Yeah and well we took the bra and panties off you had on before. Soooo before going back out there, we should at least get those back on.” With those words said Nami turns back to the closet and begins rustling around throwing more clothes. “Though come on! Like Robin said, if you need to stay in this form to save energy for now, may as well make sure you have some clothes to change into! Who knows when we’ll see Law again. You should at least have a few weeks of clothes.” Throwing out a floral bikini Nami pivots around and smiles. “Well, I suppose we could just keep you in bikinis too. I wear them a lot since the seawater shoots up on deck a lot. If I’m gonna get wet anyway may as well have the support and function.”

Robin slowly nods and nudges her chin at Nami. “Is that why you wear bikinis so much since we’ve reunited? Hm, I suppose I never considered that. I thought you were just hustling reactions from others.”

Clearing her throat Nami walks over to Zoro and pulls off the yellow top letting the girl's breasts bounce back into place. Zoro could barely believe it, they were talking like she was not even there yet still trying to dress her up too. Covering her breasts she could only be embarrassed. How much longer did she have to put up with it!? “Move your arms, you could wear those shorts with this one…” Nami mutters more and pulls the Bikini onto Zoro. She also takes her twin's hands and guides them backward. “Now I’m gonna show you, feel with your fingers here? It has a hook and loop so it stays in place. Bras usually have them too. Well, it can depend on the type but it’s easy once you get used to it. If it feels hard you can always put it on backwards and then just turn it around.” Instead of making Zoro do it Nami is kind enough to hook and loop the bikini in place. Then with a snap of the shoulder band, she gives a soft smile and pushes Zoro back to the mirror.

This time the outfit is a white bikini top that has flowers printed on it. The flowers are an orangish red and yellow. Along with the shorts, it makes an easy casual outfit. Zoro though was anything but casual. Sulking her head down she simply says. “Whatever… what’s next? I’m not planning on going to a beach so can’t we keep the outfits more uh… practical?”

Nami rubs at her chin and snaps her fingers tossing out a few new items. “Alright, I think you’ll like this one! Heh, here I thought I was being nice avoiding some of the more girly stuff, but it’s practical for sure!”

Zoro rolls his eyes and looks at the bed which now has a rather bright orangish yellow piece on it. “Do you think the bikini and flowery top weren’t girly…?”

Tossing out some red heeled ankle boots Nami ends this off with some white underwear atop the pile. “Stop your whining okay? You’ll wear this one! I wanna make sure what fits you alright. Even if we’re twins, well who knows if I grew at all or something.”

Zoro stares with a blank face and looks at a shrugging Robin and then back to Nami. Rather bluntly then Zoro lets a smug comment slip from her lips. “What, do you think you put on weight before the change happened?”


Nami’s fist smashes into Zoro’s head throwing the girl to the floor twitching. “Shut it you.” Clearing her throat, she uses Zoro’s new position to slip off the girls’ sandals as well as her shorts. “Well, naked again either way. Here, you should know how to do this part now. Put them on. You can leave those on when we’re done with this outfit too.”

Sighing to herself Zoro goes through the mundane process she did not hope to have learned. White panties, up the legs fitted around her waist, and a white bra hooked and looped in place making sure her breasts did not sway as much. “Well, at least the bra thing makes these less annoying…” Mumbling under her breath Zoro knew her murmurs would not gather sympathy. Nami and Robin also were not even paying her any attention beyond a glance now and again. Not wanting to stand around Zoro grunts clearing her throat loudly for attention. “EHEM—come on, let’s move it along.”

Nami gives an annoyed glance back but she does not say anything. Instead, she pushes Zoro’s butt onto the bed and takes a knee. “Here legs up pass me the clothes.” Zoro sighs and tosses the orangish-yellow bundle. Nami then opens it up and slides Zoro’s feet through the leg holes guiding the girl to stand with her as she hoists the one-piece yellow short tails in place. Snapping the straps Nami takes a quick knee again and slips a pair of brown heeled boots onto Zoro’s feet. “There… heh, this outfit is a pretty cute one.” Standing back up once again Nami looks over her handy work. She knew it was a bit vain but she felt good seeing her twin dressed up in such a cute outfit. “Hehe. We really do look good don’t we?”

Chuckling in turn Robin stretches out her arms and yawns into her palm. “Oh my miss navigator. Flattery toward your copy? I suppose it’s good you appreciate yourself. I can say the outfit suits your figure well.”

Grinning a little wider now with the praise over her head Nami waves off Robin and grabs Zoro’s shoulder leaning in close. “Zoro.” Whispering, she peers to the closet and then back to Zoro. “I have a lot of other outfits I wouldn’t mind dressing you in. Like the one I got from Wano. I have some other dresses too. Thooough it’s already getting pretty late. So, how about I dress you in some nighttime clothes and we’ll call it a day? You must be getting pretty tired yourself, I’d know.”

Zoro blinks to herself mindlessly. The words were said but it was a bit hard for her to process, she felt like she was barely paying attention. If she just pretends to be a leaf surely her problems would resolve. “Eh—" Grasping back at reality the girl gasps and looks over her shoulder out the window. It was evening as Nami had said. “We’ve… we’ve been doing this for that long? My… my training.”

Rolling her eyes Nami gives Zoro a bit of a jiggle in her grasp. “Come on, come on, don’t get all moody now. You can train tomorrow! I’ll even leave you alone tomorrow! Buuut you’re sleeping here if you’re staying in that forum. I’m not gonna have Sanji doing something weird to you in the night.”

A long sigh poured out Zoro’s lips but she could not exactly refuse Nami since her words would come true if not heeded. Still, even if Zoro was dense, his awkwardness around females was stronger. “I could always just sleep in the crow's nest.” Trying to talk Nami out of things was the only way she knew how to avoid even more awkward situations. “This outfits normal enough… I’ll just leave now and go sleep up there. We still need someone on night watch anyway.”

Rolling her eyes Nami shakes her head and walks Zoro over to the bedroom window. “Look.” Pointing over to the crow's nest and guiding Zoro’s head to look up at it Brook sips tea looking out the large windows. “I already had Brook cover for you! He always needs something to do anyway.”

Robin sits down on her bed and slips off her shoes chuckling again faintly. “Hehe, I suppose out of all of us Brook’s eyes won’t be able to miss anything.”

Groaning from the comment and the faint “yohoho” laugh in the distance Zoro steps back from the door. “Fine.” Speaking bluntly, she stands up straight and holds up her arms. “I feel like both of you would just keep me here anyway, right? Let’s just get this over with. You better keep your word about not bothering me tomorrow.”

Putting both her hands on her hips Nami stares back at Zoro seriously, her voice even stern. “Of course! You have my word!”

Robin tilts her head and Zoro blinks a few times, neither expected Nami to be so serious. Though the navigator's increasingly wider grin was making Zoro a little nervous. She did not want to ask but the question came out. “What do you have planned…?”

Spinning around Nami grabs into the closet quickly and retrieves a see-through pink nightie. “HERE IT IS!” Robin covers her mouth, and Zoro is taken aback by the sudden shout. “Hehe, are you starting to get jumpy like me too Zoey? But that’s okay, something comfortable to sleep in will help that. Now, let's get you changed!”

Zoro takes another step back ready to run for the door, though of course, Robin’s extra limbs are already pulling the shorttails off of her along with her shoes. “H-hey wait a second! That’s all see-through too and you want me to sleep here!?”

The white bra then drops to the ground and Robin gives Zoro a sheepish wave. “Well then, goodnight both of you. I did my part. Don’t be too loud though. But enjoy the slumber party.”

Covering her breasts now Zoro presses a palm against Nami’s bed and tries her best to reach toward Robin. “W-wait Robin! Robin, help me out here! Both of you have to know this is too much right?!”

Giggling to herself Nami grabs onto Zoro’s wrist and pulls the sheer pink fabric atop Zoro’s head. It has a lace trim for the hem, and thin straps for the shoulders to keep it on. It was like a see-through dress by Zoro’s best guess though it was far too short only just barely going to the middle of her thigh. It was already see-through though so her white panties are easy to see under the sheer pink fabric. “Perfect!” Nami giggles and pushes Zoro back into the bed. “You’re all good for some sleep now! So stop worrying, we both have the same body anyway, right? Besides the tattoo, we’re more or less the same person. It’s not a big deal if we happen to bump into each other… Heh.” Snickering to herself Nami glares Zoro up and down. She felt good, it was weird in a way. The more the days had passed, the more she interacted with this new Zoro; the more she wanted from Zoro. Nami would not have guessed Zoro was feeling similar things. Though neither wanted to vocalize the thought either. “Anyway… enough messing around right?” Nami sits down on the edge of the bed and slips off her shoes pulling off her top. “Like I said it’s not a big deal. And you know what.” Standing up she grabs out from the closet an identical sheer night dress. “Wanna know something funny? Sanji got me a few of these a while back. Though he’ll never get to see them. Maybe I should be charging you for it?” Slipping it on over her head she unloops her bra and tosses it off. “These are called negligees. It’s a type of night dress. I guess Sanji found some in Dressrosa before we had to run from there.” Sitting back down on her bed she pushes the covers back and slips herself in. “Anyway, stop being all awkward and embarrassed. Even if I’m teasing you, I know we still both gotta sleep. Soooo—” Nami grabs onto Zoro’s shoulders and pulls the girl to her side tugging the blankets right over them both.

Shifting in place right away Zoro turns to her side and tugs at the blankets. They were soft, and so was the bed. The beds in the girl's rooms were a lot better than the boy's that was for sure. “L-Look… I’ll put up with it tonight. But I’m gonna sleep, so stop messing around and sleep yourself.”

Brushing her hand gently through her would be sister’s orange hair Nami holds back more of her giggles. “Course.” It was odd having someone next to her in bed, it reminded her of the time she had when she was a child with her older sister and mom. “A twin sister right here in front of me.” Her hands slowly stop playing with the hair but her eyes peer over Zoro’s shoulder seeing the girl is already fast asleep. “Figures. Well, I guess it’s still Zoro who just happens to look like me. So my twin can sleep like a rock…” Snuggling herself into the warmth of the blankets Nami rests her forehead against Zoro’s back. “I guess I should fix her hair before I fall asleep… or have her be annoyed and tease her in the morning?” Closing her eyes slowly Nami gently rests a palm against Zoro’s hip. “Zoey huh, I was teasing before… but it sounds cute enough. Tra-guy’s power… heh, why does it have to make me feel like this?” With another soft sigh Nami’s eyes close. “Well forget that jerk, even if the feelings got twisted… I’m still feeling them now.”


The crash of heavy waves hit Sunny Go rocking the ship and jostling Zoro awake. “A-a-ah…” Though waking from her current dream, she finds herself with a hot face and warm body. “D-dang it… wh-what the hell is this?” Adjusting to the soft light of the room as the morning sun peaks through the bedroom window the problem begins to become clear.

Squish, squish

Zoro feels her face start to get hotter. In front of her is Nami’s face. In the middle of the night, she must have turned around. Now both the women are held onto each other, the sheer fabric the only thing preventing their bare skin from touching. “C-come on don’t tell me…” Zoro even if dense could connect some of the rather obvious dots. With a slight movement, her nipples flick against Nami’s own and a wave of pleasure shoots through her body with it. Though that was not terrible, she could deal with it well enough, the real issue was between her legs. “N-ngh she…” Squirming slightly Zoro feels Nami’s knee press against her crotch making the soft fabric of the white panties rub into her. “Wh-why does it have to feel… d-dang it no wonder I had that dream.” Squeezing her eyes shut Zoro does her best to maintain some focus. Right now she had to solve her issue. “N-Nami.” Her voice whimpers out the words as embarrassing as it was. Hearing the words made it worse, though she needed to wake Nami up. With her current level of physical strength, it would cause more issues trying to break free. “C-come on wake up woman!”

Nami’s eyes flick to life and as soon as she awakes the girl lets a soft moan pass her lips. “N-ngh!” Moaning at Zoro’s face she quickly releases her grip and pushes away from Zoro. “Oh crap!” Breathing heavily Nami’s hands push between her thighs and her face keeps a deep red across it. “I-I… I thought I may cuddle in the night or something but… u-um.” The feelings were conflicting, to say the least, this was her crew mate that was currently her twin more or less. It felt good to be close to someone, her body was hot, and felt a pleasure washing over it. She wanted more but also, it was Zoro under it all. If it went this far even she had to admit it was the Devil Fruits power. “Damn it…” Sighing into her hand she pushes the bed covers off and swings her legs over the edge. “I’m… sorry about that. I.” Pausing she shakes her head and lets a shaky breath pass. She could still feel it in her mind. Both of them rubbed up against each other. The thought keeps replaying in her head. “U-um, you should get out of here. Go train or whatever alright!” Nami jolts up now grabs the bra and yellow short tails from the night and pushes them into Zoro’s arms. “Here, here!” grabbing a large white winter coat Nami wraps it around Zoro’s body to keep her covered and she even helps the dumbfounded girl put on the brown ankle boots. “There!”

Zoro’s face was still blushing too but she was processing things very differently. “U-um” Stuttering over her words she looks to the clothes in her hand and watches as she is pushed out of the door frame of the bedroom and the door then closes. “Ah… did she just throw me out of there?” Rubbing at the back of her neck she slowly turns around looking at Sanji. “Ah…”

Sanji and Zoro both stare at each other for a moment and Sanji’s face slowly contorts into what Zoro could only describe as dread.  The usual confident chief now sounded broken. “N-no.”

Sanji now being the muttering mess makes Zoro quickly shake his head. “It’s not what it looks like you shitty cook!”

Throwing his hand in front of his eyes Sanji leaps from the stairs by the bedroom back to the center deck and smacks his fist against the ground. “God damn it! Why wasn’t it me?! Why was it that shitty moss head!”

Sighing Zoro feels his normal composure comeback. “Well… I guess he was useful for something.” Walking past the mess of a cook Zoro heads over to the kitchen and walks to the bathroom there. “I may as well not make another scene.” A quick change later Zoro bundles the night gown and coat together and sets them down on the kitchen table. “I guess at least this outfit is manageable…” Pulling at the straps of the short tails he sighs softly and steps out of the kitchen. Sanji is still crying in the corner of the center deck. “I have some spare clothes in the crow's nest… I guess that’ll do.” Getting past the sniveling Sanji is easy, climbing up to the crow's nest however takes a little longer than Zoro’s used to. “Ugh…” Getting to the top she closes the hatch and sits down at her usual stool. “Nami’s body doesn’t have as much muscle for sure… But really. What the hell was all that?” Rubbing her cheek she could barely believe everything she just dealt with. The previous days were enough but waking up to such an embarrassing situation was not something Zoro ever thought he would have to deal with. “That Woman in Wano was enough already… Feeling it from the other side… two women. And…” Shaking her head Zoro tries to clear her thoughts. “Thinking about it more isn’t going to help. I don’t know why she didn’t come out of her room yet… but she probably thought it was awkward too. For now… I should just train. I need to make sure my Haki’s strong enough to turn this thing off.” Taking a deep breath Zoro stands back up and begins tossing off her clothes. The short tails, the boots, standing there in the bra and underwear she reaches back for the hook of the bra. “Alright just these and I can star—”


Zoro’s eyes watch as a smaller weight hits the ground and rolls right over to her foot. Stepping on it her eyes slowly peer up and look at the skeleton man casually sipping tea staring Zoro up and down. Brook nods sagely to himself and calmly states. “I suppose my watch is over.”

Zoro nods slowly. “Yes. It is.”

Walking over to the hatch door Brook sets down his cup on the nearby table and begins to climb down the ladder. “Then. Enjoy the watch.”

Zoro nods. “Yeah, it’ll go like always.”


The hatch shuts and Zoro takes a long deep breath.


The hatch swings open and Zoro throws a weight right into Brook’s skull. “Why the hell didn’t you say something sooner you jerk!”


The ship rocks for a moment as Brook crashes into the center deck. The hatch is shut once again and Zoro finishes removing her bra and now panties. “That jerk…’ Mumbling softly she shakes off the awkward encounter and begins to focus her Haki. “Whatever. Let’s do this.”

Haki is willpower and Zoro had plenty of that. Closing her eyes she focuses on her senses and her thoughts. One deep breath her body begins to steam. Another deep breath and she feels her arms begin to gain muscle. The process is a bit uncomfortable though some discomfort was easy enough to deal with. A grunt, a quiver of the body and finally Zoro gasps at the air with a panting breath. His eyes open and he looks down at his original male body. Once again his Haki turned him back. Gathering up his spare male clothes he quickly switches to a tight-fitting blue shirt and a pair of tan shorts. He usually used the outfit for warmer islands and as luck would have it the climate around the ship was pretty warm compared to earlier. “Okay…” Zoro speaks softly to himself, just to hear his normal male voice again. “Man… it’s so weird suddenly hearing my normal voice. I feel like Nami’s is still ringing in my ears.” Stretching out his arms Zoro did not plan on wasting any time. Nami said she would leave him alone to train so he should do just that and begin to train. Walking to his large weights he picks up one of the heavy dumbells and begins to do reps with one arm. “My body's muscle comes back like nothing… Just like what Robin said. It’s sorta like what Luffy does. Just when I stop focusing my Haki I turn into that woman's twin now.” Sighing Zoro does his best to focus on training. His thoughts however wander on all matters of things. Would his body increase in strength or keep building stamina? What if his new default was a woman’s body? “This better not all be pointless…”


Sunny Go’s outdoor grill sizzles to life. Outside truly was hot, all the crew members could feel it. A summer day had washed over everyone so now the crew wears comfortable summertime clothes. Nami and Robin sunbathe on the grassy center deck. Sanji cooks grilled meats not far from them. Jinbe wears sunglasses and a tropical shirt as he steers Sunny Go, and the others mostly complain about the heat lazing around. Zoro on the other hand still sits in the crow's nest his elbow resting against the window as he peers down at the girls sunbathing. “I wonder how many hours passed…” Zoro did train, though now he found himself bored. Maybe a side effect of the Devil Fruit, all he knew was that he needed a different change of pace. “This is annoying.” Closing his eyes Zoro’s thoughts can only linger on Robin and Nami. He wanted to do something different but why did he have to think about what the girls were doing? “Why the hell would I need to sunbathe? It’s pretty pointless… Getting a tan on the grand line doesn’t do much since the weather changes constantly.” Grumbling to himself Zoro tries his best to talk himself out of getting strange ideas. “They sit around all day soaking in the sun. That’s just boring. They have that shitty cook give them any dessert they want too. They both get to tell the other crew members what to do while barely doing anything.” As Zoro mumbles and grumbles more his eyes cannot help but open back up peering once again at the two girls lying in their bathing suits. “Ugh… why does that sound good to me? Am I still thinking about this morning?” Pausing a moment Zoro’s thoughts now linger on the morning, when his breasts rubbed into Nami’s, when her leg pressed between his own. Slowly his face begins to turn red and he jolts up shaking his head. “D-damn it! Now I am thinking about it! That wasn’t it! That wasn’t it! This is something else? Envy? Is it envy? Why would I wanna sit around with them? Just because of this dumb body?!” Confused and now annoyed Zoro grabs the hatch door and swings it open. He just had to figure out something, and he could no longer stay still with his thoughts. Sliding himself down the ladder he looks to Sanji first who gives him a glare.

“Oi.” Sanji says the words bluntly looking Zoro up and down. “You’re back to normal again?”

Zoro nods half-heartedly his eyes slowly pulling back to the girls. “Yeah, sorta, I can just undo the effects of Tra-guy’s fruit temporarily.”

Sanji’s eye twitches but he responds. “So.” Clearing his throat the cook barely wanted to say his thoughts. “You’re saying you can turn into a twin of Nami more or less at will.”

Rubbing the back of his neck Zoro sighs and nods. “Yeah, pretty much. I still need to us—”


Sanji’s hand dents Sunny Go’s grassy ground. His knees press against the dock and he sniffles back tears and snot. “D-da—" Choking back his words the chief yells out to the sea. “It should have been me god damn it!”

Rolling his eyes Zoro walks away from the pathetic display and nudges his head at Nami. “Yo.”

Robin is the first to glance but she simply flips a page of her book not bothering to greet Zoro. Nami on the other hand pushes up her sunglasses and sits herself up with her elbows. Both the girls are in simple bikini’s, nothing fancy. Nami’s is a simple black bikini while Robin wears a solid dark purple. They both have some sandal wedges on their feet of the same color. Their sunglasses frames even fit the theme. “Zoro?” Nami nudges her head back at the moss head. “What’s up? I said I wouldn’t bother you. Heh, though on a hot day like this, I guess you’d even get tired up there after a while.”

Yawning into his hand trying to play things off casually Zoro nods. “Yeah, remind someone else to check the Crow’s Nest. I need a break for a bit, maybe a nap.”

Robin now chimes in herself. “I suppose I can let Brook know then. He seemed to be getting bored himself.” Setting her book down she crosses her arms and uses her Devil Fruit power. Zoro had seen it enough to know she spawned a mouth somewhere to clue Brook in on what was happening. “There he’ll go up there in a moment.”

Zoro had no other reason to stay, even if part of him wanted an excuse. “Alright then.” Turning around it was time for him to leave. The weird feelings he was getting would just have to get over it.

“Wait!” Nami however stops him. Of course, as he turns back around she has a wide grin on her face and a bottle in her hand. “Would you mind putting some sunscreen on me? This heat can be nice, but I don’t wanna burn.”

Zoro wanted to do it. Even as he could hear Sanji crying more behind him. It seemed like something the shitty cook would want to do but for some reason, he wanted to? “No. Why would I help you with that? It’s just cream or something right? You can manage yourself.”

Sighing like a disappointed parent Nami shakes her head and lowers the back of her sunbathing chair. Turning around she lies on her belly. “I can’t get everything myself you know? It’s not a big deal, is it? Compared to the other guys you’re one of the only ones I can ask. Chopper’s hooves aren’t exactly comfortable though.”

Zoro’s eyes slowly turn to Robin and she simply flips the page of her book to show that her hands are busy, despite having a power that could make more hands. “Uhuh… so you can only ask me?” Sighing he steps to Nami’s side and holds out his hand. “Whatever. Let's just hurry it up alright?”

Smugly smiling like she won some prize Nami reaches back to her bikini’s strap and undoes it to expose her back fully. “Alright, it’ll be easier with someone else. I’ll keep straight, so just rub the cream into the exposed areas… or well at least make sure my back is covered alright? I can manage my legs and arms if it’s too awkward for you.”

Zoro’s body twitches as he takes the bottle from Nami. Somehow it sounded like she was challenging him. As if she was saying only a child would not be able to manage to do all her requests. “Y-yeah whatever I can manage it all. I said I’ll do it so I’m not just gonna half-ass it.” Grumbling to himself Nami simply giggles in response. Was she teasing him again? He did not know but he did know he was probably the better option to pick. Turning his head back toward Sanji he was still sobbing into his grilled meats. “Yeah… I guess I really am the better option.” Uncapping the bottle Zoro squirts the white sun-blocking liquid against Nami’s skin. Her body flinches but she does her best to keep still. “I guess it’s a bit cold… but whatever I’ll try and be quick.”

Zoro’s hand presses against Nami’s back and slowly he begins to rub the sunscreen into Nami’s skin. From the right side first, then left, he gets the arms and then works his way down the spine. “Y-yeah doing great.” Nami chuckles softly pushing her slightly red face against her pillow. Her eyes subtly glance over to Robin who has a little grin on her lips. She could think whatever she wanted! However, in Nami’s case, it was like something was egging her on to get into this sort of situation. Seeing Zoro be all awkward about it was cute too. It made her want to see her cute little sister Zoey again even more. “By the way!” Nami clears her throat. “We should be coming up on an island soon.”

Down the spine and against the thighs and even the bottoms of the feet. Zoro had done what he was supposed to. Capping the bottle, he sets it down beside Nami and sighs. “An Island soon? Well, if we’re lucky it has some good booze. No—”

Zoro’s voice cuts off and Nami inches her head to look back. Zoro’s voice sounded a little squeaky. “Zoro what was tha—”


“D-damn it!” Zoro runs past the girls and suddenly the door of their bedroom slams shut.

Chuckling into her palm Robin closes her book and sets it down on her outdoor table. “Oh my… his voice began to sound like yours again.” Nami sits herself up and then stands her head tilting at Robin. “It’s true. As he was rubbing that lotion into you… he seemed to be turning back into you. Maybe he lost focus being in such close contact.

Biting at her lip Nami rests her elbow in her palm and her chin in her other palm. “Crap…” Closing her eyes she could only wonder if her teasing went a bit too far. However, it was not just that. “R-Robin.’ Stuttering over her words Nami shakes her head. She had to focus. “I’m gonna go check on… um them. Give us some time alone alright? I’ll let you know when we’re done.”

Picking her book back up Robin shrugs and flips to the neck page. “I suppose you two are as youthful as ever. Don’t have too much fun.”

Starting to turn bright red Nami stomps her foot down swinging both her arms to her side. “Robin it’s nothing like that! Now-ah-whatever!” Stomping off toward the stairs Nami glances back over the center deck. Sanji is now sobbing even more violently but everything else seemed calm. “It’s nothing like that… really.” With a deep breath, Nami pushes open the door and closes it behind her clicking the lock on. 

Will power, where did it stem from? Haki is a manifestation of someone’s will so is it simply mentality or something else? Zoro’s eyes wince, and his hand squeezes at his chest. That heart of his was beating fast. It was all so silly yet why was he so flustered? The thoughts did not make sense inside his mind yet pieces did. “What’s…” Mumbling under his breath, what could he say? His body was trying to turn back into Nami, was his willpower really that weak? “I just helped her with that lotion crap… I can’t be like this.” The strangest part to Zoro, it did not feel like perversion. Rather some type of envy is how he would put it. Something made him want to be able to do the same thing. Lay down beside the girls, casually chat, and get lotion himself!


Nami swings up the door and swings it just as quickly shut. “Zoro!” Frustrated the navigator puts both her hands on her hips and walks around Zoro to look him in the eyes. “What the heck do you think you’re doing!?” Neither of them would admit to it. But they were both feeling a swarm of mixed feelings. It made it hard to know what to do. “You can’t just barge into mine and Robin’s room, look I know you’re dealing with the transformation thing but you should at least ask before co—”

Nami’s words soften as she stares over Zoro, and Zoro’s eyes dart back to the floor. The changes were already happening. His hair was getting longer again, breasts were even forming at his chest. He was stuck in an odd half-state of the transformation. “J-just be quiet alright?”

Nami could feel it again, that odd pull at her feelings. She wanted to do something. Did she want to tease Zoro again? No, she wanted even more than that seeing him like this. Yet her body fidgets and her hands begin to fiddle with one another shyly. In her head, she could only think the Devil Fruit was making her overreact. Though like a drug it felt far too hard to resist. “H-hah, like I’d just keep my mouth shut!” Even with a little wavering in her words, the rest stand strong. She had to push, it was the obvious option! “In fact, I think you’re the one who needs to stop yapping. Hehe though you can talk plenty if you’re my adorable sister. How about that?” Nami’s heel clicks against the ground and she grabs Zoro’s shoulder. “Come on, you’re not even able to hold your male form. You were in it for hours, maybe this is just your limit.”

Shivering in place Zoro was unsure how to respond. Her body quivers just at Nami’s touch. “W-wait!” Her voice suddenly rings out with a higher pitch and she hops back in place away from Nami. “D-damn it no you barely even—”


Just as it had happened to him before a puff of steaming smoke enveloped Zoro. Once again her body changes to Nami’s oh-so-beloved twin. Her voice changes, her breasts finish pushing out, her hips widen and her muscles all but vanish. Her long orange hair brushed against her butt as she held onto her chest all while her cheeks change to a burning bright red. “N-no way I can’t believe this!” Her voice squeaks out sounding like a worried version of Nami. The steam quickly lifts as well, showing the real Nami’s bright smiling face. Her eyes stare at Zoro like she had the poor girl wrapped around her finger. “Nami…” Zoro’s words are soft but she mutters them out despite her embarrassment. “L-let’s… ugh… just forget about this I’ll just go to bed. I should just look for Law myself at this point!”

Rolling her eyes Nami steps forward and slips her index finger under Zoro’s chin using her thumb to guide the girl's head up to face her. “My, my~” Unlike the shy and flustered Zoro, the navigator's voice comes out playful and seductive. “My little Zoey’s in front of me being all cute like this. You really are a pretty one aren’t you?” Nami nudges her wrist and Zoro follows the nudge standing up straight. The two girls look each other in the eyes while Nami’s hand still stays on Zoro’s chin. “What am I gonna do with you? Hehe, can’t you see making faces like that make it too easy?”

Shaking her head passively Zoro did not know how to respond. What was Nami even thinking? No, that was not even the concern. Zoro felt like she could not move back like she wanted to stay right where she was. Nami’s face inches toward hers and her eyes shyly avoid Nami’s direct gaze. “H-hey we can’t do something lik—”

Nami puts a finger to Zoro’s lips and shakes her head. “Silly girl, of course we can. I get to steal whatever I want.”


Soft, moist even, Zoro was unsure how to explain it but Nami’s lips were now gently caressing her own. It felt nice, her heart began to beat faster. Nami knew what she was doing, her hand rested on Zoro’s cheek making sure to guide the newbie into the kiss while her other hand began to gently press against the back of Zoro’s head to keep her in place. “M-mm?!” Zoro was still a little confused, she moaned into Nami’s lips, but yet again she did not back away. Nothing was stopping her from saying no, in fact, the more she thought about the situation the more her lips pushed back into Nami’s till suddenly they both fell against Nami’s bed. “Zoey.” Nami grins as her hands press against both of Zoro’s sides. Her face looked like something hungry as she straddled her twin. “Just think of this as me being a bit vain… but. I know all the good spots. So just trust me, kay?”

The girl’s bodies press against one another. It was like what happened in the morning only this time it was far more intentional. Nami reaches behind her back and unsnaps her bikini tossing it aside. Rubbing her chest against Zoro’s shirt she teasingly grabs at the sides of the fabric and begins to take it off. “W-wa—” Before Zoro can speak Nami throws the girl's shirt off and plants another kiss on her lips. Their hair begins to tangle and bodies begin to rub. The girl’s nipples flick against one another a subtle stiffness forming in them. It was all so subtle yet it made Zoro moan out in pleasure in an instant. Nami cannot help but giggle in response. Yet neither girl comments further. Instead, Nami’s fingertips glide against Zoro’s nice smooth legs. Besides not sharing the same scars it was a copy of her body. All the quirks and all the pleasures were just the same. “N-nngh!” Zoro’s back arches as she feels Nami’s hand push into her underwear. At this point, Nami was wearing bikini bottoms and heels, while Zoro had on a pair of shorts and boxers. Though now the poor flustered twin has a wandering hand brushing against her feminine lips. Just from a light touch her body quivers. “H-hey!”

Nami giggles at the reaction but her fingers slowly dip into Zoro. “Even if a copy, your mind doesn’t know how to respond to all the new feelings… so just enjoy it, I am.” Two fingers begin to wander inside of Zoro the slick wetness now coating the fingers allowing them to wander rather easily making the poor girl squirm more under Nami. “Adorable, really, hehe, you can have more. If you just admit to me that you wanna be my Zoey.”

Zoro’s body tenses as drool rolls off her lips. She was stewing in pleasure. She figured women usually took longer, but apparently, that did not factor in a man suddenly becoming a woman. She felt like she was going to release the tension inside her at any moment. She wanted it, but Nami was being far too slow and gentle it had to be on purpose. “S-u—” Zoro closes her mouth quickly. She wanted to agree? To be Zoey? That was not right, it was just the pleasure. She just needed release was all. “J-just h-hurry…n-ngh ah…” Zoro shakes her head and bites at her lower lip. Was the pleasure of a woman really so different compared to a man?

How else could Nami respond? “Hehe really, starting to whine for release?” She giggles again, it was strange yet arousing to see a mirror image of herself whining so helplessly. Quivering at the touch of someone else that looks just the same. Something about it though was still so intoxicating. “I guess I can let you have this one. Hehe, but.”

Zoro’s eyes wince as her legs suddenly wrap around Nami’s waist. “Wh-what is it?! J-Just do it come on!”

Rolling her eyes Nami had to get more than just some edging for her deal. “You’ll spend time with me and Robin tomorrow. Hehe, we should be coming to an island soon that has some civilization.” Nami’s fingers slowly slip from Zoro’s inside but linger at the clit. Just a small flick and the girl quivers again with another loud moan. “What do you say, Zoey?”

Her mind was turning to mush, was it the fruit too, or just the pleasure? “Y-yes! F-fine, fine! J-just hurry! Please.” Zoro could not help it, even saying the words made her blush embarrassed but she said them anyway. Suddenly Nami’s fingers slide back in but this time faster than before. Faster, with a bit more force, Nami’s lips suddenly press back into Zoro’s own, their bodies press again, and their breasts rub against one another more. And then nothing, was it because of all the new feelings? Or was it simply because she was a man at heart? As soon as that wave of pleasure was released, she fell asleep.

The following day

“Laaaaannnnd Hooooooo!”

Luffy jumps from his spot on Sunny Go’s head and puts his hands on his hip. “Yosh! Everyone! It looks pretty small but let’s have some fun anyway!”

The whole crew was now gathered around the upper deck by the ship's helm. The island they could see was indeed small. It looked like by Nami’s estimation it would only take a little over an hour to cross the whole thing walking. Yet despite that several buildings are set up around the coast of the island. Even a few smaller sailing ships around the size of Sunny Go dock outside of it.

“What do you think Miss Navigator?” Robin was the first to speak up, though everyone looked to Nami with wonder.

“Well let’s see.” Taking out a spyglass Nami looks over the island the best she can. “We’ll be able to land shortly it’s not that far. Sunny’s engines can take us in from here.” Pausing she cleared her throat, she did always need to do this sort of work. “Jinbe, keep steering us forward, Franky switch to the engines, Usopp, Luffy, bring in the sails. Chopper feel free to ready your bag if you want to examine the plants.” A bit of a smug look on her face her eyes now fall onto Zoro. The spitting image of Nami. Today the girl is not in boy clothes, but instead a simple cream dress with a hood and pockets, and a pair of sandal heels on her feet. Of course, a pink bikini is on under it, Nami made sure to pick out a good outfit for Zoro. “This town seems to be some type of tourist spot, a resort town maybe? There isn’t a big population from what I can see. So let's try and just enjoy it instead of bothering people… if anything happens.” Nami’s eyes look only at Luffy but she speaks toward the others. “At least let me know.”

In unison, the crew shouts out “YEAH!” Finally, they broke apart to do their tasks, beside Sanji who still was on his knees in the corner of the ship smashing his head now against the ground.

The ship docks and the crew get themselves changed if not already. Flowery button shirts, shorts, and sandals. Usopp even grabs out inflatable tubes and runs off the ship with Chopper in toe. “My they’re all excited.” Robin sighs cheerfully to herself and slowly walks off the ship onto the resort's main deck.

A man watching the others all run off turns slowly to face the three girls now before him. “Well then. Lively bunch.” The man speaks properly with a bit of a posh accent, adjusting his tie he seems to be wearing a suit but as soon as he steps from the counter of his desk the girls see he is wearing very casual flowery shorts for bottoms. “All are welcome to this island; we simply ask no problems arise.“ The man’s eyes look to the ship's flag and then back to the three women. “Though, I doubt we’ll have a problem.” He smiles softly and steps back to his desk urging the three in. “I have family from Wano actually, I moved away before things got too out of control… it seems I’ll finally be able to visit again.” Without saying more, he simply nods his head at the trio.

Rubbing at the back of her neck Zoro shrugs and walks by, followed by Robin and then Nami. The group of girls now began to walk through the small resort island. To all their surprise the island has stone pathways seemingly well maintained. Different stalls and vendors line the paths, with different prices listed. Clothing stores are also set up, with even a small gift shop. “Wow.” Zoro huffs softly, she knew why she got stuck with the girl’s group, but she mostly wanted the day to be over. “I agreed to go along with this… but just how much do I have to do?”

Nami rolls her eyes and pats Zoro’s shoulder. “Stop fretting about it Zoey, we’re going to have some fun today, right Robin?”

Chuckling into her palm Robin slowly walks forward peering at the different signs. “I’d certainly hope so. I think I’ll be enjoying myself plenty today at the very least.”

With a confident smile, Nami gives Zoro a thumbs up and slips her fingers through the girl’s hand to hold it. “See, it’ll be great! Now just remember to hold on so you don’t get lost.”

Rolling her eyes Zoro looks between the different signs herself and notes how she can even see the other side of the island from where she stands. “Come on do you really think I’d get los—”

“Yes.” Nami and Robin say the words in unison and begin to drag Zoro off.

Suddenly the day is filled with experiences Zoro had never dreamed of. Going around to different clothing shops she is forced and pushed around into trying on different outfits. It’s the first of her ordeals. Nami and Robin have no issue dressing her up. Different dresses, shoes, accessories, new bikinis and underwear, more skirts and tight shorts. Zoro failed to see how some of the clothing was useful though she could admit some of the outfits were at least comfortable. Though it was probably just because of Nami’s influence.

“Clothing done.” Nami Says the words cheerfully and Zoro’s body relaxes. “But~!” Tensing as soon as the butt hits her ears Zoro did not look forward to hearing what was next. “Hey, why are you already squirming?” Nami inches herself in closer with a smug smirk on her lips. “What worried I’m gonna dress you up more? We needed to make sure we both have clothes that's all. We’re good on dress up for now.”

Sighing to herself Zoro slowly set down a bundle of bags that were filled with clothes. “Look… I get you’re doing your own thing but I don’t exactly need a bunch of clothes, right? I just need like a week’s worth at most.”

Robin and Nami sigh in unison shaking their heads. “Oh my.” Robin’s eyes stare with judgment and her hand rests in her cheek like she was disappointed. “Come now, you have to make sure to take care of yourself Zoey.”

Zoro’s eye twitches hearing Robin’s words. “What did you…” Taking a deep breath Zoro does her best to throw any anger away. “Look, you can both have your fun but I’m Zoro, not Zoey. I just have to deal with this body.”

Nami and Robin both cross their arms under their chests thinking. “Hmmm.” Nami is the first to snap her fingers and point down the road. “How about we grab some ice cream then?”

With another twitch to the eye, Zoro looks back hesitantly to the ice cream stand handing out a large cone with several scoops of ice cream to Chopper currently. “I don’t really see how that helps anything. I should be training not dealing with this cr—”

Nami bolts forward yanking Zoro’s arm to force her to follow along. “Stop your mumbling it’ll be fun! Geez you can be such a stick in the mud sometimes. You have a chance to see the world completely differently, you could at least humor it for a bit. More so since you agreed to this.”

Tensing at the words Zoro is reminded of what she had done in the girl’s room. “A-ah I mean you don’t have to mention that!”

Following along a bit slower Robin giggles into her palm. “Hehe, well now should I learn about what exactly happened?”

Zoro’s face grows an even brighter red and she suddenly begins to walk with Nami willingly. She even leans close to Nami just to whisper to her. “O-okay whatever just don’t tell the others about it.”

With a thumbs up for confirmation Nami walks up to the stand and links her arm with Zoro’s so they look like close sisters. “Hello, sir! Three please, me, my sister, and my friend here.”

The man behind the counter chuckles a little intimidated by the three beauties in front of him. “O-Of course! I can get right to it!” Grabbing at a cone the man begins to scoop out icecream into a cone. From what the three girls could tell it seemed the man had some type of cooler under his stall. “Twins though huh.” The man sets down one cone of vanilla ice cream and begins to scoop out the next. “That’s rare to see, you two must be close huh?”

Zoro stares blankly unsure what to say, Robin giggles at the comment and Nami makes a wider smile taking it upon herself to talk more. “Of course! Zoey here is a bit shy but she’s super pretty hehe, just like her sister.” Giving Zoro a nudge with her elbow makes the girl blush. “See she’s a regular blushing beauty. I guess we’re a bit opposite in terms of personality.”

The man chuckles and sets down two more complete cones pushing the three forward. All set on a platter the cones with napkins around them for later use. The flat bottoms keep them nicely in place and the three girls all take their ice cream. Nami even pays the man for the service. “Well, you three do enjoy our little island. The beach is lovely about now!”

Leaving the stall Zoro looks at the ice cream and then between the girls. “You guys really eat sweet stuff like this? Couldn’t we have just gotten some Oni-giri instead?”

Rolling her eyes Nami nudges Zoro in the side again. “You’re a girl Zoey. Try the ice cream. Maybe you normally like salty stuff. Buuut if your tastes are anything like mine right now. Sweets always taste great. I even asked for simple flavors so you wouldn’t be annoying about it.” Patting Zoro on the back she points at the cone and then her mouth. “So hurry it up try it, or I’ll eat it for you.”

Mumbling under her breath Zoro holds the cone close to her mouth. It was subtle but she could smell the vanilla, as well as feel the brush of cold from the frosty treat. “Well… whatever.” She had seen the girls eating different sweets for some time. Sanji always made them for the girls. He would at times make sweets for the whole crew though usually those were basic. Or things requested by Chopper to make sure the crew's diets were stable. So as Zoro licks the vanilla treat her eyes can only blink in surprise. The flavor is indeed simple, cold, and vanilla, a treat that melts against the tongue and when swallowed is still cool. “Ah… it’s good.” Sweets never were her thing, though she could not help but like the ice cream now, causing the other girls to giggle to themselves at the scene. “Wh-what’s with you two? I’m just saying it really does taste good.” Rolling her eyes Zoro keeps on licking the frozen treat. “It’s not a big deal it’s just because I’ve got this body. Normally this would be too sweet.” Despite saying the words Zoro found that hard to say. Was her personality changing because of the body, so much that it even changed her tastes? If she used Haki to transform, would she still like the ice cream? The thought had some anxiety to it but for now, it was not something she could worry about.


Luffy cheers out the words and the rest of the crew yell back with glee. The man had only just mentioned the beach but the rest of the crew was already enjoying it. The three girls glance up and down both ends and spot their friends doing different things. Jinbe punches the water, and Luffy tries to mimic him saying different names. Usopp and Chopper make sand castles while Franky slowly begins to make a real castle out of driftwood. Sanji currently grills and Brook is simply strumming at his guitar playing mellow tunes. “Okay.” Nami gives Zoro a nudge. “Everyone’s out and about now it’s time for us to lay back. Let’s lay down and soak in some rays alright?”

For better or worse Zoro agreed to do what Nami had asked today. So the three girls walk themselves over to three long chairs. They were in good condition and could be laid down easily by reclining the back. Both Robin and Nami do just that right away, Nami nudging Zoro to do the same. “Right… right. Why exactly are we doing this though?”

Both the girls look at Zoro as they strip off their outer clothes. They fold and bundle them and set them down on the tables beside the chairs. Both the girls had bikinis on under their clothes and Robin wasted no time laying herself down right away. “Zoey.” Robin says with a smirk on her lips. “It’s simply something we do. It’s a nice time to relax, to gather our thoughts. Maybe you should think of it like meditation.”

Zoro could barely believe the words she was hearing. Though Nami now was laid down as well. Not to be left out she too lays herself down and stares up at the sky. As her male self, she would normally nap, so the comfortable chair would be an excuse to do that. “Napping I could get… though just laying here in the sun. Not much happens.”

Nami’s sits back up slowly and stares down at Zoro. “Zoey.”

Zoro’s eye twitched, it seemed her navigator was going to insist on calling her this new name. “What is it? You’re the one who told me to lay down.”

Shaking her head Nami quickly grabs the sides of Zoro’s dress and yanks it right off her head. “Bikini’s! You have to show off or there isn’t any point of wearing one!”

Zoro quickly bolts up and covers her bouncing chest. She had not wanted to but of course, Nami forced her to wear the small pink Bikini she had. It felt like it barely covered her nipples and eyes were certainly staring at her. Though Sanji was now crying again hitting his fist into the sand. “C-come on.” Zoro shakes her head and lays back down with a huff. Slowly she lowers her arms to her side feeling the sun hit against her bare skin. She knew already if she complained Nami would only tease her more. “I can’t believe I’m really doing this.”

Laying back again Nami lets a giggle escape. “Hehe, well believe it.” Nami takes a long deep breath letting herself soak in the warm sun. “Just the other day you were watching me and Robin like this. You get to experience it now too. You’ve had a nice little day as Zoey I think.”

Sighing Zoro rolls her eyes trying her best to keep still. “You sure have your fun…”

A soft chuckle rolls off Nami’s lips and her head turns to face Zoey. “I didn’t hear any resistance this time.”

Zoey turns her head and looks Nami in the eye now. “What the heck are you talking about? Let’s just get through this day.”

They both look away but Nami smirks as she stares at the sky, whispering words floating from her. “Seems like I finally got my new sister~”


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